Monday, December 28, 2009

What advice would you give a teenage girl that wanted to start strongwoman training?

i'm 16yrs old and i've always had this facination in lifting weights and using my strength constructively. so what advice or training tips could you give me about persuing this.What advice would you give a teenage girl that wanted to start strongwoman training?
Magazines like Women's Health, Shape, and Fitness have some pretty good weight routines in them.

It's pretty cool that you want to start weight training, I wish it were more popular among young women. If you plan on going to a gym, make sure to have a member of the staff or an experienced gymgoer show you proper lifting form and a variety of different exercises. Don't make the mistake of only using the machines for ';girls,'; since most gyms seem to think that girls need to do 300 reps at 5 lbs, which won't help you at all.

You'll have to up your caloric intake to gain mass. Try to eat a small protein-rich meal every four hours, with plenty of nutritious fruits and veggies and a moderate intake of fat as well. Increase your water intake, decrease your salt intake and cut out carbonated drinks. is an *amazing* site that gives actual weightlifting tips and routines for women, not the ';ab sculpting and thigh trimming!'; fluff that you'll find a lot. I've included a good link in the Sources, but check out the whole site.

And remember, you won't get scary bulky unless you're really really trying. Muscular women tend to be leaner, just be sure you're eating a low-fat diet so you don't get padding covering the muscles and hiding your definition.What advice would you give a teenage girl that wanted to start strongwoman training?
Hi, this is kind of unorthodox, but... I was looking into more info about double majoring at VCU for nursing and some art program (I'm thinking communication arts, craft and materials, or fashion design, and I came upon your other question asking the same thing! That's crazy! Anyway, I would've e-mailed you, but you were unlisted. I'm sure we have plenty of info to share, so shoot me an e-mail!

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