Thursday, December 31, 2009

What do teenage girls look for in a dance partner?

Hi. I'm 18. When I'm in a club I often have difficulty attracting girls in a club. I wonder if it's anything to do with my dancing. What do girls look for in a dance partner in a club? Do they like someone that moves their hands up in the air lots or what? Do they like to be touched in particular places or what?What do teenage girls look for in a dance partner?
►Get to know them better. This is not a task only to be accomplished through dating. The more you get to know him or her, the more you can tell if you like them as a friend or something else. Just talk and do fun activities with the person.

►Stop and consider why you like the person. There are many physically attractive and smart people out there. But if you see something beyond that really catches your attention, you've marked this person as unique and probably like them. Why else would they stand out from so many?

♀Consider how many times you think about the person. If you find yourself thinking about this person several times a day, and they are happy thoughts that possibly make your heart beat faster, then you probably like them.

♀Think how often you laugh at their jokes etc. When you like someone, you will find yourself laughing at things even if they aren't that funny. This is a natural attempt to make them feel appreciated.

If the one conversation between you and the person is stuck in you head and you cant stop telling people about it. this means it was important to you, and you probably like the person.

♦Consider how much you try to be near them. If you've planned your walking speed to catch a glimpse of them as many times of the day as possible, there is a good reason for that.

Think about how you feel if you touch him or her, by accident or on purpose. If you're still thinking about brushing shoulders several hours ago in school, then that is a special thought and you probably like them.

♦If you feel you're ready for a relationship, and are confident enough for a positive response, then just go ahead and ask them out. If you're unsure of their feelings for you, there are several wikihows on how to tell if someone likes you.

◙You may never be 100% sure that you like someone even if you get to know them a lot. If you like them enough though, then ask them out. If they say yes, the answer to all of your questions will become clear when you start dating.

♦When you first get to know somebody, try not to make it clear that you are trying to see what you really think about them. If you find out you don't really like them after all, you could still end up leading them on through the process and then their feelings could get hurt if they really like you...

♦If you've become more sure you like them, try flirting a little and dropping hints. They will let you know through body language etc. what they think of you, and you can both take it from there.

♥Having feelings for a guy or girl is perfectly fine, and is a very happy and beneficial part of life. But it is important not to become obsessed with the person. Try doing things by yourself or with friends. You must love yourself before loving anyone else.

►Always try to communicate with the guy/girl that you like. Leave them little messages through text or e-mail, and see if they reply to you.◄

☼☼☼Don't end a friendship with someone after you find out you don't really like them. If you've built a strong friendship only to throw it away so easily, the person will feel like a discarded experiment.

¶If you do like them, but they don't feel the same, then don't end the friendship; but don't push them either.

♣Don't tell too many people that you like someone. This can lead to cataclysmic drama among other things. You'll both be left awkward and at least somewhat hurt in the end.

☻When you like someone, you may see their actions in a new light and convince yourself they like you. Being led on can lead to a bad heartbreak, so be careful. If you're unsure, there are a few related wikihows for this.☺

★Keep an eye out. The pupil of an eye will dilate slightly when you look at someone you fancy. Because of this, you will blink slightly more than normal.

☛ A good way of knowing if someone is really interested in you is by blinking more. If they really do like you, they will subconsciously increase their blink rate to try to be like you.

☂Check your reflection. Mirroring is a good flirting technique. You gently mirror the actions of the person you are flirting with, and as you do this (hopefully) they will see that you have small things in common.

☑Look carefully and see if the person you are talking to is mirroring you.

☠Talk to the friend of the person you suspect of fancying you. It probably won't be hard to get some clues out of them.

Check and see if they play with or flip their hair while talking to you. This is a big, big, BIG flirting sign.

See if they're nervous or excited around you, either of these could mean they might fancy you.

☣Check and see if they find excuses to touch you, e.g ';Oh you have some dirt on your back';, and also see if they happen to ';accidentally'; bump into you quite often.

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