Thursday, April 29, 2010

What percent of teenage boys experiment sexually?

My friend was wondering and she couldn't find statistics on the internet.What percent of teenage boys experiment sexually?
99.9% and the other tenth think about it. It is a natural event as the hormones start kicking in and to some therapists a healthy activity for the heart.What percent of teenage boys experiment sexually?
I would say about 90% of teenage boys do experiment sex today. Now in these day, younger kids get into dating and getting a boyfriend/girlfriend. .
Experiment sexually. That's a complicated turn of phrase.

What do you count as experimenting? Some may call masturbating experimenting. And do you mean experimenting homosexually?

I would say, from my experience, I would go with about 79.4% of adolescent boys, from 14-17 have one or two homosexual incidents. Ironically, this number does not go down with age. Older men are shown to experiment more freely with men after 55.
I surveyed teenage boys about this, 99.9% said they had experimented. The other 0.1% said they didn't experiement, but it was later found that they were lying!

Seriously, most teenagers, and that includes boys, experiment at some time, in some way.
100% that can reach it will experiment with it. If they say ';no';, they are lying.
Lets just say the majority, however, parents need to instill in their sons, that this is not just your body, sexual experiments involve two bodies.

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