Saturday, January 9, 2010

How is teenage pregnancy in the African American community a link to Black juveniles in the justice system?

I've been doing this paper on the disproportionate amount of African American juveniles in the justice system and I was wondering how does teenage pregnancy correlate with African American juveniles in the justice system.

Please, no biased comments, just statements whether negative or positive (I'm sure there will be no positive) that are factuals or reasons, but nothing out of meaness or bigotry.How is teenage pregnancy in the African American community a link to Black juveniles in the justice system?
I think teenage pregnancies also contribute to fatherless children, which would deprive them of a male role model (rarely if ever do teen fathers buckle down), thus you lose family stucture.

Also Its harder for the parents to get an education if the female is pregnant, which in turn makes it harder for them to raise their standards of living.

The first link shows that teenage pregnacies have been declining for everyone over the years. It also talk about which states have higher rates, ect. Also it will allow you to calculate it just for the african american community.

The second link discusses the health risks invovle for the women and the child in teenage pregnacies.

';Children born to teenage mothers are less likely to receive proper nutrition, health care, and cognitive and social stimulation. As a result, they are at risk for lower academic achievement.'; a quote from the second link鈥?/a>鈥?/a>How is teenage pregnancy in the African American community a link to Black juveniles in the justice system?
Studies have shown that the children born to under aged unwed teenagers of all races are more likely to do poorly in school and much more likely to end up in jail. They are also more likely to have learning disabilities. There is a link also between unwanted children and crime. There was a famous study that showed that where abortion was available in the US there was a corresponding decrease in crime 15-20 years later. Again, this is across all races. What you should look at is the rates of unwed teenage mothers for all races. Are whites more likely to have an abortion?
Id say there would be a link. The reason being, people that stay out of trouble, keep there grades up and dont party all the time would tend to keep there virginity longer. Those that go off and party, get drunk, and do drugs would be exposed to sexual relations and would not be in there right mind and would submitt too these actions easier and the link to justice system would be those that do drugs and party would lead to o ther things, drugs would lead to running out of money which would lead to theft for money to buy there drugs then would get busted by the police and wind up in jail. many other things could be caused by this ending as a result of being incarcerated also. Hope that gives you a good concept to base your report on.
Hmmm, I don't know how you would compose this paper.

I would look at it more from the perspective that poverty is a factor in all of this. Poverty stricken areas have a higher rate of pregnancy, higher rates of crime, and higher rates of minorities. I think if you're looking for a correlation, you need to include the poverty issue.

edit: nevermind, I realized what you're saying: teenage pregnancy as a cause of juvenile crime. Do you have access to a search engine that finds research articles? You could probably find some really great articles that way. Are you looking for a thesis statement or just ideas of what to write?
From my experience in the school system, teen parents tend to want to be their child's friend instead of parent. If you have a child at 15 or 16, your opportunities will automatically be limited. So either work like a dog to make a better life for you and child and hope that your support system doesn't buckle during those first few years or just float along with whatever which results in not learning the life lessons that come with rearing a child and being broke.

Though it's rare in my city, there are teen parents who turn out to be super-strict disciplinarians for that reason. And most of the time it works. The child born to a teen parent is too scared of their mother to end up in the system-sometimes it motivates them to excel in life.
Well, many teens that become pregnant at a young age tend to be impregnated by a guy who is ';less established';,

Okay, this is extremely hard to explain without sounding offensive.

Many females who become pregnant are considered, ';at-risk youth';. Many young people who get into legal trouble are considered, ';at-risk youth';. An ';At-risk'; female is more likely to associate herself with an ';at-risk'; male, in comparison to an individual who is not considered ';at-risk';. ';At-risk'; children tend to come from household were values are not emphasized, so, they are more likely to practice such risky behavior as unprotected sex.

So to sum everything up, a teenage girl is more likely to get impregnanted by a teenage boy criminal than a teenage boy non-criminal.
idk, why dont u do a paper on alll the races? why errrrthing gotta be pounded on the african americans? goshhhhhh, not all of them are ghetto u know!
People are just biased
I agree with L Buchanan
Nice lips
I agree with Tierney

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