Thursday, December 31, 2009

What is the best way for a teenage girl to lose stubborn belly fat?

I am turning thirteen this week and am very over weight. I want to lose like thirty lbs. I was wondering what the best exercises for me to do might be. I am doing the weight watchers program but I also want a good exercise plan. ThanksWhat is the best way for a teenage girl to lose stubborn belly fat?
SIT-UPS, SIT-UPS AND MORE SIT-UPS they will replace your fat with muscle whilst pushing the fat away muscle may weigh more then fat but you will get a flat stomach.What is the best way for a teenage girl to lose stubborn belly fat?
Jogging and running is probably the best exercise to lose weight. Even on tv you can see that marathon runners are usually very skinny.
crunches,no sugar no soda and drink lots of water eat apples and fruit more than snacks.
i read in a magazine that if u drink cranberry juice 4 meals 4 3 days u will lose 9 pounds so mayb try that
start a daily workout routine, first stretch,take a good run around the block then situps idk theres alot of excellent guides online

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