Thursday, April 29, 2010

What is the best advice I could give my teenage daughter and son concerning sex, drugs and alcohol?

I have two teenagers who I am scared to death of them falling in to the sex, drugs, and alcohol consuming culture. Most of all gangs and the like. I have told the kids about the dangers of all three areas, but am I doing enough? I try to lead by example, but is that still enough? Please advise.What is the best advice I could give my teenage daughter and son concerning sex, drugs and alcohol?
First of all, thank you for raising a good citizen!

I think a big problem is that parents think one talk is enough. You have to keep an open and constant line of communication. Make sure that they know you are always willing to listen to them. Offer advice on how to avoid bad situations, and how to get out of one if they do happen to find themselves in one. If you feel comfortable enough, you can even share some of your own experiences. I know some parents think that they can not show a vulnerable side, and they want their children to think of them as flawless. I don't think that is the best philosophy. When parents carry on that act, I think it intimidates the child, and prevents them from going to the parent when in need of help or advice. Whatever you do, do not assume that because you said something once, that it doesn't have to be said again. That would be like asking your teenager to make their bed, and actually thinking they will remember 10 minutes later. Don't be overbearing and over controlling because that will only push them farther away. Do not be too lenient because they will walk all over you. Children need boundaries in order to feel secure. The tricky part is finding the right balance.

Good Luck, and thank you again for being an involved parent!What is the best advice I could give my teenage daughter and son concerning sex, drugs and alcohol?
Everything in moderation, including moderation. If you get preachy, they'll just have a nice easy thing to rebel against.
that's all you do and hope they got it.
I'm a father as well and what i try to get straight to them is that they can see me as THEIR FRIEND not as their father.

I mean, whatever question they have, whatever comment thy need to make, whatever, whatever... they can tell me their problems and joyous moments...share them with me as they would with their best friend.

If they see me as their father only, barriers tend to appear. they worry if I get mad, if I'll ground them for a year, etc.

Build confidence and friendship around them and I'm sure that will add to what you've already done.
ok watever you do dont tell them how much trouble they will be in cuz thats wat my parnts are doing .....i tell you iv gon the oposite way i think you should just let them get away with alchol but scare them about sex and drugs tell them some descusting storys like the girl will bleed heavy the first time ......that wud of put me off for a while
sex isent as fun when ur high/drunk and you cant really focus if ur messed up enough
Sounds like you are great keep the lines of communication open. Do not get hostile when the teenage girls tell you some off the wall stories just be firm and calm. When you are angry and yelling teenagers tend to do the opposite of everything the parent is trying to teach them and tell them.
';Don't do them';. Let them know that they might feel ready (physically); but emotionally, they're not - I'm talking about sex here. Teenagers have enough to manage without adding sex, drugs, and alcohol into the mix.
well lets see im 16 ok..

sex to tell the truth is inevitable every teen will have sex unless of course you trully are wishing to be abstinantt.

drugs. only idiots use them so im sure your kids will be safe.

and alcohol/beer is just like sex.

everyone tryes it buts

its just a matter of weather u like it or not i myself dont really enjoyit. lol i hope i helped from a kids perpective,.
All you can try to do is communicate with them and trust that you raised them well enough to not fall into that scene. You have to be in constant contact with them and let them know that if they have any questions they can come to you no matter what. You can't judge them or make them feel stupid for asking things. You also can't just bring it up once and think that you did your job. You should always be nosey, ';where are you going?'; ';who are you going to be with?'; ';is there going to be parents there?'; etc. get to know their friends, and thier parents!
leading a good example does help because teenagers will think.. well if my parents do it then why cant i ? you know what i mean.

It all depends on who they hang around with, make sure their friends are good kids.

Because no matter how much of a good parent you are, your childrens friends have a big influence on them.

And if your worried about them having sex.. well make sure they know to use protection, and make sure they save theyre virginity for someone special.

Drugs and alcohol, both ruin lives. straightup tell them stories about kids you knew, that ended in death. its not cool, and they will probaably loose friends to it also.

tell them to be straight edge, its cool:)

straight edge = no casual sex, drinking, drugs.

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