Saturday, January 9, 2010

How are teenage girls expected to look these days?

Teen girls and young women, how are they expected to look these days, from the influence of the media, and what physical attributes would be classed as different or ugly?How are teenage girls expected to look these days?
If you look at fashion magazines aimed at teens you'd think girls are supposed to look very thin. If you hear women and girls talk they feel pressured to fit into that unrealistic ideal. Most men like women to have curves in ';the right places.'; If a girl is too skinny she isn't going to have breasts or hips or a butt. All heterosexual men like women to have breasts, hips and a butt. I heard a man on a talk show put it this way, ';only a dog likes a bone.';How are teenage girls expected to look these days?
the media makes people want to be like all thoes popular girls who are tiny and really pretty. I think being tall and fat is what the media calls ugly and being thin is beautiful. The media should be responsible for all the anorexic girls and the girls withh eating disorders and cutters. And as horrible as it is its never goig to change, being fat will still be ugly and being skinny will be beautiful. this is only my opinion though lol =D
Many grls like myself get very down about how they look, i dont mind my body coz im quite slender but i hate my face i have spots and i dont have very long eye lashes...i hate my nose too its too long.

Also girls get down about not having a boyfriend.
being fat is definitely biggest problem to teens...

also big nose, weird eyes... actually anything, cuz we're very picky :)
in muuh school you have to be 99 pounds bleach blonde hair and be rich to be accecpted.

answer mine please鈥?/a>
Teenage girls are meant to look like pre-teen boys... skinny, no hips, no breasts, and very straight, lank hair.
everyone thinks girl should be skinny but really guys like some curves.
in shape Natural looking, maby a little more mature in there clothing style.:)
size 0

bleached blonde hair

fake boobs %26amp;%26amp; nose



and have a huge house

What is the best face wash for a teenage girl?

Between the normal facewashes...





clean %26amp; clear


my face is dry in the morning and gets really oily by the time school is out around 2. what should i use?What is the best face wash for a teenage girl?
apply lemon juice and honey

///What is the best face wash for a teenage girl?
Most cleansers work differently on different people. What worked for my sister didn't work for me. Everyone is a little different. There are a couple things you can do.

1) Get a few different sample sizes and use them one at a time exclusively. Keep some notes to record how each worked.

Then go with the one that worked best for you.

2) See a doctor or dermatologist they may have some insight as to what will work best with your type of skin. This is highly recommended if you have allergies. Then they will put you through the one prescription at a time experiment and they will keep the notes.
It sounds like you have ';normal'; skin. Of course your skin is going to be dry in the morning- right after you wash it- and oily in the afternoon. What's happening is you're stripping your skin of its oils, and then it over-produces them to compensate.

It feels REAL good to have totally oil-free skin, I know, but it doesn't last, and you will inevitably damage your skin. Instead, try using a gentler product (Cetaphil works great for me) and moisturizing if you're still really dry. It sounds really counter-intuitive but it works. Often the problem is not too much oil in the first place, but too little as a result of taking too much off.
neutragena oil free face wash.

its is in a clear bottle but the

face wash is orange. no sting

and no shine. clear skin!

if u dont want dry skin. wait

3-5 minutes to let your face dry.

then lighted put on some lotion.

after that almost drys. try putting on some

liquid coverup. i use maybellene and mi

skin is like GLOWING lol i LOVE IT!

(be sure to use a sponge!)
clean n clear


neutrogena- dries out skin (for me)

clearasil- barley any difference

proactiv- make acne worse

oxy- doesnt work at all
I have the same skin problem as you with my skin, but applying mousturizers tends to break my face out more often. The all around best face wash is Aveeno Clear Complexion Cleansing Pads. You just splash a little water on your face and scrub gently with the exfoliating side, then flip the pad and use the soft side to help remove makeups and oils and generally clean skin. They work miracles!鈥?/a>

go to the site above and it should be the first item that comes up

purchase them at target or walmart
Use a normal oil-free facial wash daily and a facial scrub twice a week. The reason why your face is dry in the morning is because you did not apply moisturiser on you skin after washing them. People tend to make mistake that when one has an oily skin that they cannot use moisturiser. The more you don't use moisturiser, your body create sebum (access oil) onto your skin. That is why by afternoon, your face are so oily. Buy moisturiser for oily skin and use it in the morning and at night after you wash your face. Since you are a teenage girl, you can use clean %26amp; clear facial wash and scrub. Whereas for moisturiser, you can use loreal, garnier. Not so expensive. If you have a bit more budget, use toner before moisturizer.
Clean %26amp; Clear is good for me %26amp; i'm lime your skin type.

Just go to walgreens or something %26amp; see which ones are good for your skin type %26amp; try 'em out.
I use biore blemish fighting ice cleanser it works great.
It all depends on your skin. I've used mostly neutrogena and clean and clear. Look for products that contains ';syllacic acid'; to fight acne and blemish. For dry skin in the morning, moisturize and for oily skin, carry Clean and Clear blotting sheets to go. Good luck and have happy, beautiful skin!

How much would it cost to redo a teenage bedroom?

My bedroom wall color is a barn red. It doesnt match anything so my mom told me that i can redo my whole room. Im planning on getting new furniture if that helps.

P.S if anyone knows where i can find a zebra bed set please let me know.How much would it cost to redo a teenage bedroom?
bout 100 -200 pounds depend on wot u wont and if you get cheap stuffHow much would it cost to redo a teenage bedroom?
Depending on exactly what you are doing, it should cost under $500 to redo your room.

Paint is inexpensive, but with a color like barn red, you are going to have to do a few coats to cover it.

A Zebra themed room is fun. It may be difficult to find a zebra bed set, but there is no reason why you can't have zebra accessories everywhere other than the bed. Find a solid bed set in a color you like (pink, turquoise, white) that will work well with your furniture. Add zebra print pillows all over the bed.

Your floor is a great place to really add that 'animal' style. Try this zebra print rug鈥?/a> .

Finish up with smaller accessories, such as zebra printed candles and picture frames.

What are some good ways to keep my teenage daughter out of trouble?

She's 13 and has started calling boys 'hotties' I liked it better when she through they had cooties. What are some good ways to keep my teenage daughter out of trouble?
Have a sincere mother-daughter chat with her and explain that she's growing up very fast and you're very proud of her but that you just want to make sure she knows whats appropriate behavior at her age and what is not. Its important for adolescents to understand a code of ethics and how to approach situations maturely, things like sex, drugs, underage drinking and smoking, which are bound to come up at 13. You can't stifle the lingo or the trends but you can let her know that she should maintain a certain level of maturity and confidence if she expects you to be able to trust her. What are some good ways to keep my teenage daughter out of trouble?
Depends what you mean by trouble.

In general the girls who are busy and have good friends are less likely to do dumb things. So try and keep her busy with after school sports or homework or whatever, not just let her hang around at the shops and stuff. Talk to her often, be open, let her know she can trust you.

Calling boys hotties isn't so bad, probably just an expression she picked up.

There's only so much you can do though, sadly.

Supposedly, having dinner at the table with your children every night of the week helps them stay out of trouble. I don't know exactly the reason why, but there has been research showing that children that grew up like this have less likelyhood of getting in trouble or getting on drugs.

It's probably the family time and talking that happens.
as much as you don't want her to discover boys, it's happened. Not much you can do about it but you can restricit when she talks to them on the phone (i.e. not after 9 pm on school nights) when and where she can see them (i.e. group dates at this age but not one on one dates). Have a talk with her about boys and everything that can happen. Not just about the sex part of it but how they should, should not treat her etc.

Hold on tight, you will be in for a ride with her and boys now.
yea tell her a bout the bees and the biirds if u havent already! tell her about STDS and look up pics to show ur daughter wat they look like so that she wont hav sex. Tell her about and show her pics on diseases from makin out (lips of course, cheeck is oikay). and dont say NO to calling them hotties, if u do,s she wilil hav a need 2 rebel (not something u will like BTW) after that, she is pretty safe
Looks like its time for the birds and the bees conversation. Make sure to tell her about safe sex and all of the other stuff. She is as of this point a hormone crazed teenager! She is going to be looking at boys left and right now. Be ready before you know it she will be crying over a boy. Get her involved in after school activities such as clubs or sports to keep her mind off of boys well to a point! Hope I could help!
Just let her go boy crazy. I'm 13, and the thing is go out for like a week, break up, and do it all over again a couple times. Just let her do her thing. IF she starts going on dates, start talkiong to her more about sex. If she asks for birth control, your not going to stop her from having sex, so my oppinion is just buy it for her. Just my oppinion. Hope I helped.
hate to break it to you, but she stopped thinking boys had cooties a LONG time ago.

shes just never mentioned hot guys around you before. i was like that too. now when i see i hot guy i have no problem being like ';dayum he was sexy'; right infront of my mom haha.

i dont know what your really asking.. shes gonna like boys, shes gonna date boys, shes gonna kiss boys.

so yeah. dealz. (:
Oh you're pathetic. Get over it your ';little girl'; is growing up. Why cant you be like MY mom? My mom is letting my sister grow up(but not too fast). Shes getting big theres nothing you can do shes gonna be attracted to boys. What? you want to like girls or something? do you want her to take up homosexuality?
Be a parent. Talk to her, give her advice, lay down rules (and stick to them), educate her about sex, about drugs, about drinking. The biggest reason kids chose to have sex, or drink and drive, etc. is because they haven't been properly educated from their parents. Be an active part of your kid's life.
Talk to her often and be sure that you let her do her share of the talking and that you listen. (Every parent misses the ';cootie'; phase when it turns into the ';hottie'; phase! Childhood is now over much too soon!)
don't worry about her calling guys hot cuz girls her age start to form their opinions about guys, if you guys go to church, then get her involved in some youth group or just sit her down and talk about it.
You gotta let go sometime mama-bird, just trust in your daughter that you taught her well enough over the years to make good decisions.
she's just growing up, geez...just because she calls boys ';hotties'; doesn't mean she's getting into trouble
why are parents this way, i mean its just our urban language: hottie stands for: cute or hot or whatever, its not like if she were doing something bad for saying hottie
don't worry it's normal to start to go a little boy crazy around 13-14. Just make sure she doesn't give into peer pressure.
dont give her rules. if you give her rules she will jus break them!!

What is the best face wash for a teenage girl?

Between the normal facewashes...





clean %26amp; clear


my face is dry in the morning and gets really oily by the time school is out around 2. what should i use?What is the best face wash for a teenage girl?
apply lemon juice and honey

///What is the best face wash for a teenage girl?
Most cleansers work differently on different people. What worked for my sister didn't work for me. Everyone is a little different. There are a couple things you can do.

1) Get a few different sample sizes and use them one at a time exclusively. Keep some notes to record how each worked.

Then go with the one that worked best for you.

2) See a doctor or dermatologist they may have some insight as to what will work best with your type of skin. This is highly recommended if you have allergies. Then they will put you through the one prescription at a time experiment and they will keep the notes.
It sounds like you have ';normal'; skin. Of course your skin is going to be dry in the morning- right after you wash it- and oily in the afternoon. What's happening is you're stripping your skin of its oils, and then it over-produces them to compensate.

It feels REAL good to have totally oil-free skin, I know, but it doesn't last, and you will inevitably damage your skin. Instead, try using a gentler product (Cetaphil works great for me) and moisturizing if you're still really dry. It sounds really counter-intuitive but it works. Often the problem is not too much oil in the first place, but too little as a result of taking too much off.
neutragena oil free face wash.

its is in a clear bottle but the

face wash is orange. no sting

and no shine. clear skin!

if u dont want dry skin. wait

3-5 minutes to let your face dry.

then lighted put on some lotion.

after that almost drys. try putting on some

liquid coverup. i use maybellene and mi

skin is like GLOWING lol i LOVE IT!

(be sure to use a sponge!)
clean n clear


neutrogena- dries out skin (for me)

clearasil- barley any difference

proactiv- make acne worse

oxy- doesnt work at all
I have the same skin problem as you with my skin, but applying mousturizers tends to break my face out more often. The all around best face wash is Aveeno Clear Complexion Cleansing Pads. You just splash a little water on your face and scrub gently with the exfoliating side, then flip the pad and use the soft side to help remove makeups and oils and generally clean skin. They work miracles!鈥?/a>

go to the site above and it should be the first item that comes up

purchase them at target or walmart
Use a normal oil-free facial wash daily and a facial scrub twice a week. The reason why your face is dry in the morning is because you did not apply moisturiser on you skin after washing them. People tend to make mistake that when one has an oily skin that they cannot use moisturiser. The more you don't use moisturiser, your body create sebum (access oil) onto your skin. That is why by afternoon, your face are so oily. Buy moisturiser for oily skin and use it in the morning and at night after you wash your face. Since you are a teenage girl, you can use clean %26amp; clear facial wash and scrub. Whereas for moisturiser, you can use loreal, garnier. Not so expensive. If you have a bit more budget, use toner before moisturizer.
Clean %26amp; Clear is good for me %26amp; i'm lime your skin type.

Just go to walgreens or something %26amp; see which ones are good for your skin type %26amp; try 'em out.
I use biore blemish fighting ice cleanser it works great.
It all depends on your skin. I've used mostly neutrogena and clean and clear. Look for products that contains ';syllacic acid'; to fight acne and blemish. For dry skin in the morning, moisturize and for oily skin, carry Clean and Clear blotting sheets to go. Good luck and have happy, beautiful skin!
  • clarins
  • oil acne
  • How are teenage girls expected to look these days?

    Teen girls and young women, how are they expected to look these days, from the influence of the media, and what physical attributes would be classed as different or ugly?How are teenage girls expected to look these days?
    If you look at fashion magazines aimed at teens you'd think girls are supposed to look very thin. If you hear women and girls talk they feel pressured to fit into that unrealistic ideal. Most men like women to have curves in ';the right places.'; If a girl is too skinny she isn't going to have breasts or hips or a butt. All heterosexual men like women to have breasts, hips and a butt. I heard a man on a talk show put it this way, ';only a dog likes a bone.';How are teenage girls expected to look these days?
    the media makes people want to be like all thoes popular girls who are tiny and really pretty. I think being tall and fat is what the media calls ugly and being thin is beautiful. The media should be responsible for all the anorexic girls and the girls withh eating disorders and cutters. And as horrible as it is its never goig to change, being fat will still be ugly and being skinny will be beautiful. this is only my opinion though lol =D
    Many grls like myself get very down about how they look, i dont mind my body coz im quite slender but i hate my face i have spots and i dont have very long eye lashes...i hate my nose too its too long.

    Also girls get down about not having a boyfriend.
    being fat is definitely biggest problem to teens...

    also big nose, weird eyes... actually anything, cuz we're very picky :)
    in muuh school you have to be 99 pounds bleach blonde hair and be rich to be accecpted.

    answer mine please鈥?/a>
    Teenage girls are meant to look like pre-teen boys... skinny, no hips, no breasts, and very straight, lank hair.
    everyone thinks girl should be skinny but really guys like some curves.
    in shape Natural looking, maby a little more mature in there clothing style.:)
    size 0

    bleached blonde hair

    fake boobs %26amp;%26amp; nose



    and have a huge house

    What are some good ways to keep my teenage daughter out of trouble?

    She's 13 and has started calling boys 'hotties' I liked it better when she through they had cooties. What are some good ways to keep my teenage daughter out of trouble?
    Have a sincere mother-daughter chat with her and explain that she's growing up very fast and you're very proud of her but that you just want to make sure she knows whats appropriate behavior at her age and what is not. Its important for adolescents to understand a code of ethics and how to approach situations maturely, things like sex, drugs, underage drinking and smoking, which are bound to come up at 13. You can't stifle the lingo or the trends but you can let her know that she should maintain a certain level of maturity and confidence if she expects you to be able to trust her. What are some good ways to keep my teenage daughter out of trouble?
    Depends what you mean by trouble.

    In general the girls who are busy and have good friends are less likely to do dumb things. So try and keep her busy with after school sports or homework or whatever, not just let her hang around at the shops and stuff. Talk to her often, be open, let her know she can trust you.

    Calling boys hotties isn't so bad, probably just an expression she picked up.

    There's only so much you can do though, sadly.

    Supposedly, having dinner at the table with your children every night of the week helps them stay out of trouble. I don't know exactly the reason why, but there has been research showing that children that grew up like this have less likelyhood of getting in trouble or getting on drugs.

    It's probably the family time and talking that happens.
    as much as you don't want her to discover boys, it's happened. Not much you can do about it but you can restricit when she talks to them on the phone (i.e. not after 9 pm on school nights) when and where she can see them (i.e. group dates at this age but not one on one dates). Have a talk with her about boys and everything that can happen. Not just about the sex part of it but how they should, should not treat her etc.

    Hold on tight, you will be in for a ride with her and boys now.
    yea tell her a bout the bees and the biirds if u havent already! tell her about STDS and look up pics to show ur daughter wat they look like so that she wont hav sex. Tell her about and show her pics on diseases from makin out (lips of course, cheeck is oikay). and dont say NO to calling them hotties, if u do,s she wilil hav a need 2 rebel (not something u will like BTW) after that, she is pretty safe
    Looks like its time for the birds and the bees conversation. Make sure to tell her about safe sex and all of the other stuff. She is as of this point a hormone crazed teenager! She is going to be looking at boys left and right now. Be ready before you know it she will be crying over a boy. Get her involved in after school activities such as clubs or sports to keep her mind off of boys well to a point! Hope I could help!
    Just let her go boy crazy. I'm 13, and the thing is go out for like a week, break up, and do it all over again a couple times. Just let her do her thing. IF she starts going on dates, start talkiong to her more about sex. If she asks for birth control, your not going to stop her from having sex, so my oppinion is just buy it for her. Just my oppinion. Hope I helped.
    hate to break it to you, but she stopped thinking boys had cooties a LONG time ago.

    shes just never mentioned hot guys around you before. i was like that too. now when i see i hot guy i have no problem being like ';dayum he was sexy'; right infront of my mom haha.

    i dont know what your really asking.. shes gonna like boys, shes gonna date boys, shes gonna kiss boys.

    so yeah. dealz. (:
    Oh you're pathetic. Get over it your ';little girl'; is growing up. Why cant you be like MY mom? My mom is letting my sister grow up(but not too fast). Shes getting big theres nothing you can do shes gonna be attracted to boys. What? you want to like girls or something? do you want her to take up homosexuality?
    Be a parent. Talk to her, give her advice, lay down rules (and stick to them), educate her about sex, about drugs, about drinking. The biggest reason kids chose to have sex, or drink and drive, etc. is because they haven't been properly educated from their parents. Be an active part of your kid's life.
    Talk to her often and be sure that you let her do her share of the talking and that you listen. (Every parent misses the ';cootie'; phase when it turns into the ';hottie'; phase! Childhood is now over much too soon!)
    don't worry about her calling guys hot cuz girls her age start to form their opinions about guys, if you guys go to church, then get her involved in some youth group or just sit her down and talk about it.
    You gotta let go sometime mama-bird, just trust in your daughter that you taught her well enough over the years to make good decisions.
    she's just growing up, geez...just because she calls boys ';hotties'; doesn't mean she's getting into trouble
    why are parents this way, i mean its just our urban language: hottie stands for: cute or hot or whatever, its not like if she were doing something bad for saying hottie
    don't worry it's normal to start to go a little boy crazy around 13-14. Just make sure she doesn't give into peer pressure.
    dont give her rules. if you give her rules she will jus break them!!

    What do teenage girls wear in their houses?

    What are the different things you wear in your houses in the summer and winter? Tops? Bottoms? Footwear?What do teenage girls wear in their houses?
    Usually nothing but a smile

    What would be the perfect christmas list for teenage girls?

    My parents are asking me to make a list for christmas, but I'm having a hard time thinking of gifts. I already have a cell phone and a camera and dont wan't to ask for clothes or jewerly. The price doesn't matter and I need new ideas besides the usual clothes, jewerly, hair stuff, and purse. Try to be unique. I also dont want video game systems.

    Thank you so much, and do not worry I will make sure to give nice presents and not only recieve. What would be the perfect christmas list for teenage girls?
    This is a really cool website I use to find the perfect gift ideas for others... and yourself. :)

    Quiz yourself, and it will give you many ideas of what you may like.What would be the perfect christmas list for teenage girls?
    My sister just got a hedgehog they are adorable very low maintence and guiet all they really do is sleep they make a perfect pet

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    I'm having the same issue, and here are some things I put on my list:

    - a beach cruiser, a bike is an easier way to get around instead of having your parents drive you places and is better for the environment

    - subscriptions to magazines, i asked for that last year and it made life much easier. now i don't have to go to the store every month and wait for the magazine to come out. Also with some magazines, you get free stuff when you subscribe

    - DVD's, i usually get a couple each year and i this year i wanted sisterhood of the traveling pants 2, its a good way to keep you entertained!

    Hope this helps! Merry Christmas!
    Well, my teenager asked for a flat screen plasma wall-mounted TV for his room (we already have a 110 inch screen in our media room down the hall from him), a sound system for his new car, lots of clothes, and $1,000 of spending money. (He already has the iPhone and all the other goodies, too.) If money isn't a problem for your parents, then go for the gold.

    I think the best present to ask for is for the opportunity to go to the local homeless shelter and volunteer your time to serve Christmas dinner to those less fortunate.

    But that's just me.
    some of mine are...



    long socks (light up)

    bop it extreme ( I STINK!!!)


    Sheep alarm clock ( it baaas for the alarm)

    the parent trap on dvd

    glow in the dark coloring book (im asking for one!)


    beads and string!

    make your own soap kit!

    stuff for your room! ( furniture, bulletin board, chandelier)

    Gift cards are always the way to go! Get a radio/ipod player. Those are always cool. Movies %26amp;%26amp; Books. Laptop. New ipod or phone. :)) A PUPPY! OR KITTY!

    Board games for family fun (pictionary, scene it dvd games etc)

    Netflix subscription

    Music lessons

    well i wanted a chi and i wanted clothes and shoes and boots and cash


    A trip somewhere


    Gift cards
    i asked for a digital picture frame.. so i can put my memory card in it and it will show all of my pictures
    Anything from Shanalogic is unique. It's still jewelry and hair stuff, but it's indie.

    Uncommon goods鈥?/a> They have some good board games and other quirky stuff, but some of it just sounds like dust-collectors. You should still try it out though.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>


    Alarm Clock鈥?/a>

    Mismatched socks.鈥?/a>

    Recycled purse!s鈥?/a>



    Scene it



    ipod touch looks really fun

    Dvds - maybe Forgetting Sarah Marshall

    -sigh- I don't think I was very helpful but I tried.
    I've got the same problem as you.

    why not just ask for money and put it into premium bonds or something. (You know where they take your money and enter a drawer so you can win at least money back eventually or more)
    iPod? if u have an ipod, an ipod dock, new stuff for your room, boots, moneyy. idk if ur really lucky a laptop
    The best present a teenage girl can get is...........ME

    Im free too!

    Why do teenage boys start weight training?

    im writing a tongue-in-cheek article about it for my college paper. i weight train myself and so do quite alot of my peers.

    -why do you think they are doing this?

    -do you agree with teenage boys weight training?

    - know of any research that has been done into this?Why do teenage boys start weight training?
    i guess they do it to be healthy...

    and i totally agree with them.Why do teenage boys start weight training?
    1 - Strength,

    2 - Appearance,

    3 - Added power, ability/activites for the sports they're in...

    (and all 3 can relate to the opposite sex)

    If you have to take time, to explore the OBVIOUS.. then, there's clearly a future for you in wasting US Taxpayers money, in government... for similar studies.
    Everyone have different reasons.

    They might be doing this to impress girls which is most likely.

    I strongly disagree!

    The body is still developing. The weight would damage the growth of the bones and would cause health problems in future, mostly you become shorter. You should only start when you stop growing taller around 20.

    I've got no idea on any research.
    So they don't look too skinny to girls. To improve upper body strength. To work off excess testosterone. To improve overall health. To feel better. To gain self-confidence. To do better in sports. To hang out with other guys (peers). To have fun.
    to make them selfs better so the girls look more at them
    Weight lifting feels good.
    it improves youre look and teens want to impress girls... thats why
    Teenage boys start weight training because girls like a fit looking guy to go out with.

    Muscles mean visible strength and power.

    That is a very potent symbol at their age.

    They all want to be 'top dog'.

    Getting a 6 pack is more or less essential if you want to get a date.

    A 6 pack of strong abs sends a very powerful message to girls.

    It says . ';look at these, I can f*ck all night long';.

    Whether this is stictly true or false is neither here nor there.It is all about imagery and visual impact.

    And let's be honest about this, a healthy toned and shaped body is an immediate turn on.

    Attracting opposite sex

    Health reasons
    i've always found that when teen age boys take an interest in weight training it is because they are gay and its a good way to be around other boys and men with out anyone guessing it. they can easily check out each others bodies and take showers with other boys and men under the guise of working out .. but its cool. you will meet a lot of guys that way.

    What time is a good time to send teenage company home?

    My daughters friends are too loud! What time is a good time to say get out?What time is a good time to send teenage company home?
    Come down in a bathrobe, curlers and a face mask at 830. My friend's mom did that last friday and we ran to my house for shelter!What time is a good time to send teenage company home?
    By 9:00 it would be time to say goodbye! One must have some quiet time to unwind in the evening. Peace!
    8:00 pm seems decent on a school day. Good luck!
    I would think by 8:30 P.M. or 9:00 P.M by the latest
    On a school night, 8 PM at the latest.
  • clarins
  • oil acne
  • I need an enexpensive way to decorate my teenage room Japanese like! Can anybody help me?

    I have to keep the same furnature I have but I can paint it! I already have bedding but I need to know what color walls, what to put on the walls, and other ideas to make my room Asian!I need an enexpensive way to decorate my teenage room Japanese like! Can anybody help me?
    There are so many things you can do!

    if you go to

    you can find inexpensive paper lanterns to light up your room!

    you can put bamboo plants,and maybe a little waterfountain!


    they have lots of stuff at affordable prices!

    hope this helps :0)I need an enexpensive way to decorate my teenage room Japanese like! Can anybody help me?
    For walls you should do like red, or a pattern similar to:鈥?/a> If you put a design like that on your walls it would really make them pop

    What are some creative halloween recipes for a teenage party?

    I want somethings that are good snacks, healthy, and don't have flour, malt, barley, rye, or spelt in them (allergies). Please and thanks!What are some creative halloween recipes for a teenage party?
    Bobbing Head Punch

    Makes 20 cups


    Assorted candies

    Assorted fruit slices and pieces


    6 cups white grape juice

    4 cups ginger ale

    2 cups apple juice or 2 additional cups ginger ale

    Green food coloring

    1. Arrange candy and fruit slices in bottom of 9-inch glass pie plate to create a face. (Remember, the bottom of the face is what will show in the punch bowl.)

    2. Add water to cover face; carefully place in freezer. Freeze overnight.

    3. At time of serving, add ginger ale and juice to 4- to 5-quart punch bowl.

    Tint mixture green.

    Invert pie plate, placing one hand underneath, run under cold running water to release frozen face.

    Place ice mold upside down on top of juice mixture; serve

    Swampy Thing

    Makes 6 to 8 servings


    1 (1-1/2 gallon) unused glass fish bowl

    1 package (4-serving size) blue gelatin

    1 package (8-serving size) or 2 packages (4-serving size each) yellow gelatin

    1 package (4-serving size) yellow gelatin

    1 can (11 ounces) fruit cocktail, drained

    Curly endive sprigs

    Plastic toy skeleton

    Plastic toy tire or car

    1. Wash and rinse unused fish bowl. Set aside to dry.

    2. Prepare gelatin desserts according to package directions, mixing colors to make a swampy green. Pour into clean fish bowl.

    3. Slowly pour in drained fruit cocktail, letting it sink to bottom of fish bowl. Chill in refrigerator about 1 hour or until set but not firm.

    4. Remove from refrigerator. Place endive in gelatin, using chopstick or knife to push to bottom. Using same technique, add skeleton and tire and candies to create ';swamp'; effect. Return fish bowl to refrigerator until gelatin is firm.

    Note Be sure to remove any plastic toys or small inedible items before serving.

    Here's a Halloween trick your child will have no trouble pulling off--turning a ripe banana into a Halloween treat.

    Remove any stringy fibers from the peeled banana, then cut it in half widthwise. Push a Popsicle stick into each half through the cut end, then cover each pop with plastic wrap and freeze until firm (about 3 hours).

    Next, place a 1.5-ounce piece of white chocolate candy in a microwave-safe bowl and cook on high until melted (it generally takes about 1 minute). With a butter knife, spread the melted white chocolate on the frozen banana halves.

    Set the pops on a waxed-paper-covered dish. Press on candies or currants for eyes and mouths and return the pops to the freezer until ready to serve. Makes 2.

    Creepy Crawler Pie recipe

    1 ready-made chocolate cookie pie crust

    1/4 gallon orange sherbet

    3/4 cup chocolate sauce

    10 gummy worms

    Soften sherbet slightly and spoon into pie shell. Drizzle with chocolate sauce to form ';spider web'; design. Freeze for at least one hour. Decorate with ';worms';.

    NOTE: Do not freeze pie too long or it will be difficult to cut through the gummy worms.

    Brain Cell and Fluid Ingredients:

    1 package (6 oz) Blueberry JELL-O® mix (brain fluid).

    1 carton (16 oz) Small curd cottage Cheese (brain matter).

    1 can (16 oz) Blueberries in heavy syrup.

    1 bottle food coloring.

    Prepare JELL-O® according to package directions. Chill until JELL-O® is firm and set.

    Scoop cottage cheese into a medium bowl.

    Drain and set aside the syrup from the blueberries.

    Add the berries to the cottage cheese and carefully mix them in well together.

    Add food coloring to turn the cottage cheese a nice grayish color when blended.

    TO SERVE: Put a couple of tablespoons of JELL-O® (congealed brain fluid) on a plate. Then put some of the blueberry syrup on that. Finally, add a scoop of the cottage cheese %26amp; blueberry mix (brain matter) on top. Serves 6 to 8

    Dead Man's Hand Ingredients:

    1 Latex Hospital or Doctor's Exam Glove.

    Red or Orange fruit juice.

    Punch Bowl.

    Clean the latex glove very well before use.

    Fill the glove up with juice or water.

    Use a different color juice in the hand than will be in the punch bowl.

    Fill the glove so that you can put a twist tie or elastic band around the filled glove.

    Place carefully in the freezer. When frozen, peel off the glove leaving the formed ice hand.

    Put the ice hand in your punch bowl with the juice and have some scary Halloween fun...!

    Bloodshot Eye Ball Graveyard Soup

    Bloodshot Eye Ball Graveyard Soup Ingredients:

    1 cup vanilla pudding (instant or regular)

    6 Green Grapes

    6 Chocolate Chips

    1 Wooden Toothpick

    1 Teaspoon Tomato Ketchup

    Carefully press 1 chocolate chip, pointed side down, into each grape.

    If the grape skin is tough, you may have to trim off the top of each grape.

    Carefully place your ';eyeball'; into the pudding so the ';pupil'; is looking at you...!

    Dip the toothpick in the Ketchup and carefully apply arounWhat are some creative halloween recipes for a teenage party?
    I would definitely have punch there. Red like blood! I'm a teen so when i go to parties i love to have cookies. Just add some design with frosting.

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    Halloween is over, time for a new featured question, Y!A! And while you're at it - the rest of these Featured SUCK too.

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    Pizza bagles go like peoples life depend on them. also popcorn chicken with fries. And pina coladas and sundais.

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    me and my friends put water in gloves and froze them, then we just ripped the rubber gloves off and put the ice in blood red punch so it looked like bloody hands in the punch

    it was awsome!

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    How about caramel apples with homemade caramel and you can roll them in diced toasted almonds, popcorn can be plain, caramel or popcorn balls or flavored with cheese powder, How about licorice? Chocolate dipped fruits? Like apricots that can be decorated like pumpkins. Jello???? Or an agar and juice alternative...Brownies can be made with rice flour or you can make a flour less chocolate decadence cake and since it is dense cut out shapes with cookie cutters. Or a use a knife to shape grave stones since the cake is dark in color. Olives are black if you want to play with the black and orange theme. Persimmons the Asian variety are best when crisp rather than the American variety that are best after a frost and better suited to cooking. How about corn tortillas with cheddar cheese for quesadillas. Rice cakes with cheese based spreads shaped like a pumpkin. Or in a small bowl with in a carved out pumpkin. .
    Orange soda in a punch bowl, with a small block of dry ice in the center - that will create a fog flowing out of the bowl and around the table. ..... Peel grapes and put them in a bowl for ';eyeballs'; .... Popcorn balls (maybe add some mini chocolate morsels) ... Popcorn Cake with orange %26amp; black jellybeans (Emeril Lagassee has a recipe for one - no flour) ... Orange cheese chunks with a thin pretzel stuck in the top, and a slice of black olive ..... Put a little orange (or 1 drop each of red %26amp; yellow) food coloring into some fresh hummus, as a dip for veggies ... chocolate dipped orange segments ... apple slices with caramel dip .. bags of apple chips
    Try this site...…

    What should I get my boyfriend for my teenage boyfriend that loves soccer?

    I'm still undecided though. I was thinking a personalized soccer jersey and a soccer ball, but he really doesn't watch pro league.What should I get my boyfriend for my teenage boyfriend that loves soccer?
    You should give him a soccer ball or an autographed signature of his favorite soccer player if are fancyWhat should I get my boyfriend for my teenage boyfriend that loves soccer?
    a soccerball,maybe some soccer cleats? and some cones he can do trills with
    Why don麓t you give him a golf ball???
    Check out's gift section. They have a lot of different stuff.
    a good night
    He doesn't have to watch pro league. A cool jersey and a ball will be sufficient. Just the thought of his ';girl'; getting him sports equipment will thrill him. Wish I had one like you when I was a teen! Good Luck!
    that sounds perfect good luck
    Get a German soccer jersey to wear.
    beast wars action figures

    How do you tell the difference between regular teenage girl puberty and Bipolar Disorder?

    I know that teenage girls go through a point where their emotions 'go crazy' do to hormones, but when you are a teenager how do you know if it's just hormones, or if it's bipolar disorder?How do you tell the difference between regular teenage girl puberty and Bipolar Disorder?
    What you want to do is look at the severity of your symptoms and how long your mood swings last. Normally, in Bipolar disorder each mood swing will last for weeks or months. You will be severely depressed for months at a time, and then you will be overly happy for weeks or months at a time with periods of normal mood in between. These moods are nonreactive to things that happen in your life, you'll be happy no matter what happens, or sad no matter what happens. Although there are triggers that can spark an episode.

    When you're hormonal the mood swings usually happen several time a day and are provoked by something, even if the mood is an over reaction. Like you'll be really mad at what your mom said, then you'll be sad. Then you'll think of something your friend said and be happy again. There are clear reasons for your mood swings ,all though they are all out of proportion.

    More importantly, Bipolar disorder is more than just mood swings, there are a plethora of other symptoms that go along with the disorder. Read over the web-site I gave you and it should be much clearer.

    It is important, though, not to self-diagnose. The only way to know for sure is to got to your doctor and tell him/her about your symptoms.How do you tell the difference between regular teenage girl puberty and Bipolar Disorder?
    Bipolar involves a very distinct pattern of depression and mania. Each phase of mania or depression will last for around a month to a year (or more if untreated) and there often is a period of 'normal' mood before the phase changes. Rarely people can be diagnosed with 'rapid cycling' bipolar and will go from depression to mania from week to week. This is a good way to think about whether it is just puberty - do you find your mood changes quite quickly and you have different moods in the same day? If yes its really unlikely you have bipolar.

    This is a very simplified way of describing Bipolar disorder but I hope it helps with you concerns. Puberty is crazy but fun and exciting too once you get a grip of it! Talk to friends.. some of them might feel the same way. Good luck honey!
    I always thought it was probably normal, and I never would have asked for help anyway, but.... eventually I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when I was 19. What really sent to me a doctor was the fact that my moods were ruining my life. I was doing terribly in school and my boyfriend and I almost broke up because of me being out of control. I went in for a yearly checkup in May after my freshman year of college (I was barely 19), and I told my general practitioner that I thought I was having problems with being too moody. I was surprised how concerned she instantly became and she told me that it was possible that I have bipolar disorder, especially since it's a little more common in people with ADD, and I promised her I'd check it out with a counselor when I went back to school. It was really hard to tell my parents that I thought I had a problem like that, but they of course wanted me to get help even though they didn't really want to believe I had it until after I went to see two different psychiatrists. I/they then accepted that my GP, counselor, and two psychiatrists might be onto something with the bipolar disorder diagnosis... I am 21 now and I am the happiest I have ever been after a few years of counseling and adjusting medication. I am not perfect, but I feel like my life is way more under MY control instead of my emotions' control. If you do turn out to have bipolar disorder, I really suggest you see a counselor once a week-- it helps me as much as the medication does I think, and she knows what direction I'm heading in (manic or depressed) before I do now, which is extremely helpful.

    If your mood swings are screwing up your social, work/school, and/or family life, you need to see a doctor, because it will only get worse if you don't get help.
    Bipolar disorder is a lot more serious then a hormonal outburst. I would say depending on the time span of the episodes(?). Another way would be to see what triggers the emotion and how serious they become. Bipolar involve two extreme mood swings ergo puberty would probably not be as dramatic as bipolar.
    I have a family member who is bipolar and before he was diagnosed he went absolutely crazy. It was bad. If you are concerned enough I would recommend going to a doctor and getting tested or something. I had two older sisters and they never were too crazy when they were teenagers.
    You don't. The only way to know is to go to a psychiatrist and wait to see if he diagnoses you with anything. Talk to your parents about mental disorders that run in the family, and ask your mom what puberty was like for her.


    I was unlucky and went through puberty and had (have) bi-polar disorder. It can be well confused. I'm sorry to say, but my parents thought it was just purberty until I started cutting. Then I had to go through 2 years longer before I was diagnosed. In addition, there is no test to see if you are bi-polar, all we have right now is observation. The closest you will get to a 'test' is a sheet asking about mood, sleeping and eating patterns.
    Excellent Question - this is an issue that is difficult for even trained professionals to distinguish. It's very hard to diagnose in many cases and there are many misdiagnosis.

    What are good ideas for halloween for 4 teenage girls?

    It's a little early to be thinking about it, but we'd like to know in advance, because we'd rather wear something homemade. (Preferably not box-y or baggy costumes.) We're young teenage girls, a group of 4. Thanks!What are good ideas for halloween for 4 teenage girls?
    I am going to be a sexi bumble bee! I am a teenage girl tooWhat are good ideas for halloween for 4 teenage girls?
    If you want to coordinate with each other, be a recognizable group of four, ie: The Fantanas, the group from the Wizard of Oz (they make cute female Lion, Tin Man, and Scarecrow costumes), the girls from Sex and the City, or the Pink Ladies.

    Best of Luck!
    my friend is having a DISNEY PARTY! :)

    everyone has to come as a disney character. :)

    be princesses!

    i am 17.
    uhm you're don't do anything for halloween, losers.
    Werewolf, Vampiress, Zombie and Ghost
    you should have cute outfits like pirete and a cheeleader or a zombie bride or a poliece girl boys like that a lot!!!!!
    Go costume shop and ask there.
    a good ideas is use miniskirts and use masks of little cats
    you should all be really manly things but act super uber girly. it would really screw with the male culture

    What would you do if you caught your teenage daughter looking at porn?

    Okay, I have seen tons of questions about sons and porn, but never daughters and porn.

    So what would you caught your daughter with porn?What would you do if you caught your teenage daughter looking at porn?
    Understand that she's just curious.

    I'd tell her that it's only normal that she has thoughts about these things and to blame it on her hormones.What would you do if you caught your teenage daughter looking at porn?

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    My parents let me watch porn as a teenager, and now I'm a pornstar... =p

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    Take away the computer first of all. then tell her it's degrading to women. Why is she on the internet in private in the first place? kids should be outside, not sitting on their butts.
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  • What is the best place to ask a teenage girl on a date?

    I like a girl and have been talking to her for a while and I want to ask her out somewhere. But I don't know where or what exactly I should say. Do you have any advice? We're teenagers by the way.

    What is the best place for a teenager to ask another teenager out on a date?What is the best place to ask a teenage girl on a date?
    Going to the movies is the safest option if your afraid of her rejecting you.

    You say.. ';Have you seen %26lt;insert cool movie here%26gt;?';

    ';No, but iv heard of %26lt;insert cool movie here%26gt;';

    Then you say ';%26lt;insert cool movie here%26gt; sounds awesome...I wanna see it.';

    ';Me too';

    Then you casually ask ';Wanna see it tomorrow night with me?';

    If shes interested in you back, shell say yes for sure :)

    What is a good way to market to teenage girls?

    I sell homecoming/evening gown/prom dresses. What is a good way to reach teenage girls and let them know my shop exists? We already advertise in local newspaper. High Schools won't allow you to pass our literature.What is a good way to market to teenage girls?
    Create a myspace page for your store and find local girls by searching there highschools then ad them to your friends. This helps spread the word about your store. If you are planning on doing a lot of business you could do coolbook or a program that sends out dress catalogs to local girls (this is however expensive). You may also want to call some of the local highschools to see if they do a prom preview fashion show and see if you can participate. Or get together with SADD or another local charity and do your own fashion show. Just some ideas. Good luck this season!What is a good way to market to teenage girls?
    One thing to consider is giving a discount or referral bonuses to some of the girls if they give you a plug on their myspace page... they usually get tons of their friends that visit their MS pages every day. Also, try advertising in the high school newspapers as well.
    Get one girl in one of your dresses and get her to tell her friends about the store. Word of mouth is the best marketing. I'm sure a girl would be willing to wear a dress and tell the other girls about it in exchange for her own dress.
    Most high schools have their own newspaper which survives on advertising. I know when my prom was coming up, I found a shop through one of the ads in the school paper. :)
    Try telling other young girls to model at public functions especially for teenagers.

    Can a teenage girl start Capoeira and be successful?

    I first saw this amazing art on television. Now having looked up some about it I think I would like to do it. Is there any tips as to how to get started and what I need. And would you just tell me more about it. Thanks in advance.Can a teenage girl start Capoeira and be successful?
    Sure, why not?

    Most likely she would need to move to Brazil, but there are foreign exchange student programs.

    Keep in mind this is primarily a dance and not a martial art, but a very good argument can be made that it is indeed a martial art.

    If you follow the hype there is a secret power hidden within the dance that developed in the slums of Rio. The dance is supposed to be hiding this secret from whomever was ruling Brazil at the time. Pay no attention to the facts that other martial arts flourished during the same period.

    Anyway, it looks cool to trade kicks over two people's heads. So, if you can find a teacher then why not go for it? From the immortal words of Men Without Hats- ';You can dance if you want to.';Can a teenage girl start Capoeira and be successful?
    succesful at what?break dancing?
    Capoeira is a very effective martial art, it is very VERY deceptive, which is proven by the fact that some people think that it is not. I have fought a Capoeira player,and there are many moves that you do not see on TV or in demonstrations.The power of Capoiera is in its DECEPTION on all levels.Check the Internet for a Mestre in your area, and you will need good stamina and flexability.YOU CAN DO IT! Good luck!
    First of all be sure of what you wanna do. If you wanna practice Capoeira for the fun and the whole culture of it than you should do it, if however you wish to be a good fighter, Capoeira is not recommended. But it seems your not getting into it to fight, so its all good. I guess to be good at Capoeira you need to strech alot and have your normal size ( not overweight) since it demends alot of leg work and dont wanna be fat and have to do a flip..heh.
    Strengthen your legs A LOT! And do exercises to strengthen your abs as well.

    Here is a site I found describing a lot of the techniques....only some of which you should try by yourself.鈥?/a>

    Capoiera is a martial art, just because all you see is them doing the jinga and rodo(sp??), doesn't mean you have to sit there during a fight and do it.

    A couple things to remember....first you gotta find a school, second, you have to be able to do handstands and have a good sense of balance....and lastly, remember to keep yourself loose. If you tighten your muscles up and try doing have their techniques, you might hurt yourself.

    Capoiera has NO ACTIVE BLOCKS, meaning its pretty much all evades. Well, as far as I know anyway.

    Just try to have strength and flexibility. And don't try to use this in an actual fight, I think only Master level capoieraists could use this in the street well enough to defend themselves.
    Yes you can learn capoeira. You don't need tips, just an open mind and good attitude.
    It's not a martial art i'm sorry. It's a dancing art with kicks in it. If you try and fight anyone with that style who's not stupid you'll get owned. If you just want to do it for fun and exorcise then go for it, it'd be very fun to learn for a teenage girl and yes, you could very much have success with it.
    No, Just give up and die
    Yes you can, as long as you're willing to work hard and have sufficient patience. Good luck!

    A Brazilian Martial Art, Capoeira was born in the ';senzalas';, the places where the slaves were kept. It consists of a stylized dance, practiced in a circle called the ';roda';, with sound background provided by percussion instruments, like the ';agogo';, the ';atabaqui';, etc. It incorporates ';maculele';, done with blades, and ';maracatu';, done with sticks. Highly acrobatic, energetic and difficult to master.

    Many people see it as a martial art -- others as a dance, and there those who believe that it is their religion and cultural identity.

    The description of Capoeira varies according to people's personalities. It is a native Brazilian Indian word given to a small partridge whose male is very jealous and engages in fierce fights with its rivals. Capoeira blends elements of dance, music, rituals, acrobatics, and fighting.

    Anyone can find some form of identity in Capoeira. Let's take for instance somebody who lives in a big city like New York. He will probably see Capoeira as a martial art or as a form of self-defense. Because of the intensity of the city, and the challenges that he faces everyday, it makes him a natural ';warrior'; and he brings this instinct in to Capoeira's circle.

    Brazilians call Capoeira a game. Capoeira is ';played';, not fought.
    Yes. However, it is very physcially demanding.

    Actually, since girls tend to be more flexible and you're still young, I think you'll be fine. The real trouble is finding a capoeria school... they aren't very common in the U.S.

    What would you do if you caught your teenage daughter looking at pornography?

    Would act differently towards her, compared to your son in this situation?What would you do if you caught your teenage daughter looking at pornography?
    I don't think its a bad thing; it's pretty normal. I think most people, some time in their life, have the curiosity to look at it.

    I'd act the same to her as to a male, and be calm about it. Girls don't need to be excluded on these things; we're just as curious as guys.What would you do if you caught your teenage daughter looking at pornography?
    Well, I wouldn't want her to feel that she did something wrong. Teenagers are curious- there is nothing wrong with that, it's just the way it is. I don't think I would treat her differently (but I don't have a son- so there wouldn't be a comparison) My parents caught me doing the same thing when I was a teenager- They asked why- I said I was curious about it, and they let it go- I wasn't made to feel that I had done anything naughty or disgusting.

    If you haven't had the ';talk'; with her yet, then that would be a good time. I'm sure it would be a little uncomfortable (who wants their children to grow up and become sexually active?) but it is something that has to be done.
    I actually had this problem when I was about 13/14 and again a few months ago. My parents just ignored it and we didn't say anything about it this second time. The first time my mom got drunk and questioned me about it. That was so embarrassing. Anyway, I wouldn't treat them differently than my son. To both I would make sure they understand that's not real life, nor something to strive for, but I would treat them the same. I just might have their dad talk to my son about it more than I would. But I would still make sure we both talked to them at some point about it, so they have both parents' input.
    no not at all, if i ever had a daughter,

    i wouldnt, because i have to admit

    wen i was youngerishh i did look at

    porn too , i mean come on ,wats the

    difference between a girl and guy wanting

    to look at porn, their the same curisoutiy

    the only thing thats differnt is well, the gender.

    i wouldnt act different, its normal to watch

    sex or want to see how its done.
    Well im a teenage and if I was my mother I would look at me differently.

    It would be different knowing she had interest in that.

    I've looked at porn before.

    Not because I like it but because I was just curious.

    But i've only seen it a couple times.

    I don't really intend on looking at anymore.

    But it was weird for me because it was from my mom's collection.

    She has a three videos that her friend gave her from a long time ago.

    So I think that's a little bit worse.
    i would be completely fine with it. of course she is going to be interested and probably like it too. theres a reason its the most number 1 looked at thing on the web, because everyone is interested in it. i look at it and I'm a girl (my parents don't know though but i also don't live at home anymore
    Really girls can be just as interested as boys so I would just have the talk about sex and such if I hadn't already and make sure they understand things and answer any questions they may have. I wouldn't punish them or anything because that just makes matters worse.
    Talk to her. Just see, its natural for her to be curious but its important you guys talk, and she realizes that pornography is wrong and degrading.
    nothing. its quite normal to be curious about sex at this age. i would talk to her about sex and all that its about and how to protect herself emotionally and physically.
    well, its a natural part of human nature, so no i dont care, if she's gonna have sex, i'll ask her to wear protection. if she gets pregnant, she gets kicked out.
    I would take the computer away for two weeks the first time she is caught. If she is caught the second time, I will take the computer away for 1 months.
    Nothing wrong with being curious, especially at her age. I would be hella shock but I would talk to her about ';sex'; so she'll understand it more.
    Id be thankful she's not out screwing a million random guys. Id feel the same towards my son.
    nope not at all. girls are just as interested as boys....we just dont run around wanting to boink everything we see =)

    They are curious
    time to have ';The Talk';

    How can teenage pregnancy negatively impact the father and the child?

    Just wondering because people are always saying how bad it is for the mother but no one ever talks about the father or the baby.How can teenage pregnancy negatively impact the father and the child?
    that's because so many fathers just walk away and it is the mother who is left to deal with it all ...But if a father is involved some do leave school too soon are made to grow up too fast.often ends up divorced young ...But lets face it ,he has more freedom of choice than the girl ..How can teenage pregnancy negatively impact the father and the child?
    Are you saying teens can't be good moms? because i must argue with you there. unless you've been there and done that, you can't label all teen moms as horrible people. I'm a teen. 18. married to ';the dad';.
    thereby sentanced to 18 years to life with hefty fines

    What Happened to Libby Chestler in Sabrina the teenage witch, Did she got to a different college to sabrina?

    I was watching sabrina the teenage witch today and was wondering (as I have never seen all episodes) What happened to libby?What Happened to Libby Chestler in Sabrina the teenage witch, Did she got to a different college to sabrina?
    At the start of season 4, Libby was sent off to boarding school and was never seen again. :D x hope this answers your question What Happened to Libby Chestler in Sabrina the teenage witch, Did she got to a different college to sabrina?
    they never said i believe she got wrote off close to the second season
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  • What is an amazing monolouge for a male teenage, from a published play?

    I need help finding an amazing monolouge for a young male teenager, age 14-19, that is directly from a published play. It shouldn't be more than 4 minutes in length, but it's okay if you find one that is longer than that. I am a 18 year old male, but I have the face of someone who is 15 years old, and my body frame and voice (tenor) matches someone who is more young, hence more of the characters I play in musical theater and theater productions alike. Thanks!!What is an amazing monolouge for a male teenage, from a published play?
    There's a book called ';15-minute plays'; or something along those lines. I read some on my lunch break between classes at our university library. Those would be a great place to look for a monologue, since you can read the whole play and know why the character is saying what he is saying.

    Or look here:鈥?/a>

    Break a leg.What is an amazing monolouge for a male teenage, from a published play?
    I saw the play Footloose, and there is a teenage boy that does this monologue about why the kids in town should be allowed to dance. For some reason, the parents banned dancing. Anyway, it was very heartfelt and dramatic. I liked it.

    What are the Moral and Ethical issues with teenage binge drinking?

    As the question states, what are the moral and ethical issues with teenage binge drinking and why is it an issue?

    What are your thoughts?What are the Moral and Ethical issues with teenage binge drinking?
    i honestly believe that there is nothing wrong with teenage drinking, IF they r mature and know what they r getting themselves into. This is not the case for most teen drinkers. Most teens are like ';YEA PARTY! lets take 10 shots and throw up everywhere, pass out and make a fool of are self's.

    If the teen is old enough, say around 16-19, and know there limits there is nothing wrong.

    my friends would have some beers and watch a football game with no incidences at all.

    It all depends on the teen.What are the Moral and Ethical issues with teenage binge drinking?
    not agree with that
    Binge drinking at any age is not recommended, and those that are younger, are more likely to lead a very different life if they get stuck in a culture of excessive drinking at an early age. In the Uk, it is all too common, and out drinking laws are a little more relaxed than those in the USA, which can make it much easier to obtain drink. Generally this behaviour falls into two areas, it is harmful only to the individual and they have to suffer the consequences alone, or it turns into anti-social behaviour that then affects others, sometime leaving innocent victims of violence.

    How should one punish a child toddler through teenage years?

    My fiance and I are planning to conceive next year but neither of us knows how to properly punish a child. He was beaten by his dad until the man had a car accident and was confined to a wheelchair and after that he had no rules; I was hit often and given time-out occasionally, but as a teenager I too had no rules to follow. We want to give our child structure because we feel it's important but we're unsure how to punish a child for misbehavior.How should one punish a child toddler through teenage years?
    I don't know why someone said you are not ready to have children--the fact you are concerned about this shows that indeed you are. I do think the suggestion on counseling is a good one--both of you have been through a lot.

    As far as your exact question--I am a big believer in spanking--NOT beating--but given your history that may not be the route you want to take.How should one punish a child toddler through teenage years?
    The key to any punishment the both of you choose is CONSISTENCY! So stick to your guns and be consistent and you should be fine. You are going to get the people who say spanking is wrong or spanking is right but at the end of the day what you chose should be the best fit for your family and the in the best interest of your child.
    Give boundaries and set up consequences for violating those boundaries. Be consistent and always make the punishment ';fit'; the offense. Don't be afraid to spank, but don't rely on corporal punishment too much. Use CP as a last resort and for major misbehavior.
    you both need therapy for your abusive childhood experiences before you have a child
    A lot of it depends on the child.
    it is not about punishment so much as boundaries. Do some research online and read up on how to properly discipline a child. the fact that you use the word punishment instead of discipline or parent is worrying. i am a professional childcare provider and have worked with many children and families so trust me I know what I am talking about. Spanking is no longer though of as a good method, you should really attend some parenting classes and maybe even see a therapist to help you deal with your upbringings and how not to replicate that behavior. there are many state funded programs for just this kind of parental education. Please do not have a child until you are clear on how to parent them. It is not about punishment unless the child has been very very very bad repeatedly bad. You must remember that the child is learning and until you teach them something, they will not know. There are many books and websites out there, please inform yourself before you have children, also you might ask some people you know with kids if you could come by and watch them a few times to see how they interact with their children. Never hit your child, but do restrain them with force if you need to. If one child is hitting the other or throwing a temper tantrum you as the parent have the right and the responsibility to pick the child up and hold them in the air until they calm down, if they try to hit you, take their arm and hold it away from you, but it is all a delicate balancing act, yelling at your children is necessarily sometimes, setting boundaries and rules is important and of course constant reassurance and love, even if a child is bad they must know that while you are angry at them, you still love them.

    just read some books and do a little research. It's taken me years of professional childcare to know as much as I do and you constantly learn new things.
    Ok, keep in mind that I'm only 16 but live with loads of siblings aged 8-18.

    Toddler/Baby - Aged 1-4

    Put them on ';Time Out';. Buy them a little chair or have a special place where they sit if they're bad. Make them sit for like 5 - 10 minutes. Maybe a ';pow pow';(aka spanking) on the hand using only ONE finger. Your kid my cry because their feelings are hurt but that's all.

    Young Child - Aged 5-9

    Take away their toys for a day. If your boy likes HotWheels take them away; Barbies for girls.

    Preeteen - Aged 10-13

    No TV, Internet, video games, sports or phone calls for 1-7 days. Believe me, your kids will be sorry for what they did. Make sure you watch them because they'll find their way around things.

    Teen - Aged 14-18

    No TV, Internet, going out with friends, sports, video games, phone calls, or anything else that might be fun.

    Another thing to do is to make sure you explain why you are punishing them and tell them that if they do it again, their punishment will be even longer. Don't hit your kids with belts on anything and don't intimidate them either because it may cause them to be scarred for life(literally and figuratively).

    Other notes:

    Never starve your kids.

    Never curse around your kids, no matter their age: You will eventually lose their respect and they won't listen to you or they'll end up cursing and causing more trouble at school/home.
    How come everyone today is too much of a ***** to smack their kids around? That's what I want to know: why are parents afraid to beat their kids? When I was a kid and I screwed up, my parents beat my ***. We didn't have a conversation about it. I didn't have a ';time out.'; In fact, I've never even once been grounded in my life. What's the point? Send your kid to his room and make him play video games and read comic books all day? Great idea, why don't you take him to a psychiatrist while you're at it so she can pull some disorder out of her *** to hide the fact that you're a bad parent?

    Kids today need a good beating every now and then. If you don't beat your kids when they fall out of line, the next thing you know your son will go off and bang some dude in the *** just out of spite. You tell them to clean their room, they say ';no,'; you smack them. It's simple; it works. Don't listen to these assholes on TV with their bullshit hippy psycho babble; if they had it their way, every child would be raised in a pastel colored room with Philip Glass pumped through the speakers 24 hours a day. Then again, it might not be all that bad because it will make your kids complacent, so it won't be as hard for them to swallow when they realize that they'll be spending the rest of their lives chained to a desk in a cubicle writing reports to make someone else rich.

    The problem is that kids today think their opinions matter. By not beating your kids, they get a skewed perspective of reality where they start thinking that they have it rough and that they can get away with dying their hair and listening to Insane Clown Posse. That's where you need to come in and put the law down
    you are not ready for a baby... sorry but you arent. if you are asking that on here... oh hunny. kids are hard work. You should consider taking child development classes and talking with social workers.

    What should I make for dinner for 11 teenage girls?

    I am hosting 11 9th and 10th grade girls at my house and I have to make them dinner. I need ideas on what to make them. Nothing too fancy!What should I make for dinner for 11 teenage girls?
    My niece who is this age loves a potato bar. Just a thought.What should I make for dinner for 11 teenage girls?
    you should make them some hot wings and macaronni and cheese with some ranch dressing on the side and some french fries or order chinese food or pizza somethinglike that
    order out and join the fun!
    It is soo much fun to have them make their own pizza's, just be prepared for a little mess. You can either buy ready made pizza pies (Boboli), use refrigerated dough (Pillsbury) or make your own. Then get bottled pizza sauce, pesto sauce, pepperoni, olives, chopped bell pepper, sliced mushrooms, etc. Be sure to have enough variety and veges on hand. Many teenage girls start thinking about becoming vegetarian at this age. Then have plenty of soda available. They'll have fun and you won't have as much work to do.
    Some ideas: A huge sub sandwich, chips, some fruit and a veggie tray.


    Lasagna or spaghetti %26amp; Salad.

    Sloppy Joes

    Finger foods... dips, veggies, fruit, crackers %26amp; cheese, lil smokies, chips

    Dessert: brownies or cookies
    lasagna, salad, and breadsticks. maybe some cheesecake for dessert!!! IDK!!! Check out and customize your search!! Best site ever!!!!
    Mashed potato bar, Taco or Taco Salad Bar, make your own pizzas, breakfast for dinner - pancakes or waffles
    I'm sure they wouldn't turn their nose up at pizza, but to me that lacks creativity (unless you let them make their own).

    How about a Taco and/or Burrito Bar? Have seasoned ground beef, lettuce, diced tomatoes, guacamole, jalapenos, black olives, salsa, etc. Put out warm flour tortillas and/or warm crispy corn taco shells.
    Ordering pizza?

    Or you can make baked ziti and have a side dish, maybe a salad and garlic bread.
    You can't go wrong with a nice Italian meal. Start off with a salad then move onto the lasagna and bread sticks. For dessert, you can purchase cannoli or Italian ice from your local grocery store. To make them feel a little grown up, serve grape juice in wine glasses and maybe light candles or use a chandelier if you have one in your kitchen to give it that real Italian feel.
    i know my teenage daughters and their friends:

    Pizza, tacos (mexican - tex mex), chicken strips.

    Salad, mac and cheese.

    Keep it simple. Taco style bar works great have soft and hard shells. Refried beans, shredded cheese, sour cream, salas, shredded lettuce , diced tomatoes, gaumolie (?), and salsas.

    The shredded lettuce you can buy done in bags in the produce section of the store. Diced tomatoes you can buy can ones and drain good.
    Make a taco bar and they make their own.

    or..nachos supreme

    something that you can lay out for them to make their own
    How about a taco bar?

    Have diffrent types of fillings available, beef, chicken , beans, etc.

    All the fixings like salsa, lettuce, toamto, guacamole, cheese, sour cream, torilla chips, etc.

    You could offer soft torillas, crunchy, or maybe even taco salad shells.

    LOL- its looks lot of us have the same idea... it must be a good one!
    Something easy that everyone likes...pasta! You can have white or red sauce depending on taste buds...make a quick green salad %26amp; some garlic bread. Presto! All done!
    I have 4 kids and whenever they have a lot of friends over for dinner I like to make dinner an activity for them. Some things that have worked for me:

    make your own pizza (get the pre-made pizza crusts and toppings)

    make your own stuffed baked potato bar

    make your own nacho bar

    make your own salad bar

    pasta bar - you cook the noodles and have bowls of different toppings such as diced chicken, chesses, diced tomatoes etc.

    You could also order pizzas and have a sundae bar for dessert or have them decorate a cake together.

    If they would be too busy to help cook, I would stick with pizza or pasta.

    hmmmm..that can be a picky age...try making a big batch of pasta (any kind that the majority likes I guess) then set it up like a sauce buffet. Try having a pesto sauce, tomato, alfredo and so on. These could all be store bought. Oh and some garlic bread. yum...simply, quick and filling.
    Do a Tex Mex meal

    Taco meat 鈥搉achos, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, refried beans, salsa, sour cream etc

    this way you fry up or heat up the wrap and everyone enjoys building their own that way there is an activity and everyone gets to make it to their tastes.

    What is the best driving arrangement for a teenage date?

    I can technically drive, but have not yet hit the mark where you can drive with passengers though im close. Should I find a ride, meet her there or something else.What is the best driving arrangement for a teenage date?
    not trying to get you in trouble with the law or anything

    but i say drive her

    (unless your a HORRIBLE driver)

    but i know one thing for sure

    is that it is a BIG turn on

    and big THUMBS up

    if your man drives you places

    its just like your getting taken care of

    goodluckWhat is the best driving arrangement for a teenage date?
    best to meet her and just walk around. you don't want to show her that you're nervous on the wheel because that will make her very uncomfortable

    you should practice until you're confident then drive her around.. and when you do decide to give her a ride, be sure you know your way around the place so you don't get lost and get embarrassed
    It depends. Some girls might find it crappy that a guy can't drive them but some won't. I don't have a car yet, so I wouldn't really know much else.
    Have your mom drive, and your dad creepily sit in the back in between both of you, with one hand on each of your thighs
    hmm not sure..because shes probably expecting you to drive her since you CAN say be a rebel and just take her..she'll get turned on by that, since you made such a risk for her right? lol
    does she drive?? do you have an older brother or sister who drives? maybe a friend?? if not def meet her there!!! but please no parents or the grand parents.
    Meet her there! Nothing is more awkward then driving with yours or her parents for a date!
    Have her meet you there.
    dude cops don't pull you over for that crap. just do it.
    just fing a ride and meet her there

    take a two seater bicycle

    How many teenage girls here go to the gym?

    I usually go about twice a week just so that I am staying active and to relieve the stress of all my exams and stuff. How about you guys?How many teenage girls here go to the gym?
    i don't go to the gym, but i'm going to start because i don't want to be fat.How many teenage girls here go to the gym?
    yeah, I have a membership but I tend to go through phases. I always feel like the only teenage girl that does exercise which isn't a team sport?
    I live ages away from my town, so I have a trampoline and a bike so I just use that. :)
    1ce a week.. i guess...x

    never... i have never been to a gym in my life.. except when i went with my grandma, but it was more of a physical therapy place with fancy equipment than a gym...................
    once a week though its part of my training plan any other day i do rowing
    don't need a gym have track end of the season conditioning every day until the end of this month woohoo =) but i do have a membership which i will def. be using to our fitness center
    I don't .

    But I do go to regular dance classes 3-4 times a week.
    i go 4-5 times a week for strength and cardio

    usually about 1-1.5 hours

    i'm 16 so it is hard with school work

    but i find it really relaxing
    Nope ;D
    Yes i do, i'm 16 and usually go one-two times a week for an hour and a half a time, thats usually enough as i do other exercise in the week.

    woohoo go us gym buffs :D
    i make it a point to go at least once a week. 'cos i'd figured i could do the running in the park since it's nearer and other cardio exercises at home. i usually go to the gym for resistance training and my favourite abdominal machine.-- It's what that keeps me going there.
    every night cos i am addicted and need to stay toned
    I do, and I'm 16

    I usually go to revise and stuff though, I can concentrate better there so I'm kind the opposite of you!
    Yeah I go... Every now and then lol, I should go more but I work out at home most nights :)
    I used to go to the gym, but my brother got a bowflex machine so he dropped our memberships (even though he never uses the thing). So now I'm back to jogging up and around the neighbor with dogs barking at me and crappy weather and doing crunches in front of the tv. Darn it, I miss the gym!
    3-4 times a week. I have a really addictive personality.
  • clarins
  • last lipstick
  • How many teenage Americans are going to doing the jobs left behind by illegals?

    this summer? With all the immigration issues, are the parents pushing them to take these jobs back?How many teenage Americans are going to doing the jobs left behind by illegals?
    Teenage Americans are very busy persons trying to get to Hollywood, be big stars, making money, be beautiful, own luxury cars, buying fancy homes and going shopping.

    Do you think they'll have time for ';WORKING'?How many teenage Americans are going to doing the jobs left behind by illegals?
    The majority of the jobs illegals have done, were jobs formerly done by Americans. Bosses saw they could screw the Americans and hire the illegals for a third the pay. Jobs I did as a teen in the 60's all went to illegals who made even less money than I used to. I guess that if illegals are gone, many teens will gladly take them, sadly for the greedy bosses they will have to pay legal wages again.
    I don't know that illegals are going to be going anywhere anytime soon..but I do know that when I was a food jobs like McDonalds and Taco Bell were available for all those positions are filled by 30 and 40 year old hispanic workers...I cannot say whether or not they are illegal because I have never been one to demand to see their green card before they hand me food....but it is a shame that teenagers do not have these options open to them anymore.

    It used to be a kinda right of passage for young kids...when they turned 16 and got their license and workers permit...they took afternoon and summer jobs at fast food and what they can't...I know that a lot of hispanic families are hard working and they need the money to support children...and I don't want to take anything away from them...but it would be nice to see some kids getting a chance to make money during the summer....the only fast food restaurant that I know of that still operates with this type of business model is ';In and Out Burgers'; and it is not a coincidence that they have hands down the best food of any fast food joint on the market.

    But your question is premature...I don't see illegals going anywhere anytime soon.
    these jobs picking fruit didnt just magically appear with the influx of millions of illegals.......they have been here for centuries and american citizens did them for decades just fine............illegals do it now because greedy companies know they dont have to pay them...........this talk of illegals somehow being the back bone of the food industry is a joke..........

    no illegals=no slave wages=life goes on and the jobs still exist
    wow after reading these posts you know who are the latino,s and the open border crowd,all of latino,s seem to be under some sort of an illusion that american teenager,s do not want those fast food jobs. my god in and out berger has a starting wage of 10.00.the latinos say these derogatory things about our teenager,s because they want those yob,s. most american,s hate it when a group of latino,s start degrading us.
    Let's see... last I heard... one of my friends was living off unemployment, while living with his parents.... I dont know how he did it but ... he's still not working... I see him at all the parties though....

    My other gf actually used her school money to get a car, and go shopping... oh!!! i forgot ! her breat implants too.... so I don't know about working? I don't really think they have time for that though... usually their parents give them everything so...
    Funny,my son has been looking for work for the past few months. He just got a job working at the local orchard. Imagine that,a white American citizen working in the hot sun picking fruit.
    lol...what are you talking about...???

    Teenagers are not going to do construction work...';they're too pretty to get their hands dirty'; hahahahahaha

    teenage americans should be in school...maybe work summer jobs,but thats all
    Not that many. U know how f*cking lazy they are.
    Dey took our jerbs!鈥?/a>
    that's what you get with a kneejerk reaction without regard to the consequences, who will do those jobs?

    What do you think is better out of teenage level book series?

    Which of these teenage-level book series do you think is best?

    1. Harry potter

    2. Limmony Snicket- The Series of Unfortunate events

    3. Pirates of the Carribian

    I like Limmony Snicket- The Series of Unfortunate events what do you like?What do you think is better out of teenage level book series?
    Limmony Snicket, then Harry Potter, and then Pirates of the Carribian.What do you think is better out of teenage level book series?
    Definitely, Harry Potter. I can also tell you I have read the first two stories of the Inkheart trilogy and LOVED them! I am now stating Eragon.
    Harry Potter hands down. I never could get into Limmony Snicket. They are way to grim.
    Harry potter all the way
    Harry potter. I do like pirates of the carribean, but I think i like harry potter more. I found Lemony nickey to depressing, sorry.

    What is a symbolic representation of a struggling, teenage author?

    I need to find a symbolic picture of my life and all my life I always knew I wanted to be a writer and struggled very hard at it. I sometimes get sidetracked by friends and guys who seem to like me.

    What's a good picture to draw? What's a metaphor for my life?

    (it's for an English assignment)

    Thanks!What is a symbolic representation of a struggling, teenage author?
    This might not fit you, but it fit me when I was a teenager with visions of grandeur and just finishing up my first novel. It's borrowed from Plato:

    A man with a candle in a vast, labyrinthine and pitch-black cave who constantly tells everybody around him the nature of the world based on his tiny flicker of light.

    He might see a little more than those without candles, but somebody who's been wandering in complete darkness might have learned more of the paths of the place from simple experience than can be seen in the dim light of a candle.

    The worst part is it still fits me, even though I ought to know better by now ;-).What is a symbolic representation of a struggling, teenage author?
    A tree? Trunk of heart's desire, branches of distractions?

    A gang, all tricked out, one standing aside with tablet and pencil, but almost ready to be attacked by said gang?

    You can do one of your own now... no stealing my ideas!

    Take it easy, but take it, (except the ideas ;-} ).
    How about a cocoon - inside there is a beautiful butterfly waiting to emerge into a beautiful, sunny world full of people and all kinds of things going on that you can write about? Maybe the cocoon is in a large park where children play as mothers watch, lovers walk hand in hand, people run, old people sit on benches and watch, policemen stroll by, people play chess, some people stretch out alone on the grass to soak up the sun or read -- all future characters in your stories while you - the cocoon waits up in tree waiting to blossom into a beautiful butterfly author.. Pax- C

    Can you start an acting career in your teenage years?

    I've always seen actors and actresses that started getting big roles in their teenage years, but can you start a career as a teenager?Can you start an acting career in your teenage years?
    Unless you're a young teen, it will be difficult. Generally, because of SAG guidelines, productions will use 18+ actors for 15-17 year-old characters. The younger characters will often be cast with experienced child actors.

    That said, the most important thing about acting many times is luck. Find a reputable acting class in your area and then a good head shot photographer and as many legitimate agents as you can submit to.Can you start an acting career in your teenage years?
    Yes you can, this is my dream too and I am pursueing it. Do school plays and/or local theater. Try to get an agent, they help out a lot. Its also a good idea to maybe submit a few resumes even if you have no prior expieience to tv shows or casting directors. There are a lot of roles for teenagers on disney channel and nickelodean also.
    You can. But remember that roles for adults outnumber roles for teens by more than a hundred to one. Adult actors are almost all unemployed. And they usually use a young looking 18 year old for teen roles. Your chances are remote.
    Of course!

    Start by taking acting classes, theater classes and\ or joining your schools acting club...inform yourself! check the net for clubs, classes, local theater groups in your area.

    Its never to early to get into what your interested in!

    Why not? If you have a really good talent that you love you could start working on it until you become something big. Give it a try!!!!lol!!!!
    Sure no problem. Just remember most actresses and actors really make very little money when they start. There is an old expression. Sometimes an actress, always a waitress. Good Luck Kiddo
    Of course. Get a lot of training and build up your resume. Also getting a headshot. And after that get an agent

    What is the ideal christmas present for a teenage boyfriend?

    I have no idea what to get my boyfriend for christmas !! He's 13 and i want to find quite a cheap present that won't disintegrate in his hands and something he would appreciate.What is the ideal christmas present for a teenage boyfriend?
    How about a book about one of his favorite hobbies? =)What is the ideal christmas present for a teenage boyfriend?
    i'm 16 and for my boyfriends birthday i came up with some good ideas; i made him a slideshow with pics of us and our song in the background; i also took the first pic we ever had together, printed it big and framed it, then got the frame engraved. he absolutely loved it.

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    If he has a favorite band or singer you could get him a CD that he doesn't already have, or go for the standard mixed tape thing if you wanted to. You could also get him movies or video games etc. like everyone else said. If you want something cheap yet heartfelt, maybe a nice pic of the two of you together (in a frame of course), with a special message written by you on the back. Or gift certificates for his favorite store, or bake him his favorite snack

    A personalised gift or something really unique and original. I know a website called and they have really good personalised gifts and and loads of things that are quite different.

    I've used them a lot and they have always been good. Good prices too!
    find out what he likes to do when he isnt with you maybe like playing video games the new call of duty 5 came out it might be a little expensive? or find out what his favorite color is or what color he looks best in and buy him a tee shirt. :)
    never can go wrong with his favorite CD, or have a friend of yours take some pretty pictures of you in the park and frame one for him. I don't know how long you've dated but young love comes and goes, I wouldn't invest gobs of money, there will be others!…

    i dunno but at that age i wanted some kewl trendy shirts or pants... u can ask him indirectly what he likes or wanted to have and based on that and your budget, decide on something... something concerned with his hobbies (rugby, games, music, or dunno) he's ur bf? if the connection if flowing fine, he wunt mind at what you give him coz intentions count... be confident.. dnt worry abt his reaction but the emotions attached to what you'll offer him... gudluk.. cheerz
    Give him a wrist watch, body spray or ipods

    he would surely like it.

    Also you must check this website that would help you in saving money with the help of beneficial discount coupons that are offered by this website for free.

    If it has to be cheap, why not buy a stocking and fill it with a bunch of small wrapped inexpensive gifts?

    That would be thoughtful and cute!!
    What about some nice aftershave or a computer game? You can get aftershave cheap online or in bodycare. What about some cheap clothing?
    How old are you? a teenage boyfriend! if you were the same age you would just say ';my boyfriend'; anyways, get video games, cant go wrong.
    Movie theater gift card, i-pod shuffle, I-tunes card, tickets to something awesome, umm...b creative, you know him better than we do dude...oh and video games..duh, i mean he IZ 13 right?!? LOL
    Why not make him a CD of all of his favorite songs?