Saturday, January 9, 2010

What is the ideal christmas present for a teenage boyfriend?

I have no idea what to get my boyfriend for christmas !! He's 13 and i want to find quite a cheap present that won't disintegrate in his hands and something he would appreciate.What is the ideal christmas present for a teenage boyfriend?
How about a book about one of his favorite hobbies? =)What is the ideal christmas present for a teenage boyfriend?
i'm 16 and for my boyfriends birthday i came up with some good ideas; i made him a slideshow with pics of us and our song in the background; i also took the first pic we ever had together, printed it big and framed it, then got the frame engraved. he absolutely loved it.

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If he has a favorite band or singer you could get him a CD that he doesn't already have, or go for the standard mixed tape thing if you wanted to. You could also get him movies or video games etc. like everyone else said. If you want something cheap yet heartfelt, maybe a nice pic of the two of you together (in a frame of course), with a special message written by you on the back. Or gift certificates for his favorite store, or bake him his favorite snack

A personalised gift or something really unique and original. I know a website called and they have really good personalised gifts and and loads of things that are quite different.

I've used them a lot and they have always been good. Good prices too!
find out what he likes to do when he isnt with you maybe like playing video games the new call of duty 5 came out it might be a little expensive? or find out what his favorite color is or what color he looks best in and buy him a tee shirt. :)
never can go wrong with his favorite CD, or have a friend of yours take some pretty pictures of you in the park and frame one for him. I don't know how long you've dated but young love comes and goes, I wouldn't invest gobs of money, there will be others!…

i dunno but at that age i wanted some kewl trendy shirts or pants... u can ask him indirectly what he likes or wanted to have and based on that and your budget, decide on something... something concerned with his hobbies (rugby, games, music, or dunno) he's ur bf? if the connection if flowing fine, he wunt mind at what you give him coz intentions count... be confident.. dnt worry abt his reaction but the emotions attached to what you'll offer him... gudluk.. cheerz
Give him a wrist watch, body spray or ipods

he would surely like it.

Also you must check this website that would help you in saving money with the help of beneficial discount coupons that are offered by this website for free.

If it has to be cheap, why not buy a stocking and fill it with a bunch of small wrapped inexpensive gifts?

That would be thoughtful and cute!!
What about some nice aftershave or a computer game? You can get aftershave cheap online or in bodycare. What about some cheap clothing?
How old are you? a teenage boyfriend! if you were the same age you would just say ';my boyfriend'; anyways, get video games, cant go wrong.
Movie theater gift card, i-pod shuffle, I-tunes card, tickets to something awesome, umm...b creative, you know him better than we do dude...oh and video games..duh, i mean he IZ 13 right?!? LOL
Why not make him a CD of all of his favorite songs?

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