Monday, December 28, 2009

What's the worst thing your teenage peers have persuaded you to do?

Peer pressure is powerful, especially among teenagers. A lot of people, once they become independent, regret actions they performed under the influence of peer pressure. Have you got any personal examples?

Relate your experiences if you're a teenager now, or if you remember your teenage years.What's the worst thing your teenage peers have persuaded you to do?
Drugs, Fist Fights, Smoking and some very very light drinking.What's the worst thing your teenage peers have persuaded you to do?
Sneaking out/drinking alcohol,

thats the main thing peers pressure you on nowadays.

And smoking, but Id never do that.

Also jumping off a bridge, and converting my living room into a slip n slide, and skinny dipping

but that was actually fun.
I did a break and entry into the school canteen. silly me we stole ice creams and lollies, Thinking back we must have caused more damage to property than we ever stole. It was stupid I never got caught but I am a shamed of what I did it.

I was about 7 years old, the other kids that was with me went on to steal cars break into houses and other criminal activities they or got caught in time and or served time in the ';The Boys Homes'; (which is kiddies jail). No I haven't done anything like that since nor would I and I hope you don't either. Have a Happy Day
As a teenager, I grew up in a really rich, white neighborhood.

The neighborhood boys once murdered another boy in front of my eyes.

You don't know hell like that until you see it.
drink alcohol. But I never got addicted to it nor did I ever get in trouble. I might have drank alot underage but i never lost control.
actually it was always more of me pressuring other people into doing things. but the worst peer pressure i gave into was being sex buddies with my ex boyfriend
drugs, sex, fast driving, street drinking, smoking, staying out late. Luckily I was strong. I think I did them like once .. apart from staying out late :)
sneaking out... well they never forced me to but they mentioned it a few times and it's hard resisting all of them... also i kinda wanted to
to not think for myself,

instead think the way that they think

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