Monday, December 28, 2009

What do you think about teenage pregnancy and teenage abortions?

I just want to know what you think about it!What do you think about teenage pregnancy and teenage abortions?
I'll be blunt:

a. Pregnant teens do not deserve to be prejudiced against. However, they have made incredibly stupid decisions and need a good boot to the head. Their parents may or may not be to blame, but you must remember - the teens themselves have minds and have choices. I do not appreciate the thought of having to work my butt off so that a third of the money I earn goes to girls who pop out rugrats for welfare money.

b. Abortion may or may not be right. However, outlawing it will do nothing to help, as desperate people may resort to coathangers, chemicals, and various other ways to abort the child and may severely injure themselves in the process. Taking away abortion and saying ';They'll realize that there are consequences'; is like the death penalty - states without actually have lower murder rates than states with. People can say all they want, that it's wrong, but:

1. It may be wrong, but until you're in that position, you have no real say.

2. Others will do as they like.

3. The deal with people deciding for themselves: if they did, then we'd have far less druggies, alkies, and smokers.

4. It would be better for the child to not exist at all than to have to grow up under an abusive/negligent parents. Teens are not good parents, for the most part.What do you think about teenage pregnancy and teenage abortions?
it depend on the circumstances I guess. My mother was 17 when she got p/g with me and went to get an abortion but backed out at the last minute. Instead she had me and abused me for a year because she felt I ruined her life before walking out of my life to be raised by my dad. So if a girl is not emotionally ready to have a baby and is too selfish to think of adoption I guess abortion is the answer.
I think they would both be a lot more rare if we taught real sex ed in the schools instead of abstinence only education.
teenage pregnancy maybe should not happen if probably educated, abortion should never be consider an option, it is simply killing a future human being it is murder. So if you a teenager that is pregnant, try and deal with your mistake it life, we make them all the time, just be careful in the future.
They are mostly a bummer.

What, you want specifics? I'm personally adamantly pro-choice. And while I firmly believe that one of the choices available should be abortion, it's not the only one, nor is it the correct one for 100% of pregnant teens. Some of them are ready to make the big sacrifices that come with parenthood before completing their education. Others are able to surrender their baby to a loving adoptive family. And for some of them, the right choice is abortion.

I generally like to assume that the person owning the body is the best one to decide what to do with it.

no teen should get pregnant.

and if they do, don't kill it!
well teen pregnancy,

my mom went through it, so it makes me


And abortion, i mean, well..

i dont agree with abortions but i agree with a girl

having a choice to get one if they need to.
depends how mature the teenager is. a mature 18/19 yr old i think is ok, depends what they are like.
teens will be teens they'll make mistakes but as far as teen age abortion its horrible like i said teens will be teens and make mistakes but they should deal with there mistakes and abortion is not the way
Teenage pregnancy is horrible. Both teenage boys and girls need to learn to wait until they're full and ready - not because everyone else is doing it, or not because they believe it makes them a man or more like an adult.


As for abortion - your body, your choice.....same thing for a teenager. If it's not done by a medical professional, if that teen really doesn't want to keep the child - then it's going to be a back alley abortion. It happens.

If I had a teenage daughter that was pregnant or a son that got a girl pregnant, I'd honestly feel like a failure. It's as if I taught them nothing about common sense.
they're both wrong. first of all, no girl should go around having sex at their age, especially without protection! are they mental or what? and if the girl IS STUPID ENOUGH TO GET PREGNANT AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE she shouldn't kill it, that's just totally wrong. someone shouldn't die or not even have the chance to live because of that girl's stupid mistakes.

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