Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How is teenage love different from the love that adults experience?

I'm fifteen and I honestly think I am in love. Yet there are comments made by older and ';wiser'; people everywhere saying that teenage love is shallow and will never last. What is is that my relationship is missing?How is teenage love different from the love that adults experience?
I am 29, and when I was 15 I thought that I loved all my boyfriends, I am not going to say that what you have is not love, because personally no matter how young you are, it very well could be. All you need to do now, is live in this moment, this second, with your guy, if it works out and you two end up getting married then you know what, you were right... You were in love. Some 15, 16 year old girls are far more mature than others, who's to say.... only you sweetie. So love your guy with all your heart, and may he be your true soul mate... But if he hurts or breaks your heart, don't look back on it and say I guess it wasn't love, If you feel like its love, then to you its love. Everyone loves differently. I am married with 2 kids, I met my husband when I was 15. I did not like him then ';wasn't my type';, but when I turned 18 I started dating him and knew that it was love right away. Love doesn't mean everything will be perfect, it just means that you will love through the hard times, through the rough times. If you can tell your love something that makes you feel so bad, and them not throw it up in your face in a fight, then that's a start. Good Luck Sweetie, enjoy this time with your guy, don't worry about what others say, love your way and no one elses.How is teenage love different from the love that adults experience?

I would say that at 15 it's easier to mistake crushes and infatuation as love because of lack of experience. You (general you) doesn't have much 'love-bagage' yet and you don't have a lot to compare what you are feeling to and it can be difficult to distinguish between the different emotions. That's not to say that love cannot happen at 15, though.
There are no rules about love. Nobody can tell you whether its real or not, regardless of their age or what they think they know. I am approaching 30 years old, and I still can remember falling in love for the very first time at 16 years old. It is a wonderful memory, and nobody could ever tell me those feelings were not real. You are young, enjoy yourself, and try not to put too much emphasis on what other people think or what they tell you you are feeling. If anything, they are trying to protect you since you are young, and they simply don't want to see you get hurt. Just try not to confuse it with physical feelings or anything of that nature. Keep a diary, it is very entertaining to read what your thoughts were at this time when you get older, it keeps you young. Many people forget the passion they felt about things the older they get, and a diary serves as a reminder.
Most teens fell an ';Infatuation'; for the first time. It's not really love,for love is hard to define. Because at the age of 15,you ';Like'; this person,but things such as marriage and kids are not in the picture yet. As you grow older,then you will meet others and each person will make you fell something different (within your heart). Then one day you may meet the 1 person who makes you forget about all the others. This person will make your heart spin,and you'll say to yourself: SELF this is it!. This is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. (PS) Don't misunderstand me. Just because your 15,does'nt mean you can't feel love!. (Smile)
I am one to believe that love doesnt have age because I fell in love at 15 and married at 20 but I can honestly say that love is different when you are older. I think it has to do with life experiences, and events that change how you feel about the person you are with. When you are a teen, love is so much easier, it can hurt you but you recover fast and as an adult it so much harder. Its harder to explain and understand but you will know when you get there. I recommend you have fun right now and enjoy your friends because your teenage years are counted.

Good luck!!
Your relationship is missing life experience and maturity...those things have an effect on the love you will experience as an adult, versus the ';puppy love'; one might experience as a teen.

You can't really understand it, until you are an adult and experience mature, romantic love. Then you can look back and compare that to how you feel now and it will be clear what we (adults) mean...

What you are feeling isn't to be discounted...it feels strong to you, and it hurts like heII when it goes wrong or ends, but it's just a precursor to what you'll experience down the road...think of this as a practice run.
It's not that we're wiser, it's just as get older you mature more it's wierd because i felt the same as you but now I'm 25 i have a completely different perspective.it's great you have someone you can share your good and bad times you might end up as highschool sweethearts who knows,you only live once enjoy it and take it a day at a time.Don't try and grow up too fast!
I don't think it's impossible. I think that there is a definite difference in a feeling you get. It continues and it doesn't stop. i;m not one to confirm or deny its possibility. Whether or not you really love someone is your concern. Think about it though. Make sure you know if it is real or if it isn't. Neither one is a bad thing though. love or lust, both concern you actually liking the person. That's why it is near impossible to differentiate between the two sometimes. Good luck.
okay. You are 15, obviously smart because you have survived this long, and it wasn't by being stupid or else you wouldn't be here.Obviously you are mature because you reckognize the differences of age by the remarks being made to you. So I don't think ';missing,'; is the right term to tag your relationship. Sometimes, the older and wiser generation learned so by the hard way themselves and truly believe that blessing you with thier fine wisdom will spare you years of heartache. Rest assured thier fine wisdom will in fact not save you from heartache in any area of life. Life itself is composed of many facets such as happiness, sorrow, a healthy life, death, increasing taxes and an entire array of problems that will befall you or you will cause yourself no matter who you love. Love is extremely precious my young one, I would know as Iam 43 and never married. But I certainly had my share of young love and I will never trade the memories. Young people like myself in the day had no education in the area of love, yet we ran out off in life like we knew all about love. Love and a relationship and keeping love alive in a relationship takes a lot of education. Mising isn't really the right term, it's more like you are young as all of us are or were and just need to get good education about love and relationships. This is the one thing I really hold against our american schools systems, they do nothing to educate our youths but dear god if you can't spell perfectly you are a failure.Pick up books on the subject so your dreams do come true, unlike your older advisors who possibly failed out of a lack of knowledge.Teen love isn't shallow, it is intense and often happens so fast it gets used up. Older people have made plenty of mistakes and have learned better and go much slower in relationships. I my self just quit being so stupid, gosh I hope so anyways.
Adults will always think that just because were younger, we're more nieve and can't feel the same way that they do. Honestly though, I don't think that love can feel age, it's going to hit whoever it hits, if there 13 or 31, it's not going to matter. Maybe you really are in love with your boyfriend, the reasons adults say this is because we have to go through college, school, ect. and they don't.
well people say that teenage love is just hormonal and more likely to be crushes. although i dont agree, the 'wise old people' seem to think they're all shallow because eventually you have to move away (college, new house etc).. whereas if your an adult, you've already done these things and your settled down. less things are going on which leaves more free time to connect with your significant other. but hey, dont listen to them :P if you think ur in love i'd say go for it. even if you find out it isnt love, it wont hurt trying? at least you'll gain experience from it

hope i helped x
when your young you really dont know real emotions and stuff. i mean highschool relationships never ever work. you will go ur separate ways after highschool, and then one of ur will cheat on another, because sorry noone is every THAT faithful during college. but when your older and outta college you kno what u want to do with ur life and **** and you kno what you need.

you dont kno that at 15.
In my opinion teenage love is just not as serious because you are still young. There is no way teenagers have the experience and know who they even are or what they want yet. You need to explore and live your life before you get to serious with one person.
well im 15 and ive been with my man for twoo years

i think our love is real lol

its shallow if our like

omg bby i love you so much wen youve only been dating from 1week-4 months i think

then its fake

i didnt say i love you to my man until the 1st year
there isnt really anythig missing, persay. its just that teen love is soooooooo different from adult love, because adults, they have more sicere love, they have had experience and kno whats comming at them most of the time. but teens have some good love 2
missing experience

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