Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How is raising a teenage girl different from raising a teenage guy?

Can you tell me what its like? ex:what differences there are, experiences,etc. Should they be raised the same way? And if yes how so? Please share anything that you can come up with to contribute.How is raising a teenage girl different from raising a teenage guy?
You raise them the same to the extent that you want good grades and strong ambition from both sexes; you want both to get good jobs and be independently financially secure. You don't want either to be drunks or drug addicts. If both stay reasonably straight and do well in school or get certification for a lucrative profession, there is a level below which neither will fall. They might get depressed or have relationship break ups or whatever, but they will basically be OK.

You also want both of them to choose relationships carefully. Both a guy and a girl can be destroyed by getting sucked into a bad relationship.

I think the biggest difference is that parents still tend to be more protective of their daughters, especially when it comes to relationships. Times have changed, but generally, females are still the ones who get left with any kids if and when a relationship goes sour.How is raising a teenage girl different from raising a teenage guy?
well im not a mom im a teenage girl but i still know the difference. girls have all the emotions and have all these boy problems. guys are always playing video games or computer or just doing nothing
you're way ahead of me on this one, brother.

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