Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What are your opinions on teenage public displays of affection?

We are doing a sociology project and we need to find out your opinions on PDA's in the High School hallways. In this case a PDA is defined as holding hands and kissing.

Please include if you are a teenager or adult in your answer.

Thanks =]What are your opinions on teenage public displays of affection?
I am an adult and I think that holding hands is alright, and a peck on the cheek type of kiss is all right. But I don't think that hanging off each other and staying in an embrace is very mature. And I don't think that a full kiss (tongue) is appropriate either.What are your opinions on teenage public displays of affection?
First off, I am an adult. And a mother of a teen and tween to boot.

My teen hasn't yet found himself a girlfriend, but I anticipate this issue when he does.

If it is not tonsil hockey, wedding day, 3 minute kiss, then I don't see any problem with kissing. It can be a slight more than a peck. Many kisses don't have anything to them (imho) if it's a fly by night peck. A couple of seconds should be plenty. And holding hands is wonderful. It's skin contact without any overt sexual overtones. It's a way of feeling the energy of the other person, and it's also a way of giving that person some of your energy if he/she is having a bad day.

Physical contact is often a requirement for many people. Not in a sexual way, but in an emotional way. And especially when you are young, going through such changes as teens do, it can often do much for the teen psyche than any counselor or parent or teacher could hope to do.

Just keep it tasteful. More than a peck is ok, definitely less than tonsil hockey and glued lips is a must.
I'm a teenager and in my own opinion, I really think that PDA is not nice and is very disgusting. I mean, they could do that in private, why should they have to show it to the whole world. Also, in our school, I even can see some couples who are showing PDA and I can't help but have a side comment about them. So, in short, I'm really really against PDA.
adults or teenagers my opinion is the same.

pda's should be limited to hand holding or walking with arms around the waist. perhaps a peck on the lips.

but noooo snogging! i can't bear it! i work it a pub and it looks really really trashy and desparate! get a room if you can't control yourself!

as an adult, my own opinion on teenage public display of affection greatly depends on the culture. if society accept it then there's no problem with it.

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