Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What would happen if a teenage girl was to overdose during school?

I just wondered, i'm not planning on it. But its a very intestesting thing i'd like to know about.What would happen if a teenage girl was to overdose during school?
Depends on the drug and the intensity. I've heard of people dying from overdose and people just sleeping it off. But i really would not recommend it.What would happen if a teenage girl was to overdose during school?
She would be taken to the ER. It depends on what she overdosed on what would happen next. She would get an IV would probably be given Narcan to reverse the effects of opiates blood would also be drawn. Her clothes may be cut off and she would be put in a hospital gown. If combative she may be placed into restraints. If she took pills a bite block could be inserted in her mouth and tube would then be inserted into her stomach then her stomach would be pumped then charcoal will be put down the tube then the tube will be taken out. She will eventually have many liquid bowel movements. If any of what she overdosed on contained tylenol she will be given a drug that smells like rotten eggs. She will also probably get a foley catheter which is a tube place inside to drain urine. The urine sample will be sent to test for drugs. Once medically cleared she will get PEC'ed which allows the Dr. to keep her in the hospital for 3 days and once that is going to expire if psych placement has not happened she will then be kept by a CEC. She will then go to a psych facility. Suicide Cope Line 1-800-273-TALK
ambulance, about 2 years of constant councelling, child, youth welfare etc. cops etc. just not worth it. plus people dont respect you and ask youif you are feeling alright every 5 mins. just not worth it. that oerson may not value their lifebut so many others do, no matter what that person thinks.plus if you are unsuccessfull at the overdose, it just means stomach pump, and alot of throwing up and feeling sick for a week or two.
i did it.

i went back to lesson after, feeling awful. then had to leave to try and throw up the tablets.

i tried didn't really work.

walked back to lesson and saw a friend and burst into tears, the school nurse was there and told me to tell her exactly what was wrong as i was red and when she felt my pulse it was racing. i immediately admitted everything.

then i had to go to the first aid room and lie on the bed with someone with me, tell them exactly what i had had, they called my dad and an ambulance.

i had to keep talking while they gave me ice to try and cool me down.

they saved my life.

seriously if i hadn't of thrown up or gone to them i'd be dead.

then the ambulance came and i was taken off to hospital with my dad. and had to stay there for 3 days.
A girl at my school did that.. it was the most horrible thing to watch.

So we all had to learn what do if it happened again.

1- NEVER wait to see if the OK.

2- Call 911 or 000 (which ever you are)

3- If they are unconscious, wake them up, if doing so means hurting. THEN HURT THEM.

4- use CPR if you have to.
If she didn't get help quickly she could be in a lot of trouble depending on what she had taken.

I know you said that you are only enquiring but the alarms are ringing. If for any reason you are contemplating this please talk to somebody
Someone calls an ambulance, and then when she gets back to school everyone will give her sh*t for being such an attention seeking dumbass.
overdose on what? it really depends on what. but in general....you would get your stomach pumped and throw EVERYTHING up.
umm... well a girl did it in my school and they kinda found her and brought in an ambulance to take her to the ER
before lunch... soup

after lunch... left-overs
this gurl in my skl did it but they jus called an ambulance x

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