Thursday, April 29, 2010

How does teenage pregnancy affect the lives of those involved?

please help. if you know, then that would help. this is for a school research paper.How does teenage pregnancy affect the lives of those involved?
most times girls don't keep the baby and that's sadHow does teenage pregnancy affect the lives of those involved?
Teen pregnancy affects the lives of those involved because it adds more responsibility, it also has many stressors that may arise from being pregnant to giving birth then raising that same child from enfancy can be daunting or rewarding depending on whether you keep the said child or not. Should you chose not that too will have a lot of different factors just mentioned added on to that whole process of finding and giving the life you and your spouse created away. It also has a lot of pros an cons not mentioned in any child rearing books. Books also do not always have in them every single detail so problems come up that are not documented and that can cause a lot of problems for the young single or teen parents. It can also divide as well as bring together a couple or single parent with their own parents later on.

I hope that this does give you some answers. take care.
First off to all the people who said that the grandparents end up taking care of the child... That is not always true. I will be taking care of my daughter. When i found out I was pregnant I did what ever I could to finish high school early.. Which I did nearly a year early! I am being responsible and lots of other people are responsible. Please do not bring down the ones who are!

I am 17 years old and 24 weeks pregnant.

I am not going to be like other girls and give up my baby. I am having a beautiful baby girl and proud of it.

But it really does affect the people involved.

My friends and family have been having to take me into the doctor and hospital when needed. It is finanically a burden for my parents.

The father although he is almost as much part of this as I am, he could not take it and left.

People in the lives of pregnant women are stressed as well just like the women is.
it affects many people,, to start with, the most important one which it affects is the little one on the way,, an unplanned parenthood will ensure many challenges for the unborn child and the soon to be young mother,,, she may not be ready to provide all thats necesary for that child,,, sometimes love is not enough,,, there will be many expenses,,,, the burden may then be passed to others in the family such as the grand parents of the new born,,, as well as the rest of society which will surely have to pitch in to help bring up the new born, the new mother will now have to spend 95 % of all her time devoted to that newborn,,
Depending how involved others become,,,it affects them physically, emotionally, financially,,,,Obviously more the parents than outside family members...I know I am as involved with raising my granddaughter as I was with my own...minus the nighttime hoopla...haha..I adore her, and wouldn't have it any other way.
Well all in all a teenage pregnancy can effect the lives of those involved as little or as much as they decide to let it.

Example 1 -- If the girl chooses to keep the baby and she will remain living at her parents home then of course it will effect everyone a great deal. Herself, her parents, her siblings...Her parents will most likely be greatly effected financially. Everyone will be effected emotionally and mentally. And all the care that a newborn needs will almost be dependant upon everyone in the house, not just the new mom.

Example 2 -- If the girl chooses to keep the baby but her parents won't allow her to stay with her. There are a lot of options out there, maybe they move in with her boyfriends family, maybe she gets a place of her own, or maybe she stays in a shelter for unwed teen mothers. If they move in with the boyfriends parents then pretty much the same as example one. But if she has her own place really she is the only one that will be effected EXCEPT for the fact that her relationship with her parents and family will most likely suffer a great deal.

Example 3 -- If she chooses adoption to someone she does not know. Then basically the only thing the family/parents is going to have to worry about is making sure she recieves prenatal care. Then after the baby is born the mother will most likely be effected emotionally and mentally a great deal probably for the rest of her life.

Example 4 -- If she chooses or if the option is even available, to have a family member adopt to where she would still see the child grow up whether the child would know that she was the real mother or not...this would effect whomever adopted the child, their household, and the birth mother a lot emotionally.

And then of course....Example 5 -- If she chooses to go with abortion...which I personally hope she wouldn't, there are so many couples out there who can't have children that have so much love to give....I'm sure it would still emotionally and mentally effect her for the rest of her life with the contant wonders of ';what if?';

Good luck with writing your research paper and some parts of this subject are very touchy so be sure to be careful about different things you say!
well since i am one....sometimes the grandparents end up taking care of the baby because the kids are trying to stay in school and do what they want to do......the parents usaully dont stay together because they are not mature enough for that kind of responcebility. the younger the girl, her baby has a better chance of not learning as fast as a baby that wasnt born to a teen mom. they may not even try and keep their baby whether they give in up to adoption or abortion.......there are lots of ways it could effect someone.
The grandparents often financially support the baby %26amp; care for him when the mother is still in school %26amp;/or going out
The best I can tell you is that it'a the teenager's parent that's is most affected (and the unborn child, of course). The teen will probably return to school and who will take care of the child when it's born? The mother? No. She will be in school. The caregiving will all fall upon the grandmother/grandparent(s), who will take care of the child. That is only one in many ways teenage pregnancy can affect the lives if those involved.
There's no easy answer for that one my friend! It all depends on the people involved, the situation, both set's of parents (or Grandparents) and if you can afford to bring up a child at an early age!

Lets face it, most teenagers aren't mentally clued up to look after themselves, let alone have a screaming baby, wanting their attention 24 - 7!!

As far as I can say (I was once in this situation) teenage pregnancy, much like any other pregnancy, can be a blessing or a curse!! The best thing the two main people involved can do is make up their mind exactly what they want to do, inform the respective parents, and then stick to their guns!!! The worst thing that can happen, is to have regrets. They may have made a right or wrong decision, but at least it was theirs, and that's easier to live with!!

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