Monday, December 28, 2009

What do i do about my teenage neighbour vandalizing my car?

He also assaulted my bother. We called the police and the officer did nothing. He said they could do nothing until until after memorial day. My brother witnessed him do it after he hit him.What do i do about my teenage neighbour vandalizing my car?
WHAT!? is the cop on drugs. He should have arrested the guy right then for assault and vandalism, both possible felonies.

are you telling the whole story or are some major details missing?

if your story is accurate, then you need to contact the District attorney's office and possibly the State police to investigate the matter and the officer who did not do his job.What do i do about my teenage neighbour vandalizing my car?
I'm not sure what Memorial Day would have to do with anything; I have to admit that comment mystifies me and suggests that perhaps your brother is either not recalling the statement with perfect clarity or alternatively is neglecting to share with you some pertinent detail.

With respect, however, to the incident as you have related it - often times if both parties to an 'assault' appear to have been equally involved, the Officers will decline to arrest anyone based upon the concept of 'mutual combat'. This essentially means that if both parties are subject to arrest and it is not clear (from a factual, evidence-based approach) who exactly is 'responsible', the Officers will often suggest that there is nothing they can do short of arresting both parties.

On the vandalism, I could imagine that either it is a 'he said/she said' issue, or the 'evidence' that this person was actually responsible for the damage is not sufficient to form probable cause for an arrest.

Your best bet is to take any specific questions you have about how this matter was handled and direct them to a watch commander at that department.
Buy some surveillance equipment and train the tape on your car. Document the vandalism.

Report each event to the police and file a police report. They will not want to take the report: INSIST. Get a copy of the report and if you know the kid touched your car insist the police collect fingerprints.

Sadly, the cops could give a flying rat about minor crimes like you describe. You will have to take the lead in insisting on followup.
where do you live? contact all the powers that be if the cops arent doing anything, mayor, senator congress etc? Don't let this thug get away with this! Even the press if you have to! Look at what those cops did in that southern state, taking peoples money in return for not arresting them! Then it got on cnn, and action is now going to be taken.
Make sure a police report is filed. Take pictures of the vehicle. Contact your insurance company if you have full coverage insurance. They will likely go after the teenagers parents to recover the money paid out in damages.
File a restraining order to keep the teenager off your property. Call the courthouse and talk to someone there, or call the Sheriff's office and make a complaint to them.
Contact you local DA and file a criminal complaint. Then get a Personal injury attorney and file a suite for damages.
File a civil restraining order- do it ';ex parte'; so you can get in front of a judge faster.
cover your car in dog,he wont go near it, but you might not ethier,good luck
Sign on car window. ';I am watching you.';
just smack him. that will keep him away. or possibly get a pitbull. you could also just stand outside with a pipe so he knows you mean business. if he gets close.....WHACKKK!

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