Saturday, January 9, 2010

What do teenage girls use on their face to get rid of blemishes?

I am a 14 year old girl and I am turning 15 on February 9th. My face is breaking out ever since I became a teenager and I want to get rid of them. I wash my face when I wake up and before I go to bed. But whenever I am at school and I see all these other girls eating candy and alot of sugar and they have like perfect faces and then when i eat the littlest candy I start to break out on my faceWhat do teenage girls use on their face to get rid of blemishes?
ProactiveWhat do teenage girls use on their face to get rid of blemishes?
I don't think eating candy will affect your skin. However, drinking water is good for it. It gets rid of impurites that seep through your pores and cause blemishes. Drink lots of water. You also may want to try an acne creme. Proactive is a good one, but it can be pricey. I've found that products with salicylic acid work just as well. Just don't use it too much if you have sensitive skin. Try not to touch your face too much, and keep your hair away from it especially at night when you go to bed. Also, clean your phone! A dirty phone pressed up against your face can cause some nasty breakouts. Wipe it down every now and then. Try these tips, and don't let anybody tell you that you shouldn't eat chocolate. Chocolate has never been proven to cause breakouts. Good luck!
my mom buy this really cheap acne pad stuff. its really cheap but it always gets rid of my break out and its not something i have to use evryday only when i have my break outs. but it works super good and the zits go away in like a day or two. but yea u dont get zits just because of eating junk food u get them from stress too.
Drink plenty of water, exercise, eat lots of fresh produce, keep your hands off of your face, and order acne kit from Dr.Murad. I had acne for good portion of my life, tried Proactiv, it just dried my skin, it was too harsh, where Dr. Murad stuff was just what I needed all along. It is loaded with botanical ingredients, and you can probably find a spa/cosmetic salon in your area that uses this product in a young skin treatment.
try clearisil
Try getting proactive, or if you want to go cheaper, get noxxema, you can find it at walmart, walgreens, basically anwhere, i use the noxxema wipes because it is just easier, and you can really feel it work

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