Saturday, January 9, 2010

How many teenage Americans are going to doing the jobs left behind by illegals?

this summer? With all the immigration issues, are the parents pushing them to take these jobs back?How many teenage Americans are going to doing the jobs left behind by illegals?
Teenage Americans are very busy persons trying to get to Hollywood, be big stars, making money, be beautiful, own luxury cars, buying fancy homes and going shopping.

Do you think they'll have time for ';WORKING'?How many teenage Americans are going to doing the jobs left behind by illegals?
The majority of the jobs illegals have done, were jobs formerly done by Americans. Bosses saw they could screw the Americans and hire the illegals for a third the pay. Jobs I did as a teen in the 60's all went to illegals who made even less money than I used to. I guess that if illegals are gone, many teens will gladly take them, sadly for the greedy bosses they will have to pay legal wages again.
I don't know that illegals are going to be going anywhere anytime soon..but I do know that when I was a food jobs like McDonalds and Taco Bell were available for all those positions are filled by 30 and 40 year old hispanic workers...I cannot say whether or not they are illegal because I have never been one to demand to see their green card before they hand me food....but it is a shame that teenagers do not have these options open to them anymore.

It used to be a kinda right of passage for young kids...when they turned 16 and got their license and workers permit...they took afternoon and summer jobs at fast food and what they can't...I know that a lot of hispanic families are hard working and they need the money to support children...and I don't want to take anything away from them...but it would be nice to see some kids getting a chance to make money during the summer....the only fast food restaurant that I know of that still operates with this type of business model is ';In and Out Burgers'; and it is not a coincidence that they have hands down the best food of any fast food joint on the market.

But your question is premature...I don't see illegals going anywhere anytime soon.
these jobs picking fruit didnt just magically appear with the influx of millions of illegals.......they have been here for centuries and american citizens did them for decades just fine............illegals do it now because greedy companies know they dont have to pay them...........this talk of illegals somehow being the back bone of the food industry is a joke..........

no illegals=no slave wages=life goes on and the jobs still exist
wow after reading these posts you know who are the latino,s and the open border crowd,all of latino,s seem to be under some sort of an illusion that american teenager,s do not want those fast food jobs. my god in and out berger has a starting wage of 10.00.the latinos say these derogatory things about our teenager,s because they want those yob,s. most american,s hate it when a group of latino,s start degrading us.
Let's see... last I heard... one of my friends was living off unemployment, while living with his parents.... I dont know how he did it but ... he's still not working... I see him at all the parties though....

My other gf actually used her school money to get a car, and go shopping... oh!!! i forgot ! her breat implants too.... so I don't know about working? I don't really think they have time for that though... usually their parents give them everything so...
Funny,my son has been looking for work for the past few months. He just got a job working at the local orchard. Imagine that,a white American citizen working in the hot sun picking fruit.
lol...what are you talking about...???

Teenagers are not going to do construction work...';they're too pretty to get their hands dirty'; hahahahahaha

teenage americans should be in school...maybe work summer jobs,but thats all
Not that many. U know how f*cking lazy they are.
Dey took our jerbs!鈥?/a>
that's what you get with a kneejerk reaction without regard to the consequences, who will do those jobs?

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