Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How do I get a teenage size squirrel out of my house?

It's under some furniture ion my bedroom and I can't get the window open. My cat brought him in. He needs to go down 2 halls and thru a kitchen to get out a door.How do I get a teenage size squirrel out of my house?
I would set up a humane trap with a shoebox and a stick and some peanut butter or corn and he will knock over the stick and get trapped under the box and you can slide something firm underneath the box and then take the squirrel outside.How do I get a teenage size squirrel out of my house?
Open a window or door and use a broom to nudge him out...it may take awhile and watch your cat next time so this doesn't keep happening.
is it alive?????????
Wow. Here's what I did with a mouse in my upstairs bathroom. I closed the door to the room, cornered it, threw a bath towel over it, grabbed it up wrapping the towel under the mouse, ran like hell downstairs, and released the mouse outside. I was pumping adrenaline.

A peanut or other food item should divert the squirrel's attention long enough to trap it.

Oh, before you try this, shut kitty in another room.
Leave the door open.

Don't go Nuts, he'll try to carry you off.

Grab the video camera. $10,000 on AFV...

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