Thursday, December 31, 2009

What powerful and known person regrets having teenage sex?

I am making an argument for my debate, in english class. The debate is for making a law that it would make having sex before 18 illegal. And i can not find someone known and powerful that regretted having sex under 18. My teacher said that we needed to have a comment of someone Intelligent, and who is on our side in one of our arguments. Please help!What powerful and known person regrets having teenage sex?
The only person I can think of is Brooke Shields. She recently stated in a press conference or something that she regreted NOT having sex EARLIER. But I haven't seen anything about regreting having sex too soon. Sorry. I just want to say something and no disrespect, but I think having sex is something up to the person doing it not the law. There would be a lot of people in jail if that were against the law. We have more important things to crack down on. Like the fact that a lot of gang bangers are getting away with killing and drug dealing.What powerful and known person regrets having teenage sex?
Making it illegal to have sex before 18 is never going to happen. You can list 1,000 ';important'; people and argue until you are blue in the face but it will never happen.

I don't agree with your argument, but you can use Sarah Palin's daughter as an example. Although she never said she regretted it, the fact is that it may have had a part in how Sarah was viewed throughout the election process. You can also research Jamie Lynn Spears. She got pregnant at 16... you might be able to find an interview where she said she wishes she had waited (although I don't consider her ';powerful';).
i lost my virginity when i was 15 (just) i am now nearly 16 + have had sex with 4 people now, 2 because i wanted to, 1 was highly drunk and 1 was rape. I dont regret having sex underage atall, although i think it was a stupid position i put myself in because i have been nearly pregnant twice now .. but i dont have ANY regrets whatso ever with the people i chose to have sex with .. i dont think anyone would agree with hiring the age to 18 - what will that actually do? people have sex under 16 now, even tho there is a law against it, if you move it to 18, there still gonna do the same.
why would you do that. thats the dumbest law ever. age of 16 is age of concent where i live. that means you have the right to have sex or not. theres nothing bad about teenage sex. its the stupid ones who make it look bad aka the people who dont know how to use birthcontrol and or a condom and the people who think the pull out method works 100%. pull out does not work i know people who have gotten pregnant doing that. the only way birth control is effective is if its taken correctly and theres more forms of birthcontrol then a pill such as a shot, a patch, a ring that goes up there the little plastic like thing tht goes up in the uterus. theres no reason for sex b4 18 to be illegal. people need to wake up and smell the roses especialy parents every single one of them acts like they never had sex before 18 ok some of them did not but theres more that did. i bet you your teachers did possibley even your parents and i gurentee many of your friends will everyone at some point says i wont have sex b4 18 or whatever but they do trust me cuz i said the samething
well that's a deep question, ok when i was 16 i was in my very first serious relationship, we went to school together our families were friends it was great, we were great together wen i was 17 we started having sex it was great as well life couldn't have been better,

until i fell pregnant, at 17 it was not an option to have a baby so we told our parents and they both said it was not an option to keep the baby because we were to younge ect but in my country its eligal to have abortions but on agreement a doctor can induce labour to expell the foetus before birth,

i spent the week of my 18th birthday in hospital, giving birth to a 2month old dead foetus,

the memories, the pain, the heart ace is still with me now 5year later as if it was yesterday, yes i regret teenage sex
To be honest laws regaurding this kind of thing are virtually disregaurded. But understand that it's just a debating topic you've been given so here goes....

Although I don't know of any famous people who have regrets I know there are a few who have made very public that waiting is better - i.e Miley Cyrus (what a joke), the Jonas Brother's, Jessica Simpson....

And I know Brittany Spears was ashamed to admit the she lost her virginity at 15 to the point that she lied about it at first.
Your on your own, sorry.

I don't think many teens will regret having sex.

I mean come on! It's the 2000's.

Anyways, if the teen had a child they might regret it at first, unless they keep the baby. Then they say it was worth it ;]

No kidding, I'm reading a book like that.
im on ur side i do not think it is right to have sex when ur under 18 i dont think u should even have sex untill ur married even if u make it illegal ppl can still have sex in secret i mean u know well im still on ur side
Brooke Shields the actress lost it but regrets it ?
jamie lynn spears. but btw, having sex under the age of 18 is already illegal. and if its not then why would you want it to be?! and anyways, even if its illegal, its not going to stop anyone
18 used to be middle aged. You want to take us back to the dark ages. Life is short enough ... laws that restrict personal freedoms should be avoided wherever %26amp; whenever possible.
I am soo glad you are doing that haha you are so right anyone under 18 SHOULD be a virgin. I am 15 and I am not having sex til marriage!

I think Bristol Palin was somebody like that...sorry not 100% sure though!!!
I thing Its not god for teenege sex

If you have 25 years you can have sex
Try and find someone who became pregnant at an early age. They'll probably say that they regretted having sex so soon.
Bristol Palin probably does. And her partner.
I dont know but I would support you! No more teenage pregnancies and spread STDs

Although oral should still be allowed.
R kelly. ;)
Why would you want to make teenage sex illegal?
you lose o.o
Lol none, they're powerful and famous. They have no regrets
Google: Bristol Palin

And watch the news more.
I think T.I first had sex at 11 (no joke) look him up.
LOL! I truly hope you don't agree with that. Thats just a sad debate.
I don't know how that'd work because people can get married at 16 here in USA but.... Bristol Palin comes to mind... No one actually famous. And a law wouldn't really stop people from doing it.
Why would you do that? :\
your screwed.
LOL! good luck with that!

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