Monday, December 28, 2009

What does it mean when a teenage girl begins to cut herself?

What caused it?

Why does she do this?

How can we make her stop?

This is a very serious question and I'd appreciate it very much if anyone told me what was going on to make my friend do this. Thanks!What does it mean when a teenage girl begins to cut herself?
It can be a lot of things. Everyone does it for a different reason. A lot of people do it for attention or to fit in with their friends. Some people do it for real emotional reasons. I used to and the best explanation I've heard is that it turns an emotional pain into physical pain, which is more real and easier to deal with. Some people feel they are numb and do it just to feel something. You shouldn't tell her to stop. Of course, she should, but you saying it won't help her. Ask her what is wrong. Tell her she can talk to you. Tell her parents (if you think they would be really helpful and get her the help she needs). Tell the school counselor if you don't know anyone else that would help. She needs counseling. She needs to find other ways to deal with her pain or to help herself feel. But don't judge her. Don't tell her she's being stupid. Just try to be there for her.What does it mean when a teenage girl begins to cut herself?
something is bothering her and she doesn't have a coping strategy, so she cuts because

A) when you cut endorphins get realeased which makes you feel good

B) It's a control thing, like if people are hurting you, you have no control, but if you're hurting yourself, you can control how much how little, so you feel you have some control again

C)When you have physical pain, you can take a painkiller, emotional pain is much worse and there isn't a quick fix so you transfer it to physical pain

D)You have low self esteem and think your worthless and unlovable and you deserve to be hurt

E) A tempory escape from the pain thats bothering her. So like, if she cuts herself, she can focus on doing that and then sorting it out which distracts her from the issue thats causing her worry.

It could be any one or combination of these. Please be there for your friend. She probably wont see she has a problem, but all you can do in encourage her to get help, and tell her your there if she needs you and wants to talk. You cant make her stop unfortunately, only she can do tthat. Atm she really needs you, she must be going through a real rough time.

Good luck to her and to you :)
Honestly, it is a cry for help. She may be depressed or under a lot of emotional stress. You cannot simply stop someone from self injuring, it requires the skill of a trained professional (in this case a psychologist). You can try to talk to her parents or if you are in school together, encourage this person to talk to a guidance counselor or another trusted adult. There is a lot of help out there for people who cut, but the individual has to take that first step in reaching out for that help. You sound like a really good friend...Good luck!
Boys do this too, but maybe not as frequently or maybe we just don't know about it as much.

One of my sons did it in his teens and early 20s, but has stopped now. It's frequently done when the person feel his life is out of control. This is something he can control. And sometimes he feels like that physical pain will alleviate the psychological pain he feels.

The causes can be myriad. A psychiatrist or other therapist may be able to get to the root of the problem. How to make her stop is a hard question to answer. She has to learn to cope with her feelings a different way. My son saw a psychiatrist for about 5 years, with very little progress. Once he was out of school and working, he found out how good he was at whatever job they gave him, and that really built his confidence. He's very smart, but school was always difficult for him. He's married now, 28, hasn't done it in at least 5 years.

Usually I would say she needs professional help, but in my son's case, it didn't help him. We went through every shrink on my insurance plan and two more besides. I think she should try a counselor of some sort, maybe talk to her primary care physician first. Her doctor may be able to get her on the right path to stopping this destructive behavior.
I think that's psychological...As in, depression or something. I dunno, what I do know is that emos do that kind of thing a lot. Maybe she's just miserable and borderline suicidal?
somthing is making her stress-- when shee ccuts herself it takes the stress feeling away--

she needs help--

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