Thursday, December 31, 2009

What are some really good ways for a teenage girl to lose weight around her stomach and thighs? 10 points!?

Teenage girl to lose maybe 50 lbs around stomach ESPICIALLY and thighs. I need some help. PLEASE ANSWER

What are some really good ways for a teenage girl to lose weight around her stomach and thighs? 10 points!?
try the lil Jack workout鈥?/a>What are some really good ways for a teenage girl to lose weight around her stomach and thighs? 10 points!?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you cannot ';spot tone'; your body. The best thing you can do if you want to reduce those is to lose weight, but I hesitate to tell any teenage girl to lose weight as I remember what it was like to be a teenage girl.

When you lose weight, your body determines where you will lose it. If you are extra plump somewhere, don't count on that concentration of fat suddenly going away. If we store fat in certain places, we store fat in certain places and there is little we can do about it.

I would advise, if you can afford it, to join a good health club where you can feel free to ask questions and get guidance with your exercise routine (not necessarily expensive personal training, just a gym with a good customer service orientation.) If you exercise and get strong, you might just learn to love your body with all of its imperfections. It took me a while to get used to my body, and I'm 30.

I will also tell you that as you age, you may find the fat shifting from some areas to others, but your basic shape will remain intact.Teenage girls are supposed to have a little extra fat, it's normal, it's where you're supposed to be. Concentrate on good health and setting goals for your life, not concentrating on your imperfections.

Good luck to you, dear!
1) Stop drinking (if you are). Alcohol has a lot of calories in it that have zero thermogenic effect, meaning they are the easiest for your body to convert into energy and store as fat. Plus, drinking/smoking pot give you the urge to eat a lot of really bad for you foods. Don't do either.

2) You need to start exercising a lot. Since you're a teenager, I would suggest you get yourself on 1 sports team every season. It's extremely important for you to be physically exerting yourself at least 3-4 times/week. Sure, you'll probably start out on the Freshman or JV teams, but you can work your way up. Not only that, it's a great way to make new friends. Who knows, you may actually love one of them and be able to get a college scholarship with it! Otherwise, you're going to have to get your butt to a gym and I'd highly recommend getting a trainer or finding somekinda workout program to get on, which you can do in addition to getting on a team as well. The act of cardio AND muscle building will really whip your body into shape and help you burn fat like you wouldn't beleive, provided you follow point 3.

3) You need to learn how to eat healthy. Don't listen to any of the garbage they teach you in school and health class. It's confusing and incorrect. You're going to have to either get to a nutritionist or you're going to have to research and learn by yourself. Get yourself some books on the subject, there are quite a few out there on sports nutrition. Personally, I would highly recommend the nutrition/metabolism section in some body building books. Sure you may not be looking to build the muscle that a body builder is building, but what those books can teach you is how to manipulate your metabolism into losing weight and putting on muscle. It will teach you everything you need to know, how much you hit the weights and how big you make yourself is completely up to you. A book I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend is by Tom Venuto ';Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle';. It's an Ebook. He's also got a book at Barns%26amp;Noble or Amazon you can check out too. It's extremely enlightening on how to eat and work out.

4) Stop drinking calories. Juices, Milk, Pop.. you should pretty much stop. If you're going to drink it, drink it for a treat, but onlyafter you've gotten the proper amount of water in your body. You're going to need to drink 1/2 your body weight in fl oz per day. If you weight 120lbs, you're gonna need to drink 60oz of water each day.
Eat Better : Eat 4 or 5 meals a day, but remember to keep the portions smaller. I've heard many people say that they are on a diet and what they do is cut out meals throughout the day. That doesn't do anything except starve your metabolism and decrease energy levels. Your body is a furnace and what you put into it is what you get out of it. So feed your metabolism so it keeps working throughout the day. Don't starve yourself! Must eat well-balanced breakfast (eat breakfast as soon as you wake). Snack in between breakfast and lunch (maybe piece of fruit or yogurt). Eat a well-balanced lunch. Eat something in between lunch in dinner. Eat a well-balanced dinner. Then before bed eat something higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates. More carbohydrates in the morning and less in the evening, because your body starts to shut down from the day.

Drink Water: I don't know why people drink pop or coffee or sugar-based beverages. It's not worth all the carbohydrates/sugar. *Have a glass of water immediately after waking up. It will rehydrate your body*

Work-out/Cardio: There are many sites on the internet for pre made work outs. I would ask somebody first if the work out will cater to your goals and needs. I read in a book written by the author of Men's Health that working out is in fact better than cardio. After working out your body keeps burning calories up to 48 hours. I think people don't realize that. And if you still do cardio wait until after your workout.

Sleep: Try to get eight hours of sleep every night.

The number one key thing is to eat better. That will be the most effective way to lose fat. Then comes the others : working out, cardio, abs.

Eat a small breakfast, a small lunch and a small dinner. Eat three small snack in between. You should try eating around six small meals a day. Don't lifts weights or do squats. They won't make your thighs smaller they'll only make muscles which will make them even bigger. Don't run they'll make unwanted muscles, fast walk for about 30 minutes or more for about four days a week. Drink lots of water and just because you're exercising don't start gorging on junk food. Never starve yourself, it'll slow down your metabolism and you'll gain all your current weight and more once you start eating again.
Try daily sit ups with a mix of some form of cardio for around 30 minutes a day wether it be going for a run, working out on a bike, or running on the treadmill.

Also, cut the junk food out of your diet. Eating will just set back whatever progress you get out of exercising. That means fruits and vegetables only for snacks!!!! Try to stay away from fast food restaurants as well
Well the first thing you want to do is get a good diet with a lot of protein. Then you want to go to a gym and get a membership and work on their thigh and ab machines. Do some cardio too either on the elyptical or the treadmill. It's all about balancing diet and exercise and the pounds will pour off! Hope this helps.
do squats for your legs. and then get the pilates tapes or abs of steel those work awesome. and while you do that, go on the special k diet. eat a bowl for breakfast and lunch and have a normal dinner. one of my friends was really heavy and did that and lost almost all of their weight.
Go for a walk for 30 min 3 times a week and eat a large breakfast and a small dinner and drink 8 glasses of water a day. do this for 3 months weighing yourself every 10 days.
Unlike the first guy who probably isn't a Doc i won't be mean to you. First off run a couple laps a day. Do some crunches and sit ups since you a teen mabey 10 or more a day. Eat well.
cut down on junk food, do cardio (walk,run,bike,etc.) do some sit-ups and w/e u choose to do STICK WITH IT and DONT GIVE UP thats key... you will do fine! good luck=]
50lbs?! jeese thats alot to loose from just your stomach and thighs, try running? swimming, sit up and squats! might take a while if u wana loose so much though just keep at it
Sit on the computer and ask useless questions, o wai-
just dont eat

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