Thursday, April 29, 2010

How does a teenage girl go about controlling her sex desires?

I know this is weird, but how do I stop myself from having sex???

I really want to stay a virgin until I'm married, but what if something happens and I get caught up in the moment?

And I think most teenagers think about sex sometimes, unless I'm a total freak.How does a teenage girl go about controlling her sex desires?
Miss Lexi, you're not a freak. It's perfectly normal to think about sex and even have the strongest urges to have it.

Staying pure until marriage is truly a wonderful decision, and I think it's very commendable of you to do so. To avoid having sex before marriage you need to stay away from any situations where you might be pressured to give in to your sexual desires.

I'd recommend that you not date, but if you must, do so with a very conservative young man, and have him meet your parent(s). Don't date just anybody. Be careful of what you wear, if you dress like a prostitute, you will be treated like one. Don't go to parties, even with trusted friends, because you don't know just how hard it will be to avoid having sex or being raped.

I could go on for hours about it, but if you wish, contact me and we can discuss it further. I hope this all helps.How does a teenage girl go about controlling her sex desires?
Waiting until marriage to have sex can be very challenging! I am 25 years old, I practice chastity (live a pure life), and I plan on giving my virginity to my husband if I ever get married. Learning about chastity really helped me become more confident and happy.

Anyone can practice chastity, at any age, married or single. It's never to late to practice chastity and it doesn't matter what happened in the past.

I wear a purity ring as a reminder of my commitment to remain chaste. I don't masturbate because it's against chastity.
Yea, it's hard but it's very cool you want to wait.

That is tough, I mean the problem is once you have sex, you will want to keep doing it. You cannot go a few months without needing it again so I wouldn't start if you are serious about keeping it until marriage.

Anyway, try masturbating, dirty texting with your boy, him fingering you, oral, etc.
try finding something to do when you have sexual thoughts but its not like your a bad person for feeling the way you do some people are just more sexual than others and well you may be one of those peoples sex is a very meaningful the but dont feel like you deserve to die if you dont wait til your married
Just stay sophisticated and set limits for yourself. Don't let guys talk you out of it, because despite what they might say, guys are horny pretty much all the time. Stay true to yourself. If you truly want to stay a virgin till your married, then you can do it.
i think not having sex until your married is the stupidst thing ever then you really dont get know your partner in full. he might be a totally different person then you think. watch the movie the heartbreak kid! it's expirence get just do it with the right person and if doesnt work out o well. just stay friends.
ur normal.... sex is great.. but its not worth it.... i think its okay to have sex before marriage, just make sure u like the person A LOT.. i read and believe that unless ur TOTALLY comfortable being naked with eachother and TOTALY comfortable talking about every single little problem and thing that makes u self consious,, then u shouldn't have sex..

hope that helps
Hey I see it this way If you can't be with the one you love yourself release the tension...there no harm done taking that avenue and the bonus is you don't get diseases or prego..two bonus in one fail swoop damn i am good...respect yourself girl is always the best policy. get yourself a machine
Yeahh i know the feeling =//.

I know its not the same but masturbating can help?

I think you need to just keep your will strong if you want to stay a virgin untill marriage, just keep thinking about how good it'll be when your married :).

Goodluck :)

I know how you feel. I just imagine what my friends and family (especially my parents) would do and say if they found out. And i think about what would happen if i ended up pregnant. Plus, what if he totally hates it?
if you've never masturbated and never had sex then you shouldn't have any desires down there for that, don't do those things

Self control.

Think about your parents having sex. That'll turn you off.
Oh, please... you're not a freak you're totally normal.

If it bothers you that much than try keeping busy with other things.
its normal but once u start it wud be very difficult to stop hving it ,more than whts now u r going through more frustrating...
no it's normal, just try not to put urself in certian situations where you know something might happen
Pink Everywoman should have one:)
by thinking of school and ur future
hm no need to control them

nobody likes a prude!

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