Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What happens when a teenage runaway has a baby in another state?

Same thing that happens to a teenager that runs away and doesn't have a baby in another state: If she is found, she will be returned. The only difference is that she now has a baby and her parents now have an additional medical cost to pay.What happens when a teenage runaway has a baby in another state?
What happens legally? If that's what you mean, it depends on the state, the age of the teenager, how long they've been living out of state, what connections they have to their 'home' state, whether or not any laws have been broken and what is trying to be accomplished, (i.e., are you the teenager's parent seeking custody of the new-born, etc.)?What happens when a teenage runaway has a baby in another state?
yea she becomes a Teenage mom. They will still drag her but back to her parents.
she becomes a mother, what do you think happens?

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