Thursday, April 29, 2010

How does a teenage girl cope with doing revision for exams when there is a crying baby in the house?

My sister in-law has just had a baby but her older daughter is revising for exams and can't cope with the baby crying, she also has to look after her 2 year old brother.How does a teenage girl cope with doing revision for exams when there is a crying baby in the house?
omg last year i had to revise for my end of term exam with my baby sister balling and shouting, i wwent to a library or myfirends house, i got alot mroe revising odne ther than i did at home lo lHow does a teenage girl cope with doing revision for exams when there is a crying baby in the house?
Well she could go to the library, a study group at school, around a friends house, heck even out in the back garden during decent weather. The baby wont be crying all of the time, they do sleep occasionally, so she could make the most of that quiet time by fitting in revision then. I do find it odd though that kids will moan they can't concentrate when there's a baby crying but can play ther music at insane loud volumes and be able to concentrate through that. I'm sure she'll find a way and hope she does well in the exams.
I would suggest headphones with classical music playing quietly. Alternatively you could try any sort of instrumental music as long as it isn't too intense and you aren't familiar with it.

You could just go to a library ...
Maybe she could stay late after school. The school has a library where she could study. Also does she have any friends she could go to to help.? good luck =D
i would just go to the library and tell her mum to look after her own son

and Bonita.A you must have studied hard as your spelling is great (not)
tell her to get out of the house, go to a library or something
just tell be quite
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