Monday, December 28, 2009

Is it normal for a teenage girl to masterbate at least once a week?

My friends think it is and I personally have never done it, but is it normal?Is it normal for a teenage girl to masterbate at least once a week?
Yes. I masturbate daily (I'm engaged lol). I still have sex, but masturbating is great :) It's also a great way to get acquainted with your body. Masturbating actually makes my sex better because I know what my body responds to and what it doesn't!!!Is it normal for a teenage girl to masterbate at least once a week?
It is completely normal. The fact that you don't do it doesn't mean anything. Some people do some don't. There is nothing wrong with you either way.
yup absolutely normal even if it was more it still would be normal masturbating re levees stress and nothing wrong with it
thhers no harm in a teenager masturbating (boy or girl) is absolutly harmless for a young person to be curious about the way their body looks and works,im not a young chippy anymore and im still masturbating,sometimes 4 times a day! lol! its a wonderful feeling believe me.once you try it youll enjoy the feeling you get,just make sure you do this in a private area like your room or the bathroom,close and lock the door,masturbation is a personal thing and should remain private. go ahead and enjoy!
definatley yes
YA!! sometimes i WISH i could get it in once a week, sometimes I never make it in a week, others I do it about 4 or 5 times a week.
Yes it is. I do it almost everyday. It's a good alternative to being with a loser of a guy who is gonna treat you like you don't matter. Not to mention there's no way you can get pregnant off of it and it feels great.
I was reading Cosmo Girl! and it had an article about masterbation, it said that it's TOTALY normal and is acctually good for you. It reliefs stress and makes you feel better. So I hope that answers your question.. oh yea, some people say they do it like 2 times a DAY! So yea its normal.
Only time masterbation is not normal is when someone does it at inappropriate times, like driving or in church. Otherwise everybodies normal is different.
yeh its normal . give it a go before you knock it !!

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