Thursday, April 29, 2010

How should i start off a persuasive speech on teenage prostitution?

my point of view being that we as a nation should take the initiative to help the victims of their threatening circumstances.How should i start off a persuasive speech on teenage prostitution?
Looka t the people in the room and say ';statistically speaking, four of you in here are teenage prostitutes'; (or whatever the stats support)How should i start off a persuasive speech on teenage prostitution?
First, most definitely, definitely check out this website I'm going to provide. It really touched my heart. I really don't know you should begin your speech, but it'll come to you. Maybe with a fact or a question that really draws in attention. It'll come to you once you have more information to speak upon.

There are so many women/children that are forced into prostitution each year and when caught by authorities they are treated as criminals. What really caught my attention was the point that the justice system failed them. Maybe you could start off your speech by somehow stating how we as a nation depend on the justice system, but for thousands out there (maybe millions) the justice system has turned it's back on them. And it's up to us to do something about it.
mmm, seems a serious topic.

Use statistics

';Every day X amount of teenagers get out of their homes and and average of Y end up prostituting themselves in order to survive.';

Followed by

';This children are faced with violence and sexual transmitted diseases. An X percent of them die of Aids, while an X are killed by their clients.';

Then focus on economics

';Of the ones that survive only X percent go back to school. And Y percent become criminals';.

Try also to have visuals that are very graphical in nature. The objective is to wake up the concience.
do you know where your daughter is tonight?

or your sister

or your cousin

depending on the audience you are talking to.

It will get their attention.

follow up with: hundreds of thousands of parents / siblings do not know and may never find out.

These young girls have been lured into prostitution for any of a dozen reasons, and it is an epidemic that must be stopped, at all costs.

We, as a Nation, owe it to our citizens to fight this stealing of our teenage daughters .....

good luck
Many of those teens are abducted from other countries and forced into the mindset of sexual slavery. There are groups appointed to address this issue. I do not know the names. Local girls are offered shelters and hot lines, but unless they take steps to help themselves, jail or worse is always closing in.
You might want to being up that as minors, these girls are by default victims (of statutory rape) and not criminals.

Good Luck!
write an ancedote. an ancedote is a story, fictional or non fiction. then write your thesis statement.
Maybe make the hook a statistics of how many prostitutes there are.

What action in teenage life do most people consider arbitrary?

In other words, what action do most people find in teenage life to be illogical.What action in teenage life do most people consider arbitrary?
all the stupid stuff including, but not limited to:



doing drugs




peer pressure

hyphyWhat action in teenage life do most people consider arbitrary?
Doing stupid stuff simply to prove that you're ';cool'; to the other kids (ie. sex, drinking, drugs).
All of the stupid things teens do.
  • facial
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  • What is a Teenage TV Show that I could Apply To Be On?

    I am 17 and was wondering if there are any tv shows out there that are looking for contestants that are teenagers? I will be seventeen until november and i thought that some might be looking for teenagers to apply right now and would then film it over the summer? Any ideas and where i could apply? 10 points for whoever can give me game(s) and where to apply, thanks!What is a Teenage TV Show that I could Apply To Be On?
    you could try www.wheel of fortune .com to find out about teen best friends weekWhat is a Teenage TV Show that I could Apply To Be On?
    A lot of agencys hold auditions for teenagers that place them as extras in Disney and Nick shows. Listen to your radio to find out when they are hosting auditions in your area, or you could go online. Your best bet though is to get an agent.

    What are some good team building activities for a teenage youth group?

    We are planning on having a ';Survivor Retreat'; and I would like to have some good physical activities for each ';tribe'; and team building ideas.What are some good team building activities for a teenage youth group?
    Obstacle courses are fun. But try adding an extra twist you know? Make it difficult. I know this from experience. My class went to a camp, and had to complete many obstacle courses with an added twist, we had to learn to trust each other and work together to complete it. We also had to complete a puzzle together. This taught us to listen to one another, and keep trying.

    Or have the kids divide into pairs, and navigate through a maze or race with a blindfold. This helped us listen and trust our partner.

    This one was extra hard. We had a log, we each stood on it in a line. The catch? We had to switch our positions on the log in order from oldest to youngest, without talking or stepping on the ground. We had to figure out how we could maneuver around each other. This part came quickly. (We used our fingers to counts out months and days so we could figure out the right order) It was hard but fun!What are some good team building activities for a teenage youth group?
    Obviously the falling back into each others arms.. trust thing. Also, tug of war... also pairs day, where you tie two kids together and make them do ';stuff';. Dizzy bat, where you make them spin a bat, and have another kid navigate them through a maze.

    Good luck!
    The trust fall where on person falls off a ladder or podium into everyone's arms. Have kids seperate into pairs and blindfold one person and the other lead the blindfolded around. Get into a cirlce and have everyone face eachother's backs tightly together and everyone must sit on the person's lap behind them. (this only works if everyone is in sync and sits together at once, and it's really fun and cool when it happens correctly) after everyone turns around the other way and gives a backrub to the person they just sat on.

    I hope that some of these ideas help.
    you have 10 kids on each team and you only have 9 wooden blocks of differend start and try to get to the middle and you have to keep moving the back block to the front and really have to work together...i liked it a lot

    How much do teenage girls get paid to be in a commercial?

    Just wondering thinking about it and if you know, how do people get in commercials?How much do teenage girls get paid to be in a commercial?
    it depends on a lot of things like who the commercial is for, is it for cable

    or network t v, how long it takes to shoot the commercial, how many times it shows before its run is over did you have a speaking part

    or were just an extra. probably anywhere from one to three

    thousand for the actual work not counting residuals. you need to take acting classes and get an agent. you need an agent to get on any

    interviews. most of the work and interviews are in so. cal, so you would need to live around there if you wanted to do this seriously.How much do teenage girls get paid to be in a commercial?
    between $200-$1500, depending on what is being sold, how hard the job is to obtain, how beautiful you are and how big the company is.
    Just like about between $600 and $800 per week

    The salary are $9 in hour.

    What type of underwear do mothers buy for their teenage sons?

    When young, nearly all buy briefs, but does this change as they get older or do they still buy briefs for their sons?What type of underwear do mothers buy for their teenage sons?
    no it doesn't change they still wear briefs.What type of underwear do mothers buy for their teenage sons?
    it's a horrible mistaken form of misunderstood falic masculinity. Teen boys wear boxers because it allows their penis to hang free. I guess it makes them feel special. Also, every rap star you see and the dumb crowed that follows them are the same. I wear ';whitey-tighties'; because they are comfortable, easier to run with, and don't get all caught up in long pants. I think boxers are a wonderful waste of fabric and cost too much anyway.
    I have 6 kids, 4 are boys...when my boys reached age 13 their dad would go with them and buy socks, underwear, when they reached age 15 I told them you need to buy underwear and socks, go buy what kind you want and they do
    Blimey, I would die of embarrassment if my mum would buy me my underclothes, when someone reaches the teen years she/he is ready to buy her/his own clothes, specially underclothes.
    Hell, I am fifteen, and I wear breifs, just no whitey tightys. Not cool at all, nor are they too comfortable. If he is of the thug type, then maybe just some regular boxers.
    Every teenage boy i know wears boxers, and most buy their own really now.

    Boxers from places like Topman or New Look, with the different designs, are quite popular.
    When I turned 12, my mom handed me a $20 bill and told me to go buy some underwear, whatever I wanted.

    I think it depends on the childs comfort, cause some guys like briefs over boxers.
    you should buy him boxers that are slightly loose as wear briefs or tight boxers can reduce sperm count and cause infertility in the long run
    I'm 15 and my brother is 12, 13 in july and he wears boxers but he told me that my mum said she wants him to wear what he calls ';ball stranglers'; because he needs more ';support'; hahaha lmao
    I have all sons. I think a good mom buys what the kid wants to wear. My kids don't like to shop. I don't mind.
    im a girl by the time your son is 13 you should give him money bring him to the store and let him buy the underwear he is comfortable with ditto for girls
    whatever they want to buy, they should buy clothes themselves
    haha awkwardd. Uhm Well fearless said it all really. Just dont get boxers if he wears skinnies because they are REALLY uncomfortable.
    they should buy there own underwear. im a girl and i started buying my own undies when i turned 13 and im 18 now.
    My brother started wearing boxers when he hit 13.

    I think it's more normal for teenage guys to wear boxers than briefs, so yeah, it changes when they get older.

    They buy whatever their sons like to wear.
    By the time they're teenagers, boys should be shopping for themselves.
    You should let your son do it.

    Boxers are best.
    boxers, but really u shudn buy them any they old enough to get a job, unless he's 13-15
    let him purchase his own
    My boys will only where boxers

    What are 10 casual basic pieces of clothing a teenage girl should have in her closet?

    I'm moving to California and my mom said I could buy new clothes so what should I put on my shopping list?What are 10 casual basic pieces of clothing a teenage girl should have in her closet?
    I think that these are the essentials

    (you can pick the ten that you think you would need the most):

    - skinny jeans (medium wash/dark wash)

    - t-shirts (v-neck/ round neck)

    - light jacket

    - peacoat

    - polos

    - sweatshirt

    - sweat pants

    - flats (assorted colors)

    - sneakers

    - sweaters

    - day dresses

    - party dresses

    - fancy dresses

    - denim mini skirt

    - skirts

    - socks

    - undies

    - bras (tan/white and black are a must)

    - pjs

    - shorts

    - denim shorts

    - tank tops

    - cardigans

    - black pants

    - bathing suits

    and thats all that i can really think of right now....

    hope this helpsWhat are 10 casual basic pieces of clothing a teenage girl should have in her closet?
    expensive designers

    sevens/true religions/miss me/rock and republic jeans

    coach purses, etc

    things from nordsrom

    other things

    bandeau swimsuits

    oversized bags/purses

    aviatorsssssssssss!you can get them cheap for like 5 bucks at target!

    things from target












    spagetti tops


    tube tops


    Hope That Helps!

    1 shorts

    2 tube tops

    3 under shirts

    4 tank tops

    5 jeans

    6 Capri's

    7 mini skirts

    8 Polo's

    9 summer dress

    10 hoodie

    umm shoes

    1 flip flops

    2 flats

    3 converse

    4 Nike shoxs



    big glasses

    some necklaces

    ear rings

    make up

    hair stuff





    -shoes (flip-flops)



    -graphic Ts

    sorry couldnt think of anyhing else.

    Do you think teenage boys be willing to share a bed in a hotel room?

    We're planning a trip to California with some family friends. The boys are all sharing a room. Josh is 17, Ryan is 16, and James, Rory, and Drew are all 14 going on 15. Ryan and Drew are brothers.

    What are the chances that they'll be willing to share a bed? There are two double beds and one couch that opens into a bed. I know from experience that guys don't always share beds, unlike girls.Do you think teenage boys be willing to share a bed in a hotel room?
    It's not too big of a deal. I was always willing to share a bed on school trips to DC and Boston and such. Just tell them that they either have to share the bed or sleep in the hallway, and make them decide. But, I don't think that'll be necessary. I'm sure they'll be willing to share a bed with one another. Good luck, and have fun on your tripDo you think teenage boys be willing to share a bed in a hotel room?
    Depends how good friends they are, sometimes friends can be really homophobic and get weirded out of the thought of sleeping in the same bed as a guy but i've also known guys that are straight and dont have a problem sleeping in the same bed with their best friend. The brothers should sleep together - they're family.
    They should...

    That's retarded, wow if they don't say that there isn't anything to be scared of, ';GET IN THE BED TOGETHER YOU FREAKING HOMOPHOBES';...

    They are scared of coming out probably xD... And they think that will make them more, ';gay';, if they do that.

    It's all bullcrap if you ask me. Make them, or tell them to sleep on the floor, I wouldn't make any different accomidations just becuase of some akward boys.
    honestly i would leave the sleeping arraignments up to them... basically ';here is your room boys'; if they don't wanna share a bed someone will get the floor, when we took trips in high school that was a result, 4 teens to a room and it was up to them how they divided the beds
    It all depends on the guys. Some will, but I think most would rather take sleeping bags and all lay on the floor, or even take out the mattresses and sleep on that on the floor.

    Just ask what they want to do.
    well i would just be like ';here is your room and you guys can figure out the sleeping arangements, have fun.';

    they will make it so that they are comfortable
    i think they will. . . put ryan and drew in one of the beds and let josh rory and james fight over who gets the couch!
    i think they would. or else tell them to work things out for them sleves.

    some could sleep on the floor.
    I dont think its that big of a deal. I know guys who have shared beds. Its not like they need to touch each other.
    those are very impressional ages...
    Yeah they will especially if there gay
    Well it's either they sleep with eachother or sleep on the floor..that is how i would handle it lol.
  • facial
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  • What should a teenage girl pack for a 2-week trip to Colorado?

    I am flying to Colorado next week - what should I pack?What should a teenage girl pack for a 2-week trip to Colorado?
    I would definetly think that jean shorts, along with bermuda like athletic shorts, with t shirts or three quarter length tops would be best bet. (btw im pretty sure the sales at kohls, forever 21 and victoria secrets are freaking amazing) Also, jeans and a sweater or sweatshirt are a must if it rains and gets chilly. Bring along two dresses in case of a dinner outing or movie! Capris are always great. Simple clothing and bright jewelry is a really big thing, so think about that before leaving some stuff behind. AND muy importante, bring flats, sandals, a pair of tennis shoes and one pair of heels. Bring a notebook, camera for the amazing views if you plan on hiking, cell and charger, ipod and ihome or charger. I always bring along my bible just in case. A swimsuit DUH if there is swimming in the river or community pool and spas or something. Spending money is good if your parents are froogle:) my last word of advice? bring makeup. You never know what hottie you could run into on the colorado sunrise:)What should a teenage girl pack for a 2-week trip to Colorado?
    heat, and protection.

    What should a teenage girl pack for a 2-week trip to Colorado?

    I am flying to Colorado next week - what should I pack?What should a teenage girl pack for a 2-week trip to Colorado?
    I would definetly think that jean shorts, along with bermuda like athletic shorts, with t shirts or three quarter length tops would be best bet. (btw im pretty sure the sales at kohls, forever 21 and victoria secrets are freaking amazing) Also, jeans and a sweater or sweatshirt are a must if it rains and gets chilly. Bring along two dresses in case of a dinner outing or movie! Capris are always great. Simple clothing and bright jewelry is a really big thing, so think about that before leaving some stuff behind. AND muy importante, bring flats, sandals, a pair of tennis shoes and one pair of heels. Bring a notebook, camera for the amazing views if you plan on hiking, cell and charger, ipod and ihome or charger. I always bring along my bible just in case. A swimsuit DUH if there is swimming in the river or community pool and spas or something. Spending money is good if your parents are froogle:) my last word of advice? bring makeup. You never know what hottie you could run into on the colorado sunrise:)What should a teenage girl pack for a 2-week trip to Colorado?
    heat, and protection.

    Why do most teenage girls order quesadillas?

    I have been working at a Mexican restaraunt for a year now, but I still cannot figure out why, whenever a teenage girl comes in, she will almost always order a chicken quesadilla! Is there some attraction that I do not know about? Any movies/music fads that I have missed out on? Or are quesadillas simply the most appealing food to teenage girls? What are your thoughs?Why do most teenage girls order quesadillas?
    I think it's because most teenagers are still like children where they don't have a highly developed sense of taste... or maybe an adventurous spirit with food.Why do most teenage girls order quesadillas?
    because their FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Report Abuse

    Probably cuz quesadilla is still a ';cute'; food. they dont want 2 order some big *** burritto platter cuz it will make them look less cute. thats how teenage girls think, especially if there is a guy with them. i remember ordering a lot of quesadillas. haha. thats funny that u asked that.
    it's probably just popular among the teens right now, plus they know they like that, so it's a safety food, they are probably scared to try something new and risk not liking it.
    i guess thats the only kind they know to order. hehe.
    Chicken high in protein and cheese has milk. You also look dainty when you eat it. A lot nicer to look at than chomping on a huge cheeseburger or burrito.
    because there so good.

    I love them!

    With jalepenos even better! The cheese is soooo good.


    What are a teenage boys rights when it comes to adoption of his child?

    My 16 year old son has just informed me that his girlfriend is 3mo. preg. Her father is trying to convience the two that they need to place the baby up for adoption. What are his rights and do I have any say in this? Can the father push the paper work without my consent?What are a teenage boys rights when it comes to adoption of his child?
    Putative Father's Registry.

    I would also follow this up with a registered letter to her parents from both you an your son that you do not want this child placed for adoption.....extreme I know but unfortunately you need to DOCUMENT everything.

    I suggest you also sit down with this girls family and see if you can all come up with a parenting plan. Can the kids raise this baby? Are you willing to help? You need to talk of this over. There maybe more choices then either of these to young people realize.

    And whatever happens you need to be FIRM with your son. If he is going to be this child's father he needs to be committed. It is not fair to the young girl that all the work should fall on her. That is probably what her parents are thinking and that is why she is considering adoption as a last resort.

    I also suggest purchasing some parenting books for your son. You are obviously a concerned mom and care what happens.

    Reassure him you will help but not be this child's parent. He needs to be involved in the pregnancy NOW. He needs to make an effort to support her emotionally NOW. If these conditions are not met and she decides on adoption this can all be used against him in court. Unbelievable I know but completely true.What are a teenage boys rights when it comes to adoption of his child?
    DEFINITELY make certain that your son puts his name on the putative father registry in your state, if your state has one. It would be wise, as well, to put his name on the putative father registries in surrounding states, as some mothers have secretly gone out of state to have the baby and relinquish it. The father loses his rights because his name wasn't on the putative father registry of the state in which the child was born.

    Here are the states that have putative father registries:














    New Mexico

    New York




    South Dakota







    Along with this, your son will need to do everything he can to prove he is trying to support the child from the beginning -- right now. That means providing financial support throughout the pregnancy, keeping contact with the mother and the like. Be certain that he DOCUMENTS everything he does in terms of support, financial and otherwise.

    There are fathers out there who are fighting to get custody of their children who were put up for adoption without their consent. The law does not necessarily require consent if these other steps are not taken. Further, some agencies will work around getting consent. For example, they may try to ';contact'; the father via wrong addresses and phone numbers, then say they were unable to get in touch with him in order to gain consent.

    These days, men are too often seen as an obstruction to adoptions rather than fathers.
    Get his name on the State's Putative Father registry if your State has one; in order to protect his parental rights.

    Be very careful - many fathers lose their babies via loopholes. Sometimes the mother is advised by unethical agencies to flee to another State to get out around the rights of the father.

    Also keep your eyes open for published legal announcements about the intention to relinquish his child. Sometimes this is the only effort an adoption agency is obliged to make to contact the father before the adoption can go ahead; if the father does not respond to the announcement then the adoption goes ahead without his permission.

    It's good to see you supporting and standing by your young man and I hope you enjoy being a Grandma.

    It baffles me that a 16 year old is not allowed to vote, fight for his country etc but yet a 16 year old IS allowed to sign away a child without parental consent.
    You should first of all tell your son not to sign anything without you being present. Secondly, if you want him to have the baby then you can file for custody of the baby, talk to the girl's dad and tell her you and your family want to raise the baby instead of giving the baby to an adoption agency. File and injunction if you have to so they can't relinquish the baby without your consent. I would really talk to a lawyer about this.
    There is a little known law called the punitive father registry. In most states, he will have to register at the county clerk's office. He can look up the laws. Your son is just as much of a parent as the girl is, and can sue for custody. She might actually have to pay him child support. Without her consent, you can't adopt the child, although with your son's, if he gets custody, you can probably claim them as dependents. It is very important to keep up on the progress, as he'll have to register within just a few days of the baby being born, and there is a chance she'll keep the baby if he won't consent, and then he'll have to pay child support. Good luck.
    So your son's girlfriend's dad wants to give his grandchild away to strangers?? Real nice guy.

    You have no rights as a grandparent HOWEVER you play a HUGE role in keeping your grandchild in your family by standing by your son and protecting his rights.

    MamaKate has given you outstanding advice. I would like to highlight that if this goes before a judge, your son MUST prove that he supported his baby's mother financially throughout her pregnancy. Make sure that this happens and save receipts. This is a common loophole that the adoption industry is using to steal babies from their fathers.

    Good luck. You will never regret helping your son live up to his responsibilities as a father and you will LOVE being a grandparent to this child. I guarantee it!

    ETA - Please also read LaurieDB and GhostWriter. Act on what they say - NOW!
    Have your son sign up with every fathers' registry nationwide, if possible! You state, surrounding state, the states surrounding those states, etc....

    Buy maternity clothes, baby supplies, and any other little things that pregnant gals might need- KEEP ALL RECIEPTS!

    Sit both of them down, without her father, and ask them about what they want to do. The GF might not want to relinquish the to the girl's father and tell him that the baby is NOT going up for adoption.

    Letters of intent. You and your son want to raise his baby. Make sure that both you and he are aware of the going ons around you....lawyers, agencies, and parents who think adoption is the better option will try every sneaky trick in the book to relinquish this child behind his back if they realize that you mean business.

    Find out about filing for custody before birth, if it is possible. I have heard that some states allow it. Definately get the process started before this poor girl tries to make her parents happy and ends up hurting herself and your son.

    Start with the father registries, ASAP!!!! Have him file with every state that has one and get on it!
    Your son has to agree to the adoption for it to go ahead as he has a parental right over the child. The girl can still decide to put the baby up for adoption tho and deny you son as the father and that makes it harder and a long process... BUT if your son and the girl want to keep the child her father can force her to put it up for adoption. The girl can sign away her parental right and then it would be on your son to either be the sole parent or put the child up for adoption if she really want out of the childs life.

    Im not sure if the laws are the same where you are tho.. im in australia... and here even if the child is under age they have the right to their child and body and their parents can't force an abortion or an adoption on them for thier child.

    Good luck and i hope it all works out.
    its between your son and his girlfriend. there choice. and yes you have a say. ehh at that age you can be forced into doing things simple because you don't see what you want done just want it all to go away. What you need to do is sit down with your son and talk with him. find out what they really want to do... don't let her dad just push them into giving up there first kid, that could be a mistake that could cause A LOT of hurt later in both of there lives and there kid's life. talk to your son and let him chose what he wants... talk with your son then talk with him and his gf

    Good Luck. don't let her Father make the choice. hes just trying to rescue his daughter from this as best he sees fit. that may not be the best choice though, and the choice is not his to make.
    Your son must consent to the adoption. You don't have any say as a grandparent. Your son can choose to parent the child - then of course you will have as much say as he gives you. You probably want to talk to a lawyer in your state to ensure your son's rights are protected. In some states he has to register that he wants to parent the child, otherwise it can be assumed that he doesn't.
    The father has the same rights as the mother. He has to have a paternity test however to make sure he is the father. I would start that paperwork now because it is required. I dont know as far as pushing paper work without your consent because he is a minor. You have as well grandparent rights and can fight for this child if your son doesn't sign is parental rights away.
    Depends on your state laws for as if you should be in charge or the son directly. NO her father can not give that child up for adoption with out you or your son consent. You may want to step in and fight for your son, because of him being under age. Of course you know they are going to probably do a paternity test once the child is born (I would if I was you). Why can't you all fight for the baby (you and your son)? The courts would want to see that child with it's own loving family before it will adopt it out to strangers!!!!!!! What is her dad crazy!?!?!?!?!?!?!? FIGHT (legally)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Heather B is right WATCH OUT THEY WILL TRY TO GET YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    Try to talk to his girlfriend's parents. Maybe he can talk to social services and say he doesn't relinquish his parental rights and that the baby can live with you. I think that the authorities prefer to place the child with another family member before adoption.
    the father has to sign the paper too. but if the father of the girl wants her to give the baby up for adoption. Is your son want to raise this baby do you.

    Heather is absolutely right! It is imperative that your son sign the putative father's registry in your state if it has one. ( I would even suggest signing up on evey registry I could find since there are cases where the father has lost rights because the mother left the home state to deliver and place the baby and the father had not signed in the state of delivery.)

    I would also suggest the following actions to prove intent to parent - these things can come in VERY handy if, God forbid, you end up in Court.

    -Be supportive during the pregnancy, go to pre-natal visits and be present at the delivery. MAKE SURE YOUR SON'S NAME IS ON THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!!!!

    - Keep records of everything. Visits, phone calls, letters, receipts, conversation notes, etc. Make yourself a note book.

    -Enroll in a parenting class, it will be helpful if you need to fight for custody or need to prove alienation.

    -Do not antagonize but stand up for your rights. Keep the authorities involved and do not try to circumvent court procedure. (IE: Don't do anything stupid like kidnap your own kid. While it is understandable, it doesn't look good. ;))

    -Keep on top of child support/medical care etc. if applicable.

    -Create a solid support system for you and your son.

    -Seek family counseling, go even if she doesn't.

    -Keep your promises and follow through on your parenting agreement.

    -Educate yourself on parental alienation and its effects.

    -Look into father's rights groups. You can google them and maybe find one near you. Fathers for Justice ( F4J) and Fathers Supporting Fathers are both awsome resources.

    You may wish to educate yourself about adoption and its effects on children and First Parents. I have a feeling good ol' Dad doesn't understand what he is pushing on his daughter and your son.

    Once a baby is born, BOTH parents have equal rights to that child. Your son cannot lose those rights without being proven unfit. Just make sure you cover your bases to prevent anything sneaky from occuring.

    I commend you for looking out for both your child's rights and your grandchild's future. Thank you for showing family love, support and solidarity in a situation which often ends in heartbreak because people aren't there for each other. Kudos for wanting to keep your family in tact! I wish more grandparents were as supportive. Good luck and congratulations! I hope your family has much love and joy in its future!

    You can find links to several Father's Rights and other family resources on my MySpace page:

    What percent of teenage boys experiment sexually?

    My friend was wondering and she couldn't find statistics on the internet.What percent of teenage boys experiment sexually?
    99.9% and the other tenth think about it. It is a natural event as the hormones start kicking in and to some therapists a healthy activity for the heart.What percent of teenage boys experiment sexually?
    I would say about 90% of teenage boys do experiment sex today. Now in these day, younger kids get into dating and getting a boyfriend/girlfriend. .
    Experiment sexually. That's a complicated turn of phrase.

    What do you count as experimenting? Some may call masturbating experimenting. And do you mean experimenting homosexually?

    I would say, from my experience, I would go with about 79.4% of adolescent boys, from 14-17 have one or two homosexual incidents. Ironically, this number does not go down with age. Older men are shown to experiment more freely with men after 55.
    I surveyed teenage boys about this, 99.9% said they had experimented. The other 0.1% said they didn't experiement, but it was later found that they were lying!

    Seriously, most teenagers, and that includes boys, experiment at some time, in some way.
    100% that can reach it will experiment with it. If they say ';no';, they are lying.
    Lets just say the majority, however, parents need to instill in their sons, that this is not just your body, sexual experiments involve two bodies.

    Are there any teenage Hindus in York, PA willing to help me learn the Saivite ways and become a Hindu?

    I am a 16 year old white girl and I want to make the transition to Saivite Hinduism, even thought most of my family is Christian. I want to meet more Hindus my age and find a temple. I live in York, Pennsylvania. I want to find someone to help me with this process, preferably someone my age.Are there any teenage Hindus in York, PA willing to help me learn the Saivite ways and become a Hindu?
    The website below will help you…

    This book has been written by a saivite monk based in US.

    Complete list of temples in US are available in the website below there any teenage Hindus in York, PA willing to help me learn the Saivite ways and become a Hindu?
    well, i'm Saivite, but its not so easy as you think!! First, learn basics of hinduism then, go further!! you can go to a near temple, if you know any, try Google maps to find one! Saivites are strict!
    Sorry, but children of Indian immigrants are extremely ashamed of their heritage and will go to any extreme to deny it, so I don't think they will be of any help.
  • facial
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  • How have the teenage years changed during the past half century?

    How have they stayed the same?How have the teenage years changed during the past half century?
    This is a tricky question because a real answer would probably take an entire book to explain, but I will tell you what I know from the past century. Teenage life as we know it began during the industrial revolution when schooling was expanded to include older children, partially because it would take them out of competition for jobs with adults. I'm sure bettering society also had something to do with it as well.

    The early 20th, there was the Great Depression and two world wars, so many kid were busy with war effort things, including knitting socks and scarves for soldiers. During the Great Depression, they were starving, especially if they had a single mother as the govt gave more aid to families with a father. Limited technology, so I would imagine lots of time outside and in the cinema. Also jazz clubs and other tom foolery they could get into.

    The 50s, tv is around, and rock is just coming into existence. Also, mothers caught in Feminine Mystique (perfect housewife syndrome), which some feel created better kids, some feel it made them sheltered.

    60s and 70s, teens pretty angry over their parent's materialistic plastic lifestyle. I think a great deal more protesting than current youth, as well as a greater desire to distance themselves from their parents (think the graduate). More females are going to college, and many counterculture groups are springing up. Also, getting into the real rock music, as well as disco in the 70s. Still cinema is available, and things like roller rinks become popular.

    80s- I am at a loss here. I'm guessing the stuff you see in 80s films. Mtv is created in the 80s.

    I think from the 90s on you see the increase in technology that has created our short attention spanned culture, teens included. Overall, I would say teens in past spent more time not engrossed in technology, more time outdoors and in social clubs,etc, and prb not as sheltered. More freedom as well with parental agreement. I don't think kids work as hard today as they once did, either.How have the teenage years changed during the past half century?
    The 1950's was really when the word ';teenager'; even first came into usage. Before that, there really wasn't much interest in that awkward phase between childhood and adulthood. It was the 50's when books began to be written about teenage behavior and advertisers started to cater especially to this young crowd as consumers. With more technology, as everyone else has said, and also post-WWII prosperity in America, teenagers could afford the comforts that helped them define themselves as a separate entity: radios, cars, make up, new fashionable clothing, etc.
    There's more technology so teens can keep in touch with each other more easily than ever. This can lead to new means of deviant behavior, such as cheating or sending sexual messages, that were always around in different forms anyway. I think teens today have less freedom though, to an extent, because in the 60's kids could roam their neighborhoods freely or drive around town and the parents wouldn't worry, but today's parents need to know where their children are at all times or they freak out.
    When I was young, the typical American teenager was portrayed as a blue-collar youth. By the late 60's that teenager was depicted as a potential college student.

    What are good teenage/young adult books to read?

    I'm fairly open to most books, although i'd prefer nothing mentioning twilight or other books in that series and books folllowing that trend.What are good teenage/young adult books to read?
    The Uglies Series...Scott Westerfeld

    1. Uglies

    2. Pretties

    3. Specials

    4. Extras…


    Perfect You.…Elizabeth Scott…

    Bloom…….Elizabeth Scott…

    Something Maybe…Elizabeth Scott…

    This Lullaby.....Sarah Dessen…

    Along For The Ride.....Sarah Dessen…

    Lock%26amp;Key………Sarah Dessen…

    The Truth About Forever.....Sarah Dessen…

    Keeping The Moon.....Sarah Dessen…

    Just Listen.....Sarah Dessen

    When It Happens.....Susane Colasanti

    Waiting For You.....Susane Colasanti

    The Book of Luke.,..Jenny O’ Connell

    Cracked up to be….Courtney Summers

    North of Beautiful….Justina Chen Headley

    The Nature of Jade..Deb Caletti

    The Secret Life of Prince Charming…Deb Caletti

    Twenty Boy Summer...Sarah Ockler

    The Summer I turned Pretty...Jenny Han

    Girlfriend Material...Melissa Kantor

    Young Adult Intense/Drama:

    Th1rteen R3asons Why….Jay Asher

    Crash into me….Albert Borris

    Ellen Hopkins Books

    (ie. Crank, Glass, Burned, Impulse, Identical)…

    Hope I helped!

    Enjoy :)

    **P.S. I agree with you! I read The Twilight Saga before it was so popular and now I don't like it. It doesn't live up to the way people rave about it!What are good teenage/young adult books to read?
    There was a pretty interesting sci-fi young adult book I remember reading back when I was in middle school. May be something up your alley. It's called ';Invitation to the Game'; by Monica Hughes. It's set in a dystopian future where students who fail in the courses end up being, pretty much, rejected from normal society. The story follows one girl and some of her friends who are assigned to live in a building together, picking up used furniture that's been thrown away. Anyway, the girl receives an invitation, as well as several of her friends, to join in a virtual reality game. I can't really say more than that... You'll just have to read it for yourself.
    A book series I just finished.... I always thought it was a shallow, goofy kids book about kids saving the world. Then I decided to read them all in order just for nostalgia and was shocked! I don't know if it was in there when I read them as a kid or if I didn't read enough of them/didn't read them in order to get what the true meaning of the books were.... But ';The Animorphs'; is an incredible series.

    On the surface its about aliens invading the Earth and a group of teens getting the power to turn in to aliens to fight back, which is cool enough in my opinion. But on a deeper level... its about the human psyche. How humans, especially teens, face the terrors and moral dilemnas involved in war, the darkness that is in a mans soul, how people deal with pressure, hopelessness and despair. Personally I find that stuff may not be your cup of tea.
    The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

    The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini

    (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr)

    The Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage

    (Magyk, Flyte, Physik, Queste)

    The Janna Mysteries by Felicity Pulman

    (Rosemary for Remembrance, Rue for Repentance, Lilies for Love, Willows for Weeping)

    The Song of the Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce

    (Alanna: The First Adventure, In the Hand of the Goddess, The Woman Who Rides Like A Man, Lioness Rampant)

    Ranger’s Apprentice series by John Flanagan

    (The Ruins of Gorlan, The Burning Bridge, The Icebound Land, The Battle for Skandia, Sorcerer of the North, The Siege of Macindaw, The Kings of Clonmel)

    The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness by Michelle Paver

    (Wolf Brother, Spirit Walker, Soul Eater, Outcast, Oath Breaker, Ghost Hunter)

    The Dead Days Omnibus by Marcus Sedgwick

    The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien

    (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King)

    The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation by M.T. Anderson

    (Volume One: The Pox Party)

    The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud

    (The Amulet of Samarkand, The Golem’s Eye, Ptolemy’s Gate)

    Monster Blood Tattoo series by C.M. Cornish

    (Foundling, Lamplighter)

    The Whispering Road by Livi Michael

    The Tapestry series by Henry Neff

    (The Hounds of Rowan, The Siege)

    The Chain of Charms series by Kate Forsyth

    (The Gypsy Crown, The Silver Horse ,The Herb of Grace, The Butterfly in Amber, Cat’s eye Shell, The Lightning Bolt)

    His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman

    (The Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife, The Amber Spyglass)

    Pirates! By Celia Rees

    The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

    (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)

    The Greenwich Chronicles by Val Tyler

    (The Time Wrekkas, The Time Apprentice)

    The Immortals series by Tamora Pierce

    (Wild Magic, Wolf-Speaker, Emperor Mage, The Realms of the Gods)

    These are all good books, most of them are fantasy or historic fiction. I hope this helps and happy reading!
    Here are some good ones I read when I was younger.

    The Everworld series by K.A. Applegate

    The Remnants series by K.A. Applegate

    Sabriel by Garth Nix (and the other 2 in the series..Lirael and Abhorsen)

    The Seventh Tower Series by Garth Nix

    Being Nikki

    Pretty Little Liars Series

    The Clique Series





    A Corner of the universe

    The Mediator Series
    the hunger games

    the qlique series

    i really think you should try out twilight tho they are very good books :)
    maximum security by Robert Muchamore its bout breaking out of a high security prison its very good


    What does a teenage girl wear in Europe?

    I am thirteen, petite, and I am visiting Europe in March, mainly Southern Italy and France. I don't want to look like a freak, so if you could tell me what people wear (and maybe provide links to pictures) then that would be wonderful.What does a teenage girl wear in Europe?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    these aren't from the places you said but I like these websites for unusual fashion: does a teenage girl wear in Europe?
    wear what you normally wear, french people sometimes wear black, so maybe wear a black t-shirt

    bring a cute dress:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    anything cute
    Ha ha, the answer Ms.Pink posted really made me laugh. :]

    (In a good way, not a mean ';that answer is stupid'; way)

    Anyways. Although I haven't been to Europe myself, I believe you can go ahead and dress the way you already do. But if you want to, you can try to be more creative while you're there. What I'd wear there is . . . actually something pretty similar to my polyvore sets, ha ha. A skirt with tights or stockings to match whatever shirt I'm wearing, and a beret or maybe a few other accessories. I'm not saying they dress like that though, but you can go ahead and try that look. Here's an example:鈥?/a>

    Hope I helped at least a little bit. xD
    They don't show as much skin as we Americans sometimes do...I also don't think you see a European wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and Ugg boots to class either. But I think they pretty much wear the same thing we do here...just more creative.

    *dont try to google image anything about European will be disgusted*
    Here this web site should help you鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    The second one would help alot look at the best answer

    and could you please help me it's been 4 days and I have 2 answers;鈥?/a>
    dark skinny jeans.

    berets? in france!鈥?/a>

    like that only in black and maybe france.

    europeans are pretty much the same as americans as far as i know,

    maybe more edgy and mod:]
    I'm sure they wear similar things here, just not like, short skirts and revealing junk I'm pretty sure.. but then again I may be wrong..;鈥?/a>
    I can assure you, that you will not look like a freak if you wear the clothes that you wear here lol
    same as here in the USA. Everybody is wearing skinny jeans here same in europe.

    Sorry. Too easy.
    Fitted clothing. Don't look sloppy. Look more proper.
    i say a thong and a spagetti strap shirt which shows the belly. no shoes or socks, bare footed. maybe a thong sandal
    just wear what u wear here. no one will look at u weird i assure u. just normal u know jeans t-shirt kind of stuff. just relax and enjoy ur vacation.

    Whee!!!!!!! Let us all run nude across the meadow!

    Is bringing your teenage child to work in a Pharmacy non-employee capacity a HIPPA violation?

    I work in a Pharmacy, a tech is allowed by management to bring her teenage daughter to do filing in a non- employee capacity. She has access to patients drug information. Is there a age limit for a person to be given access to the Pharmacy. Is this a HIPPA confidentiality violation?Is bringing your teenage child to work in a Pharmacy non-employee capacity a HIPPA violation?
    I think it might be. I was reading through鈥?/a> and they have very strict rules about who can access what kind of information. Is there a manager you can contact about your concerns?Is bringing your teenage child to work in a Pharmacy non-employee capacity a HIPPA violation?
    It could be. It also violates labor laws to do work without getting paid the minimum wage.
    You already know the answer. In every respect everybody its open to a lawsuit or an insurance issue. If you are planning on giving your house away because some other employee casts doubt on who stole.... go for it. And yes it it a HIPPA violation...... again it will be you who loses.

    What percentage of teenage boys watch porn on a daily bases?

    What percentage of boys (age 14 to 19) would watch porn on daily?

    And what percentage of boys (age 14 to 19) watch porn and actually masturbate to it? Just take a good estimate.What percentage of teenage boys watch porn on a daily bases?
    I would say around 80% of boys between 14 to 19 watch porn on daily basic while masturbating.What percentage of teenage boys watch porn on a daily bases?
    Haha when i lived at home i did both of these every day pretty much. Now im in college so its like 10000x harder gotta watch out for the roommate ;D

    that's my estimate

    a more realistic estimate.... hmmm probably 65%

    i'd guess at least 85%

    How does a teenage girl cope with doing revision for exams when there is a crying baby in the house?

    My sister in-law has just had a baby but her older daughter is revising for exams and can't cope with the baby crying, she also has to look after her 2 year old brother.How does a teenage girl cope with doing revision for exams when there is a crying baby in the house?
    omg last year i had to revise for my end of term exam with my baby sister balling and shouting, i wwent to a library or myfirends house, i got alot mroe revising odne ther than i did at home lo lHow does a teenage girl cope with doing revision for exams when there is a crying baby in the house?
    Well she could go to the library, a study group at school, around a friends house, heck even out in the back garden during decent weather. The baby wont be crying all of the time, they do sleep occasionally, so she could make the most of that quiet time by fitting in revision then. I do find it odd though that kids will moan they can't concentrate when there's a baby crying but can play ther music at insane loud volumes and be able to concentrate through that. I'm sure she'll find a way and hope she does well in the exams.
    I would suggest headphones with classical music playing quietly. Alternatively you could try any sort of instrumental music as long as it isn't too intense and you aren't familiar with it.

    You could just go to a library ...
    Maybe she could stay late after school. The school has a library where she could study. Also does she have any friends she could go to to help.? good luck =D
    i would just go to the library and tell her mum to look after her own son

    and Bonita.A you must have studied hard as your spelling is great (not)
    tell her to get out of the house, go to a library or something
    just tell be quite
  • facial
  • oil acne
  • What kind of teenage sexual advice clinics are there in Ireland for teens?

    You know like, planned parenthood or GUM clinics etc.

    I have looked up planned parenthood but I cant find any others.What kind of teenage sexual advice clinics are there in Ireland for teens?
    the ifpa is very good or well woman look them up

    What if a teenage girl becaomes pregnant because she was raped?

    This is directed at those silly pro-lifers, of course.

    Anyway, is it still ';wrong'; for her to get an abortion.

    The baby won't physically harm her, but remember, she's only a teenager. Say... 16.What if a teenage girl becaomes pregnant because she was raped?
    Then she should consult with her church leaders, and talk it out with God before she decides what she should do.

    In cases like this it is okay to abort a baby.What if a teenage girl becaomes pregnant because she was raped?
    Physically no,psychologically almost definitely as if being raped hasn't hurt her enough from a psychological point of view.

    In a case like this I see nothing wrong with her getting an abortion.
    so one violent act must beget another ?

    ever heard of adoption?

    What are some of the best home remedies for teenage skin?

    Well, tommorow I'm going to a party thing and I'm trying to get nice skin in time for it. I've been using 'Clean N Clear' stuff for a week and its working well, but are there any home remedies for like, face packs and things that will give my skin that extra little glowy look?

    Please don't answer with this like steam bowls as I don't like them.

    Many thanks xWhat are some of the best home remedies for teenage skin?
    Honey! Pure Honey :)

    Put it all over your face and leave it for at least half an hour!

    Then wash your face with warm water... Believe it or not it's not hard to wash it away!

    To put it on your face, in case it’s hard or so, put the honey in your microwave for just 3-5 seconds, not more! You just want to make it a bit more “liquid”.

    After washing it away you will see your face has a wonderful, healthy looking glow!

    Try do it today already and do it tomorrow again..cuz the first time I did it my face was basically the same... So the next day I gave it a now try and this time my face had that ';glow'; !What are some of the best home remedies for teenage skin?
    Aspirin Masks are great. All you need is some BC Powdered Aspirin, some honey (or aloe vera gel if you are allergic to honey), and warm water. Do not use this mask if you are allergic to aspirin!!

    1.) Empty one packet of aspirin powder into a small bowl.

    2.) Add about 1/2 tsp. of honey (or aloe) to the aspirin powder.

    3.) Add water a tiny bit at a time until you get a nice paste.

    4.) Apply mixture to a clean face and leave it on for 10 minutes.

    5.) Rinse off while exfoliating in a circular motion.
    Im not really sure of a home remedy.. but i know there are products you can buy.

    Do you have a translucent powder foundation or anything? If you can afford to buy something like that it would be a great investment.

    I use mineral foundations and use a translucent when my skin color lightens duriing the winter months. It really does the trick to get a natural glow without the shine
    have *** spread all over your face. its really helps.

    What should every teenage girl have in her closet?

    Like, what pieces of clothing are a ';staple'; in a teen girl's closet?

    I'm going shopping soon, and I was wondering what some of the must-haves are in order to have a great wardrobe and always have something to wear?What should every teenage girl have in her closet?
    MeWhat should every teenage girl have in her closet?
    LBD (Little Black Dress)

    A pair of dark-wash skinny jeans (flattering for everyone)

    5 solid-color tank-tops (for layering and hot summer days, plus they go with everything!)

    A good pair of heels, preferably in a universal color like black.

    A cute pair of flats, with a muted print like stripes or polka-dots.

    Some sneakers (hey, you have to exercise to stay fabulous!)

    Some khaki's (great for the summer, and a pretty shade on everyone)

    A jean skirt (shows off your gorgeous gams!)

    A hoodie, for bundling up on cool nights or just staying comfy.

    A pair of sweatpants for lounging around the house and looking adorable.
    2 pairs of nice jeans,

    a white vest top

    a black vest top

    maybe 3 normal t-shirts in different colours.

    one more formal jacket

    2 cardigans, maybe different colours. one black.

    selection of belts.

    a couple of skirts

    some nice tops ie. shirts, camis etc.

    and a few pairs of shoes.

    oh yh, and some bags ;) have fun btw x

    black flats鈥?/a>


    woven leather belt鈥?/a>


    jeans...and a REAL coat for the fall/winter seasons.

    the rest is up to you. i dont see why you have to follow what other people tell you. have a sense of individuality.
    you asked what SHOULD every girl have. it is pants and vests and bras. lol

    but if you mean as in clothes then something that u love wearing. :)
    pants, shirts, underwear.

    skinny jeans

    cute shirts

    tank tops



    bags (purse like)



    sleeveless shirts

    knit top(s)

    A pair of skinny jeans and a matching shirt is something all girls should have!
    Skinny jeans

    white cami with lace


    jean shorts

    at least one skirt
    skinny jeans dark ones!

    denium skirt

    white vest

    flip flops

    grey hoody!
    converse, skinny jeans, and a t-shirt

    What do young males need to do to avoid teenage pregnancy?

    And take this seriously. You never know who would want to ask these questions and are too embarrassed to ask or something. Please be respectful in your answers.

    I mean think about it. If you had a son, what would you tell him about teenage pregnancy? How would you try to deter him away from it?What do young males need to do to avoid teenage pregnancy?
    Take responsibility for yourself. Don't ever assume that the girl is on BC, and have a condom at all times.

    I would tell him to try not to give into the pressures of having sex for the sake of having it, but if he does to be as safe as he possibly can. I would teach my children (boy or girl) what sex is, where babies come from, and how to be responsible.What do young males need to do to avoid teenage pregnancy?
    Honestly, I don't think that many teenage boys are lining up to be fathers. I would tell him that teenage pregnancy is preventable, and having a child so early can limit his plans for his life. Many guys that age are afraid of the responsibility of being a parent, so it's not that big of a stretch to put the fear of god in him, so to speak. Also, I would tell him to use a condom each and every single time he has sex, and to ask that the girl he's with be on the pill or some other form of birth control. On top of that, I would tell him about the morning-after pill option, in case the condom breaks. It wouldn't hurt for him to be able to suggest it. In the end, I would love and support him no matter what happens, but I would still expect him to take responsibility for any child he helps create. I would also make this clear to him from the outset. Finally, I would tell him that if he does get a girl pregnant, he needs to try to be supportive and mature. Real men don't walk away from their children, the same as real women. Cheers!
    As in my other answer...instilling a sense of self esteem and personal responsibility is the foundation. Providing accurate medical information and discussing the emotional side of sexual relationships puts it in context for him. He needs to understand that if he participated in the creation of a pregnancy, he will be connected to the young woman for at least 18 years, whether he likes her or not. Boys need to be taught that while sex may seem recreational for them, it is NOT recreational for the girls.

    Condoms are a MUST - to protect both of them. Some boys are reluctant to buy them ( I won't speculate as to why...) , so giving them to the boy is one way to make sure he has access to them.

    And most teens (boys %26amp; girls both) need to be told the same thing over and over and over again to make it sink in.
    Honesty and openness. Sex isn't something to sweep under the rug and not talk about just because you're embarassed to discuss it with your children or you feel the school will do an adequate job of it...its a parent's job to make sure their kids now what their options for sex are...even if they don't agree with it.

    If I had a teenage son I'd let him know my personal feelings regarding teenage sex, but I wouldn't judge him; if he decided he was ready to have sex then I'd help him prevent any pregnancies in any way possible (cough, cough, supply him with condoms).

    Teenage pregnancies are avoidable... it's usually when their is a lack of communication between teens and parents that something goes wrong.
    If you're the parent in this situation, be real and don't nag or guilt. Most likely your actions in raising him thus far will really do the talking. Nevertheless, talk to him as another adult. Tell him to be safe and do it for the right reasons if he must. Always wear a condom, even if she says she's on b/c, and not just to prevent pregnancy but std's as well. Carefully, not preachingly, inform him of just how much a pregnancy can cost him. Whether he is the father figure, pays child support, or has an abortion, it's all expensive. That means he needs his own place, definately a job and a all adds up to loss of money and loss of lots of freetime. And when it's Friday night and there's an awesome party-he'll have to stay home if he can't find a babysitter.
    I would make sure he knows how pregnancy happens. I would teach him that sex is a precious gift, and he needs to save it for marriage (we believe premarital sex is wrong, so that's what our kids will learn when they're old enough). I'd tell him about the realities of teenage parenthood. I'd teach him that he needs to respect his girlfriend and not pressure her to get physical - it is up to him to keep himself in line. I would make sure he isn't being fed a steady diet of sexual imagery - no sex scenes in movies, no sexual songs, no porn, no hanging with dirty little teens who can't talk of anything but sex and perverted things, etc. Those things can really inflame a teenage guy, and I think that being without that influence makes it easier to control one's thoughts and desires.

    Then, when he has a girlfriend, they wouldn't be allowed to go off alone all the time. No hanging in each other's bedrooms. No huggiing and kissing and snuggling. Very few ';alone'; dates - group dates are preferred. Chaperones are readily available for the two of them. That sort of thing. I've seen all these things done before and it works great!
    you cant as much for a guy unless he always wears condoms. its much worse for a guy than a girl cause the girl is in control of what happens to her and can lie about being on the pill etc
    I have 3 teenage sons...I tell them

    1. don't get any girl pregnant before age 18 because you might be charged with rape and I don't want to be involved in rescuing you

    2. in fact don't have sex that could lead to pregnancy before you are age 18 because I don't want or need to deal with it

    3. use a condom every time!!! Don't ever trust a girl to use contraception

    In the US, a child that attends some sort of collage/university will cost the parent(s) at least $250,000 from birth to graduation. You my son will have to pay a minimum of half ($125,000), no matter what the mother does or says, you may not even be able to see the child. If you do not pay, you can go to prison.
    That if he was going to have sex, always wear protection. Educate him that pregnancy is not the only thing that could threaten his childhood and for the rest of his life-STD's are worse. If it did happen reguardless I would be there for him and have him know he should never be ashamed or afraid to talk to me.
    Men can assume that seeing as she is the one that gets pregnant that she knows what she's doing if keen for unprotected ie. knows she is using something reliable or at least, knows she is not ovulating. I'd warn him about not making assumptions and make sure he usnderstands that in the event of a pregnancy, he has few rights and choices.
    Give your son a first had experience of what it would be like to raise a child.Find a close family friend who might volunteer their child (with their supervision of course), and make your son take care of the baby, change their diapers and feed them for a week.
    dont f@ck

    ok ok taking it seriously

    Have him babysit a couple of sick babies or toddlers for a couple of hours. Then buy him some condoms. Then pray he uses them!
    You shouldn't need to deter him away from it. If you bring up a normal child they don't want to get into teen pregnancy. it's quite simple, use protection.
    Abstinence. Sorry guys...
    Abstain or spooge on the chicks face.
    Don't believe her when she says she's on the pill. Wear a condom.
    don't have sex??

    just maybe.

    How can a teenage girl from michigan become a succesful actress?

    I know the odds of me becoming famous are a million to one but i want this more than anything. Its incredibly ridiculous how soooo many girls have the same dream as i do and we never really get the opportunity. I hope something good comes through the doors of my future. If you have any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks =) Peace on Earth =)How can a teenage girl from michigan become a succesful actress?
    Answer the cast calls when local Michigan studios put them out. Even if they're just extras, they look good on a resume. You may get recognized that way too.

    Here is a list of Michigan film studios. We actually shoot more film than Hollywood.鈥?/a>How can a teenage girl from michigan become a succesful actress?
    It would be great if you did some extra work, but other work is great as well. You most definitely want to make it to as many auditions as you can and make sure that your dress code is correct.

    Currently, there is a certain look that directors are looking for. If you aren't sure what a director wants, you be you, but if there is a blurb on the article about the audition that mentions apparel, carefully read it and study. Eventually you will have noticed a small pattern with directors and what they want, then you can maintain one look that will be sure to please. But make sure that, even thought you feel confident, you always check the apparel recommendation.
  • facial
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  • What do a teenage boy do to make his crush jealous?

    Like talking random thing about other girl?

    Anything else?

    PS I'm a girl and I want to see if he's trying to make me jealous.What do a teenage boy do to make his crush jealous?
    if he glances at you several times when he talking to the other girl he is trying to make you jealous. or if he has conversations with her loudly so you can hear him.

    How much money should it cost to redo a teenage bedroom?

    I want to redo my bedroom and i want to paint the walls and buy new sheets and curtains and every thing else . I already have a bed and a dresser so i dont need new furniture.How much money should it cost to redo a teenage bedroom?
    First set your budget. Then work out what you can do within that budget. Either how much you have to spend, or how much your parents are willing to let you spend. Figure out what you have to buy new, and what you can find at thrift stores and garage sales. Know exactly the look you want, and don't buy anything that doesn't help make that happen. Sheets can cost $50 each, or you can go to Bi-Mart or to Ross's Dress For Less and get a whole set for half that price. Be willing to work at it, and you can do a lot for not all that much. Be careful with paint, though. Cheap paint really isn't because you are likely to end up putting on 2 coats so it doesn't look streaky. Spend the money and buy paint guaranteed 1-coat.How much money should it cost to redo a teenage bedroom?
    if you already have furniture then that saves you alot of money.... this is a estimate on how much everything will be....

    paint - $30

    sheets - $20

    curtains - $50

    bedding - $150

    extra accesories - $100

    so im guessing around $350-$400.
    max $1,000

    try IKEA, Target, Kmart, Bed,bath and beyond, Walmart

    best paint is Walmarts

    have fun!
    I love that kind of theme I just bought it and it cost me 356.97.
    It depends on what you are going to buy and how expensive it is. If you want a vibrant-colored room with pretty textiles and fun designs, I would suggest IKEA. IKEA has great deals and I am pretty sure that you will be able to find at least 5 things there. IKEA is an all-around furniture store, so it's a pretty good place to shop. They have like ';examples'; --- there are actually rooms with furniture and decorations and stuff that you can look at for ideas. Good LUck!

    What kind of teenage girl do you picture personality, and appearance with the name Lark Marie?

    ....I'm not sure..someone named their kid Lark? like the bird? well, because i think of a bird (i looked it up, ';bird'; is the meaning of the name Lark, Marie means, believe it or not, ';bitter';) i think of someone kind of tall and lanky. Lark Marie, if you say it a couple of times and blend it together it actually sounds pretty nice. I guess someone coming into themselves. Someone confided that is pretty, yet maybe a bit plain, coming into them self. A leader. Why?

    P.S. she'd probably get teased A LOT!What kind of teenage girl do you picture personality, and appearance with the name Lark Marie?
    a goth sort of girl. with blond hair blue eyes, but has black underneath. she is medium height and she is pretty but doesn't think so. she is low confidence. and thinks everyone is out to get her. so she takes taekwondo. the best thing ever. she has an olders sister. and a younger who get all the attentionWhat kind of teenage girl do you picture personality, and appearance with the name Lark Marie?
    Pretty and unique name, I love it!

    I picture a shy girl...she's pretty, but not in the conventional girl-next-door way. She's in love with nature. Light colored skin, blonde, and light eyes. She's very tall and thin. I picture her to be very cautious with people...she doesn't trust easily, but once you gain her trust, you've got a friend til the end.
    I hate the name Lark! not even a name!

    It reminds me of birds larking, or people larking about.

    It horrible :( I see her being taking the mick out of her on a daily basis which eats away at her confidence and she begins to blame you for all this as it generally would b your fault.
    I somehow picture a small introverted brunette with short hair and glasses but a pretty face. I picture someone who has her own unique but feminine style and who's into art, music, and different cultures and maybe not so much into trendy things.
    She's an art major, wears all black all the time, very socially awkward and quiet.
    A more reserved, quiet girl

    Kinda tom-boyish
    I like it.

    A nice, pretty, and confident girl comes to mind after you think about it.
    someone who is really sour, possibly homeless. Had a rough background and hates the world.
    A creep, larking around the streets...
    snobby and stuck up.

    euch. i hate that name.

    How does a teenage guy go about shopping?

    If a teenage guy does not have any close girl friends and would rather not go with their moms, what can they do about shopping?

    Do you just go by yourself, I mean it is weird to ask another guy to go shopping right?How does a teenage guy go about shopping?
    You can ask a guy if he wants to go along. its not wierd, you can do something else after shopping. Depends on what you need to buy. Girls are better cause your guy friends dont care if you look better in some colors or styles, and dont ask another guy about underwear styles . :)How does a teenage guy go about shopping?
    Not really, i go shopping with my friends like all the time? But make sure, it's not the funny guy you're going with. He'll probably give you bad advices, just to get a good laugh :D.

    But ofc, you can go alone, many guys shop alone... But i like to be social, so it's up to you ;)
    lol yup it might be weird to go with another guy. i go with my boyfriend when he shops.. and before he met me, i think he used to go with his little sister sometimes.. she's like 10...

    but if you don't have a sister or gf.. u can go by yourself.. it's nothing bad about that.. many men shops by themselves.. remember it's not like ur gonna be in women stores..there are many stores that just sells men clothing, etc.
    if your embarassed, shop online?

    What is a good healthy eating plan for a teenage girl?

    I am happy with my size at the moment but i think i could be healthier, i dont want to go on one of those diets and loose heaps of weight, i just want to have a healthy body. Are there any simple sugestions to help me keep on track with my healthy eating?What is a good healthy eating plan for a teenage girl?
    A healthy diet is easy to say but hard to stick with.

    · It is important to maintain a good diet so you don't compromise your health. Damage done because of lack of nutrition is not worth a nice body. Some diet damage cannot be fixed.


    · When you deprive your brain,(your brain craves sugar) the brain will take other body cells to convert to the elements that it needs. And the cells it takes are BRAIN cells. OOPS. I don't want to lose brain cells to have thin legs. But I would like to have both.


    1) fruits and veggies, all you want, organic, raw, vine-ripe if possible. Steamed is OK, sautéed is OK even canned or frozen is OK, but lots of them.

    2) limited or no meat. Read Dr. Campbell’s book “the China Study”

    3) nothing fried-saute with some olive oil, extra virgin(from first pressing)

    4) no FAST FOOD- is junk, no nutrition, empty calories

    5) NO PROCESSED FOOD. if you can't pronounce it don't eat it.

    6) nothing white, salt, sugar, mayo, milk, (or at least in moderation.

    7) NO DAIRY-dairy is great for baby cows, your body does not even digest it properly. And is loaded with pus and bacteria check out

    8) EXERCISE- and be sure to refresh your body with water and fresh fruit

    9) NO PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS. Muscle is made from water, replace the water. You get enough protein from the food you eat, You get more protein from spinach than the supplements you take and your body does not get toxic on food protein the way it will with supplements. Supplements can really tax you liver.

    10) Good supplement would be Omega 3, and Juice Plus+…

    11) NO CARBONATED DRINKS, or at least limited. They actually dissolve the calcium in your bones.

    12) Calories in calories out.

    AND DON'T GO NUTS, MODERATION.What is a good healthy eating plan for a teenage girl?
    just eat what u usually eat just dont eat too much.


    -whole grain/wheat breads/pasta/brown rice/oatmeal

    -low fat dairy(2% milk, yogurt, low fat ice cream or frozen yogurt, low fat cheese)

    -lean protein/meats like chicken, turkey, egg whites)

    -nuts/seeds...peanut butter is VERY healthy if u eat 2 tablespoons and stay within that limit



    -baked lays chips


    -100 calorie packs

    -breyers double churned(and no added sugar) ice cream

    -chocolate peanut butter ricecakes

    -frozen fruit with fat free cool whip

    -quaker chewy granola bars

    -fruit pops

    -lean pockets

    -chocolate milk

    -graham crackers

    -vegies and dip

    -pretzels and fat free cream cheese

    atleast 1800-2200 calories a day...and its ok to indulge on junk sometimes...
    Well everyones heard of the five of portions of fruit %26amp; vegetables a day so try and eat that much fruit %26amp; vegetables in a variety of colours (different coloured f%26amp;v have different nutrients in them). Too much salt %26amp; sugar is bad for you so dont pig out on sweets, chocolate or salty food like fries too often. Vegans are usually the healthiest of people because meat %26amp; dairy products have things in that are bad for your body, red-meat is the unhealthiest. And drink lots of water instead of fizzy drinks, fizzy pop doesnt have anything healthy in it.
    There is a website, it is free and all you do is type in your age, weight, activity level and it provides a balanced plan for your dietary needs. Good Luck!
    depends how old you are it differs from 13 to 15 and 15 to 18 and so on

    What should every teenage girl have in her wardrobe?

    Clothes, shoes, accessories, etc. If you say how they would go together too, that would be awesome.What should every teenage girl have in her wardrobe?
    Jeans in black and blue

    1-2 Casual, simple dress in case of a date, party or school dance

    Simple tees, graphic tees

    Sneakers, flats, flip flops, boots, sandals, a pair of heels or two


    3-4 tank tops or camis for summer or layering

    Light sweaters for spring and thicker sweaters for winter

    3-4 Jackets

    1 winter coat, especially if it is cold in the area

    Simple tops or dressy tops for a night out

    2-3 pair of shorts, capris

    A purse or tote bag

    Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, belts

    1-2 scarves

    PajamasWhat should every teenage girl have in her wardrobe?
    -skinny jeans

    -black skinny jeans/pants

    -white jeans

    -corduroys (preferably a bright color!)

    -denim shorts

    -funky/patterned shorts

    -bermuda shorts

    -denim skirt (color!)

    - a nice, above-the-knee skirt for any occasion

    -a floral, summery dress

    - a warm, wooly winter dress

    -a graphic tshirt

    -plain v neck tshirts

    - a plain tank top

    - a funky tank top

    -long sleeved tshirt

    a zip-up hoodie

    - a pullover hoodie

    - caridigan-type sweaters

    - a trendy/patterened/funky oversized sweater

    - a warm winter coat

    -a cute bikini

    -mid-calf leather boots

    -a pair of uggs

    -a pair of converse

    -flip flops


    -a beret

    -aviator sunglasses

    -silk scarve

    -wooly scarve

    -A well-fitting pair of jeans (at least one in a dark shade)

    -Well constructed coat

    -Interesting pair of boots

    -A good pair of black heels

    -A pair of sneakers for everyday

    -An oxford shirt (those button down shirts)

    -Tank tops and camisoles to layer

    -A few good sweaters. A cardigan and a simple black sweater are must haves; you can layer them with other shirts

    -A few nice pieces of jewelry (ex. diamond studs, pearl strand, gold bracelet, or something)

    -Scarves, a few winter ones and some nice summer ones that you can use to tie your hair back/use as a belt. Brightens up outfits instantly

    -A hoodie

    -Good bras for different necklines/cuts of clothing. Strapless dresses require strapless support!

    -Comfortable underwear
    few boots here and there, idk it'd depends on the girls taste. A few girls like crocs so they have them,

    take a look at a few fashion magazines, it's not much but you can see a trend among them.

    skinny jeans seem like a popular choice now, with boots over or something.

    seems like every girl now a days has abercrombie, hollister, american eagle and aeropostale in there closet ohh and lululemons and tna. (you could throw in guess and forever 21)
    for me i like to wear jeans and some t-shirt and put on a necklace and a hat sometimes like beanies etc
    ballet flats. leggings. dresses. skinny jeans.

    forever 21 is the best place to shop. and nordstrom BP
    for me i like

    skinny jeans

    bright colored tees

    %26amp; hoodies
  • facial
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  • What are some good group halloween costumes for 3 teenage guys?

    Me and my two friends are goin to a costume party. We're somewhat lazy and a little cheap... Any suggestions for simple but good costumes?What are some good group halloween costumes for 3 teenage guys?
    the 3 musketeers

    the jonas brothers lol

    a 3 headed person

    What are some good group halloween costumes for 3 teenage guys?
    The 3 musketeers or fruit of the loom. Try for ideas. I live near there so my friends and I went as fruit of the loom and we won frist prize at a providence bar. The costumes only cost us 40 or 50.00 each and we won 200.00, so was it worth it , Yes it was!

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    vLooking for a costume??

    check out our facebook profile!;ref=profile#/profile.php?id=1472381142%26amp;v=info%26amp;viewas=1472381142

    we have heaps of costumes !!! All kinds :D


    Costume Galore


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    this will be a really good website for you!! its got some grate halloween stok in for boys and girls

    try it out

    its also very cheap!!

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    I know, Nirvana! Dress only needs to be some jeans and t shirts. A blonde wig to look like Kurt if one of you isn't already blonde and maybe a mic or fake guitar (or even the real thing.) Light a cigarette (or fake it) and there you go.

    Maybe a dark brown wig (mullet wig?) with a cap and some sticks to be Dave.

    And finally another dark wig and a bass guitar for Krist.

    If you're so inclined, you can replicate the clothes they wore in a video (such as Smells Like Teen Spirit) so people will really recognize you.鈥?/a>
    Please look at 3 musketeers at Amazon鈥?/a>

    Hope this help.

    Good Luck.

    Check out the link below

    Iam sure you will get costumes in very cheap rate and of good quality from here.
    Cheap, cheap, cheap. Hmmm... So get a soccer ball, a basket ball, and a volley ball put them in the hood part of a hoodie. Instant costumes.
    Dress up as vampires and wear vampire costumes.
    Get 3 t-shirts and get and write with a felt marker class clowns. Then get some clown wigs and rubber noses.

    The Marx Brothers

    The Three Stooges

    Marilyn Manson , Rob Zombie %26amp; Ozzie Ozborne
    Powerpuff Girls. This involves your little sisters dresses, and red/blue/green spray paint.
    3 Stooges
    quail man from the nickelodeon show ';Doug';
    the three musketeers
    Go as the 3 ';wise'; men.

    a bottle of jack and whatever your wearing
    3 Blind Mice
    the three stooges

    What is the best advice I could give my teenage daughter and son concerning sex, drugs and alcohol?

    I have two teenagers who I am scared to death of them falling in to the sex, drugs, and alcohol consuming culture. Most of all gangs and the like. I have told the kids about the dangers of all three areas, but am I doing enough? I try to lead by example, but is that still enough? Please advise.What is the best advice I could give my teenage daughter and son concerning sex, drugs and alcohol?
    First of all, thank you for raising a good citizen!

    I think a big problem is that parents think one talk is enough. You have to keep an open and constant line of communication. Make sure that they know you are always willing to listen to them. Offer advice on how to avoid bad situations, and how to get out of one if they do happen to find themselves in one. If you feel comfortable enough, you can even share some of your own experiences. I know some parents think that they can not show a vulnerable side, and they want their children to think of them as flawless. I don't think that is the best philosophy. When parents carry on that act, I think it intimidates the child, and prevents them from going to the parent when in need of help or advice. Whatever you do, do not assume that because you said something once, that it doesn't have to be said again. That would be like asking your teenager to make their bed, and actually thinking they will remember 10 minutes later. Don't be overbearing and over controlling because that will only push them farther away. Do not be too lenient because they will walk all over you. Children need boundaries in order to feel secure. The tricky part is finding the right balance.

    Good Luck, and thank you again for being an involved parent!What is the best advice I could give my teenage daughter and son concerning sex, drugs and alcohol?
    Everything in moderation, including moderation. If you get preachy, they'll just have a nice easy thing to rebel against.
    that's all you do and hope they got it.
    I'm a father as well and what i try to get straight to them is that they can see me as THEIR FRIEND not as their father.

    I mean, whatever question they have, whatever comment thy need to make, whatever, whatever... they can tell me their problems and joyous moments...share them with me as they would with their best friend.

    If they see me as their father only, barriers tend to appear. they worry if I get mad, if I'll ground them for a year, etc.

    Build confidence and friendship around them and I'm sure that will add to what you've already done.
    ok watever you do dont tell them how much trouble they will be in cuz thats wat my parnts are doing .....i tell you iv gon the oposite way i think you should just let them get away with alchol but scare them about sex and drugs tell them some descusting storys like the girl will bleed heavy the first time ......that wud of put me off for a while
    sex isent as fun when ur high/drunk and you cant really focus if ur messed up enough
    Sounds like you are great keep the lines of communication open. Do not get hostile when the teenage girls tell you some off the wall stories just be firm and calm. When you are angry and yelling teenagers tend to do the opposite of everything the parent is trying to teach them and tell them.
    ';Don't do them';. Let them know that they might feel ready (physically); but emotionally, they're not - I'm talking about sex here. Teenagers have enough to manage without adding sex, drugs, and alcohol into the mix.
    well lets see im 16 ok..

    sex to tell the truth is inevitable every teen will have sex unless of course you trully are wishing to be abstinantt.

    drugs. only idiots use them so im sure your kids will be safe.

    and alcohol/beer is just like sex.

    everyone tryes it buts

    its just a matter of weather u like it or not i myself dont really enjoyit. lol i hope i helped from a kids perpective,.
    All you can try to do is communicate with them and trust that you raised them well enough to not fall into that scene. You have to be in constant contact with them and let them know that if they have any questions they can come to you no matter what. You can't judge them or make them feel stupid for asking things. You also can't just bring it up once and think that you did your job. You should always be nosey, ';where are you going?'; ';who are you going to be with?'; ';is there going to be parents there?'; etc. get to know their friends, and thier parents!
    leading a good example does help because teenagers will think.. well if my parents do it then why cant i ? you know what i mean.

    It all depends on who they hang around with, make sure their friends are good kids.

    Because no matter how much of a good parent you are, your childrens friends have a big influence on them.

    And if your worried about them having sex.. well make sure they know to use protection, and make sure they save theyre virginity for someone special.

    Drugs and alcohol, both ruin lives. straightup tell them stories about kids you knew, that ended in death. its not cool, and they will probaably loose friends to it also.

    tell them to be straight edge, its cool:)

    straight edge = no casual sex, drinking, drugs.