Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Are teenage relationships worth it and when is it ok to start being in a relationship?

Like is it really worth having a relationship when your 15 or 16 or 17?

What is the ';right'; ';ok'; age to start having a relationship, and people can consider it to be proper?Are teenage relationships worth it and when is it ok to start being in a relationship?
yeah I think it builds character and also prepares you for real life situations and experiences when you're older and in a more serious relationship!Are teenage relationships worth it and when is it ok to start being in a relationship?
You can have a relationship whenever you want to, whenever it feels right.

I remember I had a girlfriend when I was about 5 years old!

Some people have their first bf/gf when they're 13, some when they're 18, or even much older.

I'm 20 and I regret not having as many relationships in my teens as I wanted to. So have as many as you can because you're only a teen for a few years, then you're an adult for the rest of your life.

I think the relationships I had during my teenage years have prepared me for more serious relationships I might have over the next 10 years, both mentally and even in a sexual way.

Just enjoy life, enjoy members of the opposite sex. Of course there's a very high chance your relationships won't last long in your teens but does it matter? It's all about experiences, it's all about having fun.

If you don't have lots of relationships now you will really regret it when you're an adult. You'll be thinking ';why wasn't I more social?';, ';why did I miss so many opportunities to be with someone?';.

So go ahead, have lots of dates and if they all mess up, who cares? You're young!
There isn't a right or wrong age, exactly. A relationship at 12, 13 is just kids playing and trying to be big. But 15, 16, 17 it is more a real relationship. Yeah, it's worth it. Will it last? Probably not, but don't let that scare you. You are still young and you aren't done growing up and figuring out what you want in life. You could grow to be 2 people who could never work together in that way.

And first relationships, regardless of age, are about finding out how to be in one. What you want out of it, what it's like, what to do, what not to do. It's a training relationship, basically. That's why it's worth it.
Absolutely! My teenage relationships braces me for the reality of dating when I was older. Of course, its a little tough in highschool because of cliques and rumors. But if you don't have that problem, you should be good to go! But really, teenage relationships help build confidence and help prepare you for real world of dating. But there are some scumbags/bitches out there, so be careful. Especially in highschool.

As for age... as long as you think you are mentally and emotionall ready for a relationship, it doesn't matter what age. I would say around 15 is when your mentality has reached that level.

And if you're a girl, I suggest dating older guys. Guys your age never seem to mature around the same time. :]
There are different kinds of relationships. At the age of 15/16 yrs. I think hanging out in groups is better only because relationships can be stressful. We have to work at them and if you look on this site you see men and women of all ages having problems smile I think maybe 17 is probably a good age to be ready to be in a serious relationship. But there are so many guys and girls out there so why be in a one on one?
all parental permission for dating is different, depends on what they believe and their experience. it is worth it to have teenage relationships when you keep it clean and don't get too serious. having these relationships help you to learn how to interact with people and how to solve problems. it's a part of preparation for adulthood. 15/16 is usually when parents approve, but some do approve earlier. it will be considered proper by the way you conduct yourself while courting. be smart and practical. wait for the adult things that go along with dating until you are 18 or older then you will not have to worry about what people consider..
uhm, id say around 12+ is pretty good. each relationship you have influences the next one, so its good to start of earlyish and learn how to take heartbreak and also how to take it to the next level, no matter where you are with all that.

Hope i helped!
It can be if both ppl are mature and willing to commit but honestly the chances of it working out and being a long term relationship are slim.

I always tell my little brother who's 16 to enjoy just being single and hanging out with his buddies b/c when he gets older he'll be glad he did.
It's the feelings that make it proper.

Forget everyone else.

In a relationship it's you and him.

Remember that.

Age, love usually occurs for first time when 15.

But it depends on person and ammount of friends etc.

Varies with each person.
I think it is worth it at those ages, I think it helps you develop emotional maturity and learn how to be in a relationship. It'd be a lot worse to wait until your older and not have a clue what your doing in a relationship (like i did lol).
Most parents will look at there teen as if there relationships are silly and pointless but no matter what age you are if you like another person just go with it for however long it lasts. Even though most young relationships don't work out it doesn't mean yours wont.

Good Luck
That is a great question. I hope you ask the question at


A relationship site

I think you should only have a relationship with someone if you think that you will be with them. other then that no reason to go waste your money.
yes, i think its okay to be dating that young. I think of it more training to be a better spouse in a future relationship

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