Thursday, December 31, 2009

What are your thoughts about the 17 teenage girls who made a pact to get pregnant?

Any thoughts why these stupid teenagers would do such a stupid thing? Who's to blame for this?What are your thoughts about the 17 teenage girls who made a pact to get pregnant?
they must have seen my online pictorialWhat are your thoughts about the 17 teenage girls who made a pact to get pregnant?
I'm guessing a lot had to do with the recent reports that teenage pregnancy has declined over the past decade. I guess they wanted to try to turn the tables around.

In the 60s when I was in junior high school, a gruop of 5 or 6 girls also wanted to get pregnant and would spread their legs for almost any guy. From what I can recall, three of them got pregnant and and ended up giving up their babies for adoption.

They weren't ready to be mothers but they wanted to see who could have the first baby. The reputation stuck with them at least through high school and they supposedly were fighting guys off that wanted an easy girl.

I'd blame peer pressure as one of their clique said she was pregnant when she was only 13 and the ';contest'; followed. They all knew better by the standards society had then 鈥?';Good girls don't do bad things';.
The students were the acting like having/raising a baby is fun. Didn't they realize that babies are a 24/7/365 operation.

You don't just lock a baby in the backyard, or basement when you want to go to a movie, or to the mall. The parents have to share some blame, for not showing them what raising a baby is like.

The school deserves high marks, for encouraging this, by having a nursery on campus. It sure will make it easier for the girls to find day time sitters, I wonder if tax money pays for the hired help?

Now the girls can learn what they should have learned before getting pregnant.

If they were all under 15, that means that every guy who had sex with them, is guilty of a felony, statuary rape. When the girls are too young and stupid, its upto the males to know that its illegal. Who's name goes on the birth certificate for father?

The 24 yr old homeless guy, probably has a communicable disease, that will or could be passed on to the girl and the baby.

All students, boys and girls should have a class where they go to a pre-school or a nursery, and spend a week with infants, and babies.

Also even more important, is that EVERY GIRL in high school, should be required to witness child birth. Maybe when these girls have their babies, and relate the joys and fun it is to go through labor to the other girls, maybe this trend won't happen again, at least at this school

Of course the medical bills, and the clothing, well-baby care will be provided by their parents or the property taxes from the community

The girls didn't just mess up their lives, but the babies as well
That's what you get when you start by teaching ';safe sex'; instead of abstinence.

Parents are to blame for not teaching their children morality. They are too busy being friends, and not parents.

My parents taught me to wait to have sex until I was married. Going against that teaching was not even an option for me. It was ingrained from childhood. If more parents took control of their children and taught them some morality and ethics, we would have far fewer problems like this one.

Yes, it was the girls choice to have sex, but if they were never taught differently, they are not the only ones to blame.
They are to blame. I feel really sorry for them. Not that they are having babies, because anyone can do that, but deciding to make a pact to get pregnant and raise the kids together? What !!!!! That is a lode of doodoo if you ask me. My question is don't these kids have anything else to do with their time? That's extremely sad. I don't feel anything for those sheep. I feel for the kids that are going to grow up knowing that their were concieved by some random dude because all of mommy's girlfriends wanted real life dolls to play with. Dsgusting.

What about the dudes they got pregnant by? Are they going to start paternity suits to get money from them? What about their parents of this stupid little girls( that's what they are) how do they feel ? Those girls probably took no regard in their safety while trying to concieve. Sick sad society we live in..
In response to another post, teaching ';abstinence only'; sex education is not working. States that use that approach have the highest teen pregnancy rates in the nation. Telling people to not have sex until marriage and then giving them no other information does nothing to protect against unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and sexual predators who prey on their innocence. Also, it tells people who don't want to get married or are gay that they should either enter a marriage that will end disastrously or live out their lives as virgins.
I can't see a group of giggly girls all getting together and vow to each get pregnant at the same time, thinking such would be a cool thing. What possibly could they benefit from such?

Gifts showered on them from all over the world? $$$$ donated into open bank accounts, set up for their unborn kid(s) college education????

There's more to this story, sure....but a pact made between them as some sort of BFF circle??? I don't think so.
i think its cool (im a hs female myself) and i resect their desision, as long as they can take care of the child and want it and can be a mom. im for it i would get preg now but i dont meet my stantards. its their buisness they could be born to be moms, everyone has something. and its their choise its what they want, why is that so bad? lots of teens get pregnant there no diff then some older people getting preg (like hooker or somthing) except age
Very sad! Our society is so messed up!! I don't believe that it is the parent's fault. Maybe some, but certainly not all. I don't think that a finger can really be placed on any thing or anyone. These girls should have known better. Shame, shame on them! We have enough education in place out there! That is just an excuse also. I feel sorry for the parents! Even more importantly, I feel sorry for these unborn babies!! These girls felt 'they' didn't feel love? Now, we are going to have these babies that are going to feel this issue way worse than they 'thought' they did!
One girl actually paid a homeless man to impregnate her. It's stupid. Whose to blame is society for making it more acceptable. Everything that used to be so out there and shocking and rebellious is now common. We can't be so accepting of all these scandals.
They're kids having kids! I think that they'll regret their actions later on in life.

And, is anyone thinking about the children who have been born? What kind of life are they going to have?

Very sad situation!
I wish I was in that school.. I think its cool. You must agree that their parents did a great job of parenting.LOL.
i read that and they must have been extremely bored and looking up to pop princes jamie lynne spears. way to go!
They are of course a herd of sluts.
Sounds a sort of stupid pact to me!
Why didn't they ask me to help?
yeah its pretty messed up
If they need anymore help ,,

Please contact Me on phone number 9245****

I'm always available to help lol lol

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