Monday, December 28, 2009

How can I get my teenage daughter to eat breakfast and lunch?

She is skipping meals because she is a little over weight. I keep telling her that doing this will actually make her gain weight. But she is stubborn.How can I get my teenage daughter to eat breakfast and lunch?
Well considering that i myself am a teenager i can understand where your daughter is coming from. Although i wouldn't stop eating dinner i don't eat lunch because of the school's food and can't afford to bring my lunch. So since your daughter is so stubborn get some of her friends together to tell her how it's going to hur her in the long run. And if that doesn't work i too would sugjest taking her to a doc or pro. She needs to eat food and it needs to be healthy yet good tasting foods at the same time. Just explain to her that you love her too much to let her hurt herself like his. Also explain to her that whatever she's going through she should feel free to come and talk to you about it.(No matter what it is, or how acward it may feeel.) EVERY SINGLE one of these things helped me when i had my own bad habbit. So i'm hopping they will help you and your daughter as well. And please remember that if for some reason there is something that she doesn't want to talk about, don't pressure her, or get in her business. If you do this she will eventually tell you, but only when she's ready.How can I get my teenage daughter to eat breakfast and lunch?
I went through this with my 12yr old last year and watched her loose down to 63lbs. I took her to Dr's and psychiatry. She has a problem and needs help now before you are in my shoes. It is a very hard thing to deal with and all of this came about because a girl made fun of her weight. It is sad that our children have to worry about these things.Hope you can get through to her! Mine is better now and up to 80lbs.She is still so skinny! Best of luck to you!
try giving her healthier foods she likes

and make the whole family try eating healthier too.

tell her it isn't safe to skip meals

it only makes you hungrier

and instead of eating chips or whatever in between, that by eating 3 balanced meals, she will feel better =]]
It is never easy with teenagers!

Tell your daughter that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as it speeds up the metabolism and helps her body burn more calories.

Studies show that people who eat breakfast have better luck with weight loss. Read and share the article ';Breakfast the brain power'; with your daughter. It's available at
I would take her to the doctor, and have him/her explain to her that skipping breakfast and lunch isn't going to help her lose weight.

She will probably listen to a professional over her mother.

Hope everything works out!
maybe buy those little 100 calorie snack packs. like low fat chocolate chipe granola bar (thatone has 90 cal i think)-- really good. or oreo cookies one or chocolate drizzle rice cake. something with less calories may make her more inclined to eat. and maybe talk her into eating fruit for breakfast. make her a lowfat fruit shake for the mornings.

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