Thursday, April 29, 2010

What if a teenage girl becaomes pregnant because she was raped?

This is directed at those silly pro-lifers, of course.

Anyway, is it still ';wrong'; for her to get an abortion.

The baby won't physically harm her, but remember, she's only a teenager. Say... 16.What if a teenage girl becaomes pregnant because she was raped?
Then she should consult with her church leaders, and talk it out with God before she decides what she should do.

In cases like this it is okay to abort a baby.What if a teenage girl becaomes pregnant because she was raped?
Physically no,psychologically almost definitely as if being raped hasn't hurt her enough from a psychological point of view.

In a case like this I see nothing wrong with her getting an abortion.
so one violent act must beget another ?

ever heard of adoption?

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