Thursday, December 31, 2009

What are your views and opinions of teenage pregnancy?

I am doing a research project on teenage pregnancy and how a teen who decides to not get an abortion should have access to support, education, and healthcare to do the best for her and her child. I need different views and opinions because this is a very contraversial topic. Thanks to anyone who replies!What are your views and opinions of teenage pregnancy?
I am a teenage mother to be. I got pregnant at 14 years old. Yes, it was stupid, but I am taking responsibility for my actions. I am very lucky to have the support of both my family, and my boyfriends family. It is very important that the boy take half the responsibility, after all, it takes two to make a baby.

In my area, there is a High School learning center, for teen moms, where we can finish high school, while also caring for our children. The school has a daycare facility, and you can take time between classes to be with your child, breast feed them, ect.

Soon after finding out that I was pregnant, back in March, I got myself a part time job, so I could start earning money to care for my child. Luckily my parents, and my boyfriends parents, will help cover some of the expenses that come with a baby, as well as the local Youth Center has offered to help us out. One big thing the center did for us, was pay for my BF and I to take parenting classes.

I know that being a teen mom will not be easy, but I have to say I am really looking forward to having something to live for. I am going to do everything that I possibly can to give my baby girl, Autumn, a real chance at the world. What are your views and opinions of teenage pregnancy?
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Well, I've nothing against them whatsoever, because it isn't me bringing up a baby, changing their nappies, bathing them, getting up in the middle of the night, I'm the one who is ultra careful and think about my life and future first. I'm still a virgin, and I am 16, and proud of it. Teenagers are silly enough to have sex, and not use any protection, either. So it's really their issue, and responsibility. But lots of people are against abortion these days, that's why there's alot of support you can turn too if you need help with pregnancy, or any other problems regarding to that situation. So, really, in my opinion, No glove, no love.
teenage pregnancy is like a virus its just keeps spreading and yes i think teenagers do not need to have children now i understand in case of rape when its not there fault but a lot of the time the person who got them pregnant is never there and some will stay in school but a lot of them drop out and start working and health care i guess they go to dshs and the kind of stuff for help and yes schools need to start teaching my sex ed classes not just hoping their parents will abstinence does not work and is not even considered teaching them
I'm 17 now and my son is 16 months old. i never not one day regret choosing to keep my son, he is my world my everything. i love being a teen mum i wouldn't have it any other way.

People need to do some research into the past and look at other civilisations. When i went in for my prenatal appt. my obby said back in the day i would have been on my second or even third baby by now i was 15 when i found out i was pregnant.
Im 17 and a teenage mother. I dont regret my choice of keeping my baby. I dont understand why people would consider a teenage mother stupid.. Maybe older people would have more respect for teens that have kids if they would have gotten an abortion. I know that teens are young to have sex but no one can control what people do.
I was 17 when i had my son n i think it helps teens get their life together n they do it fast just like me i was a big pot head n i quit all that when i found out i was preggo!! n now i got my life together!
Controversial? They should never be dumb enough to get pregnant in the first place.

Teens are stupid. They do stupid things.

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