Monday, December 28, 2009

What is an appropriate age for a teenage girl to start dating?

I have two teenage daughters and I think 16 is a good age to let them date unsupervised, but what if they are supervised like with an adult, or a sister that is 18. I need help. They always tell me I never let them do anything. But I'm only looking out for their best interest. So please tell me when is the appropriate age?What is an appropriate age for a teenage girl to start dating?
14 unsupervised seems perfectly fine, as long as they know what time to come home and you know who they're going with. 16 is really a bit late for teenage girls, who typically mature fast.What is an appropriate age for a teenage girl to start dating?
It depends on the individual. Some 18 year old girls have the sense of a twelve year old girl and some twelve year old girl have the sense on an 18 year old girl. If you feel that your daughters won't do something they will regret on a date, than I think you should let them date. As for supervised dating, did you introduce that idea to them? After that they might say they'd rather not date at all. Even if they know they would never do anything that you wouldn't approve of, I doubt they want anyone watching anyway. It feels invading and as if your personal space is not respected.
This girl and I really like each other, but her parents won't let her date. She's 16 and I'm 18. And they don't even want her talking to me, even though they know that i'm a responsible and respectful guy. They just think she's too young. But we still see each other all the time, and she talks to me on the phone all night long.

My point is, if you try to keep your daughters from dating, they probably will resent you and try to break your rules anyways. The girl that i've been talking to is a model catholic and she loves and respects her parents very much. At the same time, however, she is willing to kinda sneak around them.

In conclusion, i think 16 is a fair and good age for a girl to start dating. Just make sure that she is hanging out with the right type of guys and talk to her so she makes responsible decisions. The more you talk to her, the closer and more open your relationship will become.

sorry that i wrote so much.
It's never a good idea to say,'; you can't date until your such and such age..'; becasue they will do it anyway and lie to you about it. When high school starts you should let them date but make it very supervised, ask a lot of questions, in essence make them not want to do it, even though you said they could. As they get older (late 16, 17, 18) Let them date more freely, but completely unsupervised at 16, is probably too early.
I'm 17 right now, and my parents never gave me an age to start dating.

I didn't start going on dates really until I was 15, to a guy that I'm still currently dating. It's not like people who are 14 or 15 can even drive, so I think it's kind of pointless to 'date' someone unless they have their license.

I think it's kind of awkward to have an adult 'supervise' a date.

As long as you know where they're going, what they're doing, with who, and what time they'll be home, you should be okay. It worked fine with my parents, and they're actually really strict about a lot of things.

Also, make sure the guy isn't a total screw-up, drug dealer, or something like that.
It all depends on their maturity and the trust you have for them. I think 16 is a good age to go on a date unsupervised. However, since they are saying that, and they are younger than 16, maybe you should let them go on group dates that way they won't feel like they are always being watched and they are being ';babysat'; if they just go out with a group of friends, it allows them to have a good time and get to know each other better, while protecting them from anything that could happen while they are alone
To me the appropriate age is 13. And I know why. I'm in Middle School. Nowadays people can be teased for not ';dating';. I'm talking dating, not up personal and close. People have boyfriends in 6th grade - way too early - but in 7th and 8th grade girls are growing up. It's popular, and nowadays it's very normal. Don't worry, it's not ';weird'; to have them dating so young. I've seen 3rd graders dating! But if you ask other 7th graders, the majority will say they have one.

-Miranda S. - - - Middle Schooler
You sound like my father! No offense intended. lol

He had the same attitude with me when I was growing up and I'm now 51yrs old but I am the oldest child!

It all comes down to whether you trust your kids and not the age that they are but you don't say how old your children are. If they are responsible children, then they will date responsibly and you have to trust them to do so. If you put restrictions on them they will rebel against it.
I think they should wait until at least high school, 16 is a good age. When they are younger they might feel like they are ready, but they really aren't. I am 16 right now and I'm still not ready to start dating, but it also depends on how mature they are and when THEY are ready.

Don't worry, you are just being a good mother :]
I am 12 and my mom lets me go out unsupervised with my dates/boyfriends. Its natural in a persons development and so they can improve their social skills 4 later in life. Please, let them go out because if you keep them all cushioned up then they will drift away from you when really they should be coming 2 u 4 advice on relationships and such.
14-16 is a good age range

they need to be kids as longs as possible and not have to deal with the issues that come along with dating.

i think that being supervised by a sister is ok but not parents because its horribly embarrassing for kids.

but i think at age 16 they should be able to start going on dates alone

but they are your kids and thats your decision to make.


good luck hun
well first of all you are the parent. dont let their little complaints about not doing alot affect you.

but you can start being a little more slack with them though. for me dating aroud 16 is ok but really you have to be careful bc there are some guys in highschool that arent that great so you need to be strict and be watchful who they choose to date.

and i think supervised is a great thing until they are about 17-18. thats how my parents were and they trust me too. so trust is another part of it. if you trust them to make good decisions and such then let htme have a little fun.

hope that helps

please help:鈥?/a>
I disagree with ';supervised dating';.

That's not what dating is supposed to be; it will be awkward and childish.

Either the girl is mature enough to date on their own, or they are not. That is up to you, their mother, but personally I think that 15-16 is an appropriate age to be dating!
Supervised- 11-13. But don't sit with them. Sit at a distance where you can see them, but not like a hawk.

Unsupervised- I would definitely go at 14. Why? If a boyfriend sees his girlfriend at the movies with mommy looking over everything, your daughter won't get another date for a while. My first unsupervised date was age 14.
In my personal opinion I think that 18 is an appropriate age to start to date. I am saying for EVERYONE. Boy,Girl,Straight, Gay or Bi. I think that we need to encourage our teens to focus on other things besides sex. The world seems to say to our teens that the need to have a mate to live happy and ';normal'; lives.
I'd say 15-16 is about right. I think it would be awkward to be watched and supervised at 16-18 years of age. A kid is gonna do what a kid wants to whether they be supervised or not. My mom let me have my privacy and I did what I was ready for and I was not a rebellious teenager.
Depends on wha kind of date, if the cinema yes why not, but a pub no. Holding hands kissing yes, sex no. Most girls are getting interested in boys about that age and do date. At 16 they are quite old enough to date on their own,just have guidelines for coming home at an acceptable time.
I let my teen start dating at 13, as long as she was truly honest with me. I always try to keep our relationship open and honest.

and remember when they are ready to start............. well having sex make sure they the tell you so you can get them the correct protection.
15 or so. Sit them down and discuss some stuff like guys wanting to make out with them and that i guess. It might make you feel a bit more comfortable with letting them date if they know what people want from stuff like this.

Not that they will, just tell them to find nice guys or something.

I think the appropriate age is when they feel ready for it and they feel they can handle it. Do that it'll work out better.
i think 16 is a good age -just talk to them and give them good advice-they should also know about the birds and the bees-open communication is the best you can do
i am 16, i am conservative (ie no drinking, smoking or sex) and i am just starting to have feelings to date, as long as you trust them i think its fine, otherwise they're going to rebel

answer mine;鈥?/a>
You really do not want your child going on supervised dates because though you may feel better about it they will feel exceptionally foolish and will lose standing at their school if you worry so much than leave it at sixteen but allow them to go on group events with their friends
I agree with you completely re: one-on-one dating.

As for supervised dating I think 14 or 15, depending on the child's maturity level.
Are we talking dating or having a sexual relationship? If it's non-sexual then I guess 14 but otherwise I think 16 would be more appropriate. The most important point is how mature for their ages are your daughters and how well can they handle themselves.
16 is the age my mom is letting us date unsupervised
I think they should be allowed to 13-14 is a good age for group dating. When they are 15-16 they can start to really date alone because thats when they can start driving and really be independent.
12 unsuperviced just trust them i go on date answer mine;_ylt=AuGvlj1MrSaFZu93CLsEaZjsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090228135225AANHmOb
Let them go alone. 16 is a good age as long as you know you can trust them. If you always supervise them, they are bound to rebel.
13-14 it will happen middle school age is a good age to start answer mine;鈥?/a>
The appropriate age for teenage girls are 14 because they get to learn from there mistakes each time they grow up.
I have to agree 16 that is the rule at my house the bad part is my daughter turns 16 this month.

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