Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What causes teenage mothers to raise children who have teenage pregnancies?

Not always, but sometimes you see a cycle where a teenager has a baby, then the baby grows up and has a teenage pregnancy, then that baby grows up and has a teenage pregnancy... etc.. Do you think it is that these families just have a stronger sex drive, or do you think it is encouraged in some way (unintentionally)? What is it about their upbringing that makes them more likely to have teenage pregnancies? Especially if the mom is telling the daughter, ';don't do what I did';?What causes teenage mothers to raise children who have teenage pregnancies?
Poverty. Teenage parents are more likely to have to raise their child in poverty. The child attends substandard schools. The mother has to work long hours in order to survive. The child is probably raised by a single parent, since most guys run away from kids like the plague. And the child ends up being preyed upon by guys who have no fear that the girl's dad is gonna beat the $hit out of them.

It's a perpetuating cycle, with poverty as the root cause.What causes teenage mothers to raise children who have teenage pregnancies?
Good question.

I don't think it is at all biological. Even though someone says 'don't do it', the example has already been set. The teenager may feel that because her mother has been through a similar situation, she will get support.

Plus, teen mothers who have were-teen mothers are from single families and may have closer ties to their mother and may have limited (or no) contact with their father. This can be a huge influence on how a child makes a decision to have sex, and consequently become pregnant.
It's just RNA or none discipline/ teaching. If a child is raised knowing that tee pregnancy is not a good thing (or does not exist at all) then she won't fall pregnant in her teen years. If she is raised knowing how to use condoms and pills, she won't fall pregnant either.

I'm 15 and pregnant. I'm going to raise my child knowing when to have sex - when she falls in love with someone who loves her either, knowing about protection - condoms, pills (not the morning-afters but the regular contraceptives which should be get every day same hours), knowing what a responsibility is to raise a child and so on.
';Ignorance breeds ignorance. I mean if the parents make bad decisions and have children at a young age, they clearly aren't intelligent enough to raise their children to make better choices. The cycle of ignorance repeats itself over and over.';

This post irks me. I had my son when I was 19 and in NO WAY do I believe it was a bad decision. Then to say I'm unintelligent? I'm in college with a high GPA and doing extremely well for myself. I have my own house, my own car, and am better off than most younger people my age. My mother was NOT a teen mother but I had a baby at a young age...so really I think it's hard to say why it happens.
I think it has to do with the fact that teenagers will be teenagers, as they say, I think?

It's not a cycle. My mother had me when she was 17, and I don't Plan on having sex, any time soon. My mother is a useless mother though, so don't go praising her for me making that decision !! I think it's the opposite actually to what you say. I think that teenage girls who have children as teenagers, cause their children not to have children or have sex young, because they witness the hardship and the bad parenting first hand, therefore they WAIT to have children until they are old enough !! That's my view on it anyway. I know that you said, it doesn't always happen, but, sometimes, sh*t happens, then just because a teenager is about to have a child as a teen, and it's known that the mother was a teen mother herself, people assume cycle !! I'm not going to e part of a cycle, at all. I have a brain, and will never screw up my futur kids the way my so called mother screwd me !!
My great gran was 15, my gran was 24ish, my mom was 19 and Im 15 with our 1st children. I had sex because I wanted to try it, I liked it so my bf and I did it a lot and eventually I got pregnant.

My parents, I dont want to know but my mom had my sister at 19.

My grandmother wasnt a teen and my great grand mother met a guy she liked and she got pregnant.

Most kids my age are having sex but not all have children
am a teen mother i had my daughter when i was 17 was the best for me but who to say if my daughter's fell pregnant young it would be for them thats why me and her father have had a talk and i have said as soon as shes old enough ill have a god long talk with her about having a good job house etc before thinking about babies and that she needs to have these so her and her family can enjoy live when i was 17 i was working as a hairdresser my own house and am still with my daughters father but i will be tell her to go on the pill or injection i wont be telling not to do what i did but ill let her know how hard it is to raise a child young but then again ive enjoyed it and she sees how loving i am with her and her baby sister
I think that it is because most teen mums are missing out on their education. Yes, I know this is a stereotype, and that many do go on to succeed - and my hat's off to them.

But it could be the same reason why for some families, going to university is the norm, while for others it is very rare. Our expectations are different, as are our experiences. If you accept things as normal then our lives are geared towards it.

If you have no career plans and the only life experience is sheer slog at badly paid jobs - well, wouldn't a job as a mother be more interesting? You get attention, you get money, income and above all, a being to love you unconditionally.

It's only later that the reality sets in. Too late.
Almost every mother out there tells there daughters to wait to have sex and have children. You are really stereotyping this one out. This happens even if the mother wasn't a teen mom herself. It happens all the time. Why do you people get a kick out of doing this so much about teen moms. When have the things you ask go for both. I mean I understand when you guys go about on the taxes things. Thats your guys money and you see it unfair. But a lot of you guys take it to far.
Again, more commonly than not, the teen mothers are immature, and raise their child to have excessive freedom (rediculously, so much time to get up to bad things.) There is the whole ';She did it, and we are like best friends. i want my daughter and i to have that too!'; (They are only best friends because the mother is such a child herself still.)

This is just what i think. Mind you, i had my first at 20, pregnant at 19. But I could do it all properly. Afford it, and she was planned. I guess we were ahead of our time a bit.

I think it makes the kid think ';well, you did it, so why can't i?'; you know?

But I know if my mom were a teen mom, I would take that as an example not to get knocked up so early.

edit: pregnant with the 1st, learn how to read. she said 'not always, but sometimes'. She's not stereotyping anyone. Damn a lot of teen moms here getting offended.. I think you guys look for things to be pissed about.
I watched a documentary about this once. They followed round young mums with young mums. The conclusion they came up with and you could see was that its a sub conscience in the girl that doesn't worry as much about getting pregnant because she knows her mother managed it, wont be too mad coz she'll understand.
Ignorance breeds ignorance. I mean if the parents make bad decisions and have children at a young age, they clearly aren't intelligent enough to raise their children to make better choices. The cycle of ignorance repeats itself over and over.
It's just like the saying that welfare breeds welfare and the children of alcoholics are more likely to become alcoholics. If you grow up in an environment where something is acceptable then you're likely to follow along.
I think that in the first years of life a teenagers child may have less of that crucial stability the is needed in the teenage years, then when they are teenagers there is the risk of sounding like a hypocrite.
I've asked that question many times. The answer is it's all how the mother raises the kid. You can tell the kid not to do it, but they won't listen.
I think the kid is like you did it so can i. Its the same as why do kids whos parents are divorced have a higher divorce rate themselves. Or children that parents smoke.
Like Father, like Son. Like mother, like Daughter.

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