Thursday, April 29, 2010

What does a teenage girl wear in Europe?

I am thirteen, petite, and I am visiting Europe in March, mainly Southern Italy and France. I don't want to look like a freak, so if you could tell me what people wear (and maybe provide links to pictures) then that would be wonderful.What does a teenage girl wear in Europe?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

these aren't from the places you said but I like these websites for unusual fashion: does a teenage girl wear in Europe?
wear what you normally wear, french people sometimes wear black, so maybe wear a black t-shirt

bring a cute dress:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

anything cute
Ha ha, the answer Ms.Pink posted really made me laugh. :]

(In a good way, not a mean ';that answer is stupid'; way)

Anyways. Although I haven't been to Europe myself, I believe you can go ahead and dress the way you already do. But if you want to, you can try to be more creative while you're there. What I'd wear there is . . . actually something pretty similar to my polyvore sets, ha ha. A skirt with tights or stockings to match whatever shirt I'm wearing, and a beret or maybe a few other accessories. I'm not saying they dress like that though, but you can go ahead and try that look. Here's an example:鈥?/a>

Hope I helped at least a little bit. xD
They don't show as much skin as we Americans sometimes do...I also don't think you see a European wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and Ugg boots to class either. But I think they pretty much wear the same thing we do here...just more creative.

*dont try to google image anything about European will be disgusted*
Here this web site should help you鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

The second one would help alot look at the best answer

and could you please help me it's been 4 days and I have 2 answers;鈥?/a>
dark skinny jeans.

berets? in france!鈥?/a>

like that only in black and maybe france.

europeans are pretty much the same as americans as far as i know,

maybe more edgy and mod:]
I'm sure they wear similar things here, just not like, short skirts and revealing junk I'm pretty sure.. but then again I may be wrong..;鈥?/a>
I can assure you, that you will not look like a freak if you wear the clothes that you wear here lol
same as here in the USA. Everybody is wearing skinny jeans here same in europe.

Sorry. Too easy.
Fitted clothing. Don't look sloppy. Look more proper.
i say a thong and a spagetti strap shirt which shows the belly. no shoes or socks, bare footed. maybe a thong sandal
just wear what u wear here. no one will look at u weird i assure u. just normal u know jeans t-shirt kind of stuff. just relax and enjoy ur vacation.

Whee!!!!!!! Let us all run nude across the meadow!

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