I could spend all night telling you about teenage pregnancies. i will shorten it - if you are a teenage parent you have made a life long commitment to that child from a younger age than most other people, you will not have had a good education you will never have any money, the child wont get the things you would have been able to give them if you had waited until you had finished your education and got a good career, when the child is older you have already shown them how to be a teenage mum and they will go and do the same - would you want that for your child? - No you will always want the best for them. Its not all about lovely babies and ribbons and bows it is about not having the life you should have had, being a teenager and having your life to plan you future. In most cases the children of teenage parents go on to make the same mistake themselves.What information should i find out about for teenage pregnancy?
Teenage pregnancy is defined as a teenage or underage girl (usually within the ages of 13-17) becoming pregnant. The term in everyday speech usually refers to women who have not reached legal adulthood, which varies across the world, who become pregnant.
The average age of menarche (first menstrual period) in the United States is 12.5 years old, though this figure varies by ethnicity[1] and weight, and first ovulation occurs only irregularly until after this. The average age of menarche has been declining and is continuing to do so. Whether fertility leads to early pregnancy depends on a number of factors, both societal and personal. Worldwide, rates of teenage pregnancy range from 143 per 1000 in some sub-Saharan African countries to 2.9 per 1000 in South Korea.[2][3]
Pregnant teenagers face many of the same obstetrics issues as women in their 20s and 30s. However, there are additional medical concerns for younger mothers, particularly those under 15 and those living in developing countries.[4] For mothers between 15 and 19, age in itself is not a risk factor, but additional risks may be associated with socioeconomic factors.[5]
Data supporting teenage pregnancy as a social issue in developed countries include lower educational levels, higher rates of poverty, and other poorer ';life outcomes'; in children of teenage mothers. Teenage pregnancy in developed countries is usually outside of marriage, and carries a social stigma in many communities and cultures. For these reasons, there have been many studies and campaigns which attempt to uncover the causes and limit the numbers of teenage pregnancies.[6] In other countries and cultures, particularly in the developing world, teenage pregnancy is usually within marriage and does not involve a social stigma.[7]
Among OECD developed countries, the United States and New Zealand have the highest level of teenage pregnancy, while Japan and South Korea have the lowest.[8
reasons for this:
In some societies, early marriage and traditional gender roles are important factors in the rate of teenage pregnancy. For example, in some sub-Saharan African countries, early pregnancy is often seen as a blessing because it is proof of the young woman's fertility.[11] In the Indian subcontinent, early marriage and pregnancy is more common in traditional rural communities compared to the rate in cities.[12]
In societies where adolescent marriage is uncommon, young age at first intercourse and lack of contraceptive use may be factors in teen pregnancy.[3][18] Most teenage pregnancies in the developed world appear to be unplanned.[18][19]
hopes this help
You should get some quotes from some teenage mums, on what life is like having a baby so young. Get some facts like the percentage in England that are teenage mums.
Get some facts that you could give to people about how to prevent teenage pregnancy's.
Pictures would be good, some of a teen pregnant. Some of the ways to prevent a pregnancy.
What is the legal age to have sex, then compare them to other countries, if this effects the pregnancy rate. For example does having a lower legal age to have sex make the number of teen pregnancy's higher or lower?
Get some quotes of what older people and people in your class think on the topic, then add your own opions.
Youtube - teenage pregnancies - 'social problems' for more information where you can quote people or add the video on a powerpoint as well of quotations, national statistics, and/or facts.
Try and look at these social factors;
Relationships - Mother, Boyfriend, Parents/Family, friends
Family background - Peer's attitude
Culture/Religion -
Try an add education, finances, mental health, politics/government - support/welfare, Media - Newspaper/magazine cuttings, (the media's attitude), TV documentaries, quality of life.
Firstly you could look at relationships;
The mother for example will more likely have a negative reaction by possibly her parents, family, the baby's dad, his family and her friends.
The parents would be dissapointed in their child or upset that they could of have ruined education/career prospects. Also a parent would worry of finances and support for their teenaged son or daughter having a child.
Teenaged parents are very highly likely to split up. Ive forgotton the statistic. A young couple dont know eachother very well enough for long term commitment for when a baby comes along. They are also probably not prepared, this will put more stress and strain on the relationship.
Social relationships with friends can fade especially for a female as she is busy being a mother where as her friends work, and have a social life without a child. The mother could feel very lonely as she cannot participate to social events due to childcare or finances. lonelier where her friends have a different lifestyle to her.
There is a social 'look down' by society in general. By the religious 'Promiscuty' 'Sex before marriage' goes against christian, catholic, jewish and islamic rules. In western culture people who disagree with teenage pregnancy in general believing that teenage pregnancies cause more problems in society.
This can also be linked politically too, Im not sure what country your from in the UK teenage parents are entitled to free healthcare, benefits if they do not work, bills, rent everything paid. A council flat, child tax credits, and stamps for milk and vegetables. 拢500 is paid when pregnant, also a grant when moving into a council flat/house for decoration and furniture.
In The UK there is labour - left wing government who offers very good support for teenaged mums. This will cause problems to a teenaged tax payer like me who is entitled to nothing who is angry that if one gets pregnant tomorrow like many of my friends they do not have to work and get everything on a plate, but when i get pregnant i plan to in another decade lol it will cost me a fortune.
See Iam using myself above as an example of how political/government involvement can affect peoples views.
Try using government statistics on teenage pregnancy such as the nhs.
teenaged mums are more likely to become a lower class with lack or less of a good education and unable to work due to a baby.
why your country does not force through the dutch sex education system that starts aged 4 and ignores all the relgious idiot parents who want to keep kids thick as they hardly have any teen pregancies in the Netherlands.
\And why does it base the most important lessons for kids on the rantings of abusive relgious and parents who are ignorant of human development who think 17 year olds are children?
Also how your countires system of teaching naff all results in kids looking for info in places like this and class mates who get it sall wrong with people beleiving bnonsense like the guy has to *** in the girl which is not true or that sperm dies in air.
why should they have to go to a ite like this to learn what sexaul terms mean
Why not teach everythign in scvhool and bring kids up from the age of 4 so they have no embarrasment or awkardness in discussing sexaul health and relationships so its like discussing football. So they are fully prepared and experts in sexaul health and contrception before even aged 12.
So nobody ever makes mistakes due to ignorance as will know it all and be trained in using condoms over and over again, made to think you must always use hormone contrception as well and not easy to forget pills.
Why EVERY house and school does not have mornign after pills training kids from childhood so if anythign goes wrong to take them no messing around with the likes of yahoo answers.
Study up on which countries have the highest and lowest teen pregancy rates (see links) and why.
And How a bout an essay saying why all the kids should gang up on parents and teachers and forced them to teach everythign before kids can have sex ie before 11.
And why is ignornance allowed abnd seen as a good thing when humans are animals with hnormonal instincts.
Plus why should morality come from the religons responsible fro things like homophobia, sexsim, go forth and multiply, seeing females as nothing more then baby making bio machines to be married off.
That is responsible for witch burning,
inquistions, genocide of native americans, IRA terrorisim, mass murder and torture for centureies, with leaders like the pope who supported peadophile priests ordering cover ups of the abuse and had operatiosn in ireland where 30,000 girls were imprisioned for life up till 1996 in places called Magdelen Laundries (look up the Magdelen Sisters),
Documentry on this Can be seen here
plus morlaity from the relgion that in Nigeria goes around accusing children and old ladies of witch craft who are then usually killed, hacked up with machettes and have molten metal poured on them as pointed out in this documentry
i wrote one persuading teens to use birth control or choose abstinence to prevent pregnancies. my paragraphs consisted of different types such as one: abstinence followed by birth control pill , IUV, vaginal inserts, condoms, etc. etc. each one told about the effectiveness also.
Talk to people at the '9 Line'(1-800-999-9999), Pregnancy Help Line and, Pregnancy Help Online; Just to name a few.
Sure I can. I'm a walking teenage pregnancy encyclopedia. E-mail with any questions you might have.
if you go to a mum and toddler group speak to young teenage parents and also did you wath baby borrowers usa that was good info
have you tried your local sure start centre - they'll have loads of info
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