Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How do teenage boys study at all when they are obsessed with sex?

I am a mom of a soon-to-be teenage boy. I never understood boys until now. He is obsessed with sex. He can't help it. It consumes him. I wonder how boys can be expected to take challenging AP classes in high school? Are they actually able to set aside sex and focus on schoolwork? Or is this just cruel to expect this of them? Should the difficult classes be put off until college, and let the high school boys take less challenging stuff?How do teenage boys study at all when they are obsessed with sex?
If other boys can take challenging classes in high school and make good grades - so can your son!! Why wait until college- he will still be obsessed then.

Like I said, do not make an excuse for him - if all boys can get through this phase, your son can too.

And you know what, girls go boy crazy too and can handle the classes.

Good Luck!!!How do teenage boys study at all when they are obsessed with sex?
Uhh Im trying to make good grade my bro went to stanford...its ez

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Beat it out of him??? DUH!!!

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you need to talk to your son and tell him it is better to learn and study instead of thinking about sex now you know you probably wouldn't want a son as a father at the age of 13 and plus he doesn't need to be consigned with sex yet he is to young

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you should really take him to a phsychologist. He could have a very serious problem, Just like Law and Order, He really needs to be checked in case he does something he's gonna regret, like rape a student or teacher

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Look, if they are obssesed with sex,they should be looking at pornography in the internet, WATCH OUT!

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When I was in high school (honors student for 4 years), shockingly enough all my honors and AP and college level class were about 50/50 guys and girls. And I had several guy friends that I would study with, and believe me, when we studied, we were focused. No we weren't playing ';if you get a question wrong, take off an article of clothing,'; we were actually studying. Yeah they are interested in sex, but it doesn't take over their daily life, much less their performance in these classes.

So to answer your question, yes guys can set aside sex and focus on other things. It's possible. And if you don't challenge the boys during high school, they won't last a semester in college. Seriously.

If you are so concerned that your son is so obsessed with sex that he can't focus on anything else, you might want to take him to a sex therapist who can really determine if he has a problem. It might just be that he is a normal teenaged boy, and it is just coming across to you that he is obsessed with sex.
Once he gets his hormones under control, then he will be able to focus on a lot more things but if his obsession with sex carries on for too long then you probably need to seek help. In high school i took the most challenging Honors, AP, and IB courses that i could. I was around an atmosphere that was consumed by sex too, being on the football, basketball, baseball, and track team. Everyone expected me to be a male wh*re with 3 kids from 3 different girls before i graduated high school rather than the salutatorian of my class and all american football player. But once guys get over the ';sex makes the world go around'; mind state we are able to accomplish anything we set our minds too.
Are you trying to say that only boys should be able to take esasier classes, where as girls would be able to handle AP courses because they are not sex addicted? It annoys me so much to hear people say stuff like this. No, I think he can take difficult courses. No, it would not be cruel to expect your son to study instead of getting some girl pregnant. Anyways ,he is going to be just as horny in college, so he might as well get some credit in highschool.
As a high school teacher I see several boys that set aside sex for school or at least they fake it pretty well. I have several male students that are successful in my class as well as AP, honors and even..COLLEGE level courses!! You need to seek help for your son if sex is the ONLY thing he can focus on. It's normal for teenage boys to think about sex but to obsession is different. Best wishes to you and your family!
boys CAN set aside sex and focus on school

i should know, im 14 years old and everything we guys talk about is sex

but me and ALL my friends can focus on other things like school

im in the National Junior Honor Society, i was the running MVP for my schools track team, im qualified for taking all AP classes this upcoming year, was in the top 12 highest GPA in all my classes, and 3rd highest GPA overall

so yes a guy can set aside sex for school

its jux natural
Boys are horny. End of story.

Don't put him through the AP Classes though. It will not really benefit your child and will give them more stress and a lower GPA. Trust me, its happening to me.

We aren't as obsessed with it as you think. we really don't focus on it too much in school. We do set it (somewhat) aside and work on our stuff.

If your son is as consumed with it as you say, you may need to have him visit a shrink because that is unhealthy. You should also sit down and talk with him, telling him to knock it off.
Well I'm 15 and a boy and I'm not obsessed with sex i do think about but i can control myself and put my feeling aside for school

and it would be sexist saying boys should take easier classes because they are obsessed with sex because not all teenage boys are, I'm not and I'm doing pretty well in school
Both of my brothers went to IV league schools... My parents didnt allow the obsession to consume them. Thats all. Curfew... we all had to have a job in school along with sports and school. It didnt give a whole lot of time for sex focus. I would look more into his friends. He may be so obsessed with it because everyone else is. I know its a phase as a teen, but lets face it. Even as an adult when your busy as heck you dont have the time to focus on other things...
Haha, we know you're the teenage boy! This is soo cute! Seriously, if you want to pretend to be a mom, maybe make a fake account? because we can see your past questions, and we know you're thinking about going to magnet school....

Oh, and don't say, ';I never understood boys until now';. Don't you think moms know what men are like??
Well, maybe your son is obsessed, but I know many, many teen guys (because of band and other clubs) and NONE of them are obsessed with sex, yes they have/had girlfriends, but they aren't thinking about sex 24/7. Most of them are in NHS or AP/Honors classes.
Yes, they are. I am a high school teacher and I deal with these problems. If, lets say for example, your in the room with them do you think he'd think about that? I do not. So just talk to him about it. I am sure its not that serious.

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no, because if you dont challenge them in high school, college would be a VERY rude awakening. tons of boys graduate from high school every year, i think your son could do it also.
Are you serious????

Yeah, you are right. boys shouldn't take hard classes. They are thinking about sex all the time.

That was sarcasm.

I seriously hope you are kidding. It's sick that you think that way.
big deal every guy is opposesed with sex. and they go through lfe. with it. dont worry he'll be fine. know he might have sex before marrage, know that is your promblme.
i'm pretty sure they can still focus on school. My brother (he's 14) get's all A's and B's and he is always on the computer looking up pornography.

u should just give him the talk and everything will be okay.
My husband still wants sex all the time. I don't think they EVER outgrow it. It won't matter when you give them advanced classes, sex will always be on the brain...
yu are right i am a 13 year old girl and i have been asked to have sex by 23 boys already so what does that tell you
put him in sports
yeah im a guy and im obsessed with sex. so what?

i talk about it with my gf constantly, but only because were planning our future as husband and wife together.

i was still obsessed with sex in my freshman, sophmore, and junior years in highschool, but i think ive turned out fine.

4.0 avg

all state alto saxophone

marching band


academic Pentathlon and Decathlon

I took all AP classes from freshman year till now

i started taking high school credit classes in middle school

ive already started taking college credit courses

played on the Basketball, football, soccer team

ive had plenty of gfs, although ive stayed with the same girl from eigth grade all the way to the end of junior year, and were still going

i think im popular, i mean im not a social outcast, and everyone knows my name

im expected to be valedictorian nxt year

i was accepted into a medical academy program my freshman year, and as a junior i was payed to get out of school and work in a hospital, a payed internship that will continue this year

and ive also gotten all perfect scores on my TAKS test.

yeah all this coming from a hormonally raged high school boy.

i think guys can do soo many challenging things, even with our minds obesessing over sex. it just takes initiative, and something to push them along the way. mine was to make my parents proud, and to have enough money to have a wonderful life with my future wife and our family.

maybe he just needs an initiative?
Sexual Activity or the obsession with sex happens to every guy, when they hit that lovely age. But as side tracking as it is, it's important not to let that get in the way.

I, like any other teenage boy, have dealt with the issue and have never found it to be a problem in relation to school. I am not an exceptional student by any means, and kids know that there's a time and place for everything.

I'm neither a parent nor expert in this field, but have gone through it myself I can offer advise that has helped me. Different parents raise there children different ways. I was raised in a very conservative, old-fashioned family. In which sex was not something we talked about, or did before we were married.

In the current day in age, kids are known to have sex as early as the end of middle school or around 13-14 (way too early in my opinion) But it's important to let him know what you expect of him, without admonishing or making him feel like your pressuring him. Also let your son pick the classes he wants and talk to him about why he picked such hard classes or such easy.

It's important to let him be himself, but also give him the guidance in which life can only teach.

Sex is a difficult topic to talk about, when it comes to parents, especially for a single-mother. If he doesn't have a father to talk too, I guess you get to do the dirty work. Also a recommendation is to put him into a LMS (Life Management Skills), Sex Education, or Health Class his first year of high school, Sex is an over-whelming force in high school and better to be educated about it, then to end up with a pregnant girl, or an STD.

Best of Luck!!!

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