Thursday, April 29, 2010

What are some good team building activities for a teenage youth group?

We are planning on having a ';Survivor Retreat'; and I would like to have some good physical activities for each ';tribe'; and team building ideas.What are some good team building activities for a teenage youth group?
Obstacle courses are fun. But try adding an extra twist you know? Make it difficult. I know this from experience. My class went to a camp, and had to complete many obstacle courses with an added twist, we had to learn to trust each other and work together to complete it. We also had to complete a puzzle together. This taught us to listen to one another, and keep trying.

Or have the kids divide into pairs, and navigate through a maze or race with a blindfold. This helped us listen and trust our partner.

This one was extra hard. We had a log, we each stood on it in a line. The catch? We had to switch our positions on the log in order from oldest to youngest, without talking or stepping on the ground. We had to figure out how we could maneuver around each other. This part came quickly. (We used our fingers to counts out months and days so we could figure out the right order) It was hard but fun!What are some good team building activities for a teenage youth group?
Obviously the falling back into each others arms.. trust thing. Also, tug of war... also pairs day, where you tie two kids together and make them do ';stuff';. Dizzy bat, where you make them spin a bat, and have another kid navigate them through a maze.

Good luck!
The trust fall where on person falls off a ladder or podium into everyone's arms. Have kids seperate into pairs and blindfold one person and the other lead the blindfolded around. Get into a cirlce and have everyone face eachother's backs tightly together and everyone must sit on the person's lap behind them. (this only works if everyone is in sync and sits together at once, and it's really fun and cool when it happens correctly) after everyone turns around the other way and gives a backrub to the person they just sat on.

I hope that some of these ideas help.
you have 10 kids on each team and you only have 9 wooden blocks of differend start and try to get to the middle and you have to keep moving the back block to the front and really have to work together...i liked it a lot

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