Thursday, December 31, 2009

What is the maximum waist size for a teenage girl before she needs to start loosing wight?

I'm a teenage girl of 14 and I'm extremely self-conscious. I hate my waist size. I have gone to extreme lengths to try and loose some inches off my waist but I just love food too much. I'm afraid I might do something really stupid soon. I just need some help...What is the maximum waist size for a teenage girl before she needs to start loosing wight?
I think that depends on your height

heres a chart that tells you height

and weight i would try to stay in the green or low on this chart

;imgrefurl=;usg=__-RQip7ihhZtsSaurovLUb1E3KSs=%26amp;h=446%26amp;w=567%26amp;sz=27%26amp;hl=en%26amp;start=1%26amp;um=1%26amp;tbnid=OVZjmzmujKzuzM:%26amp;tbnh=105%26amp;tbnw=134%26amp;prev=/ is the maximum waist size for a teenage girl before she needs to start loosing wight?
You sound like a friend of mine. She is completely obsessed with how she thinks her waist is too wide. She tried to go to the length of corset training, but her mother wouldn't let her. Ridiculous.

One tip that I use that seems to work pretty well is wearing a big, baggy shirt with a belt around your waist. It looks really cute.

Something I would NOT recommend is buying one of those devices that's supposed to flatten your stomach to wear under your shirt. It turns all your fat rolls into a single 3-months pregnant lump. (Friend tried it, BAD. She won't listen.)

Honey, you're still very young, and you're still probably growing. Chances are that you're worrying yourself over nothing and that you look just fine. Don't go starving yourself or stuffing yourself into any corsets, or you could end up looking like a holocaust victim or Cathie Jung.
you've heard of hour glass figures, pear shapes and all sorts, maybe its time to acept this is how your genes have made you, and thats fine!

if you like food, eat it in sensible portions, save half the chocolate bar for another day!

go out, be active, live life, and dont dwell on being fat, because you're growing!
its ok, If you like food then thats ok, but just eat the healty things like some veggies and fruits and wheat. play and stay active. you can play a quick game of basketball, soccer, baseball, etc. And take away some sweets not all but just some. We are have things we dont like but its up to us to change or fix, or leave as it be.
  • clarins
  • last lipstick
  • Can someone help me find a good female teenage monologue that's approximately a minute in length?

    I've already done a couple where they're on the brink of insanity and one pretty angry one, so if you could find a different sort of emotion that would be great. Also, if they were in a play, too, no randomly written ones. Thanks!Can someone help me find a good female teenage monologue that's approximately a minute in length?
    I have these for the arts competitions i enter and they are all from plays, just not well known ones.

    Mono 1

    Play:the bright blue mail box suicide note

    time:1 min

    Description: Lisa prepares to commit suicide.

    Hints: This is a dramatic piece, but it’s important not to fall into melodrama. The piece itself is serious enough. Lisa breaks down her actions into very simple steps. Keep the emotional quality simple as well. How does Lisa’s tone change when she talks to her mother?

    I’m lying on the floor in the bathroom. Door locked. Lights out. Tiles cold on my cheek. i can hear my parents fighting in the basement. They always go to the basement to fight. I get up; Turn on the water in the sink and in the tub. Hot. I can feel the steam on my face. Still hear them... I feel for my purse. Its on the floor underneath the towel rack. The towels are clean, i can still smell the Downey. Unzip. The pack is inside the second pocket of my wallet. I dip my foot in the water. Too. Hot. Too much. Silence from downstairs. If i can just get into the tub. Knock on the door. ';Lisa what are you doing?'' Nothing mum. ';Lisa, why is the door locked?'; Ill be right out. Ill be out in a second. Everything is fine. It’s all right. It’s all right.

    Mono 2

    Play: Free

    Time: 105

    Description: Mrs. Brown, a young mother, stands in front of a mysterious pile of free food. Its being guarded until the town can come up with a way to divide it up. Mrs. Brown contemplates stealing some food

    Hints: Mrs. Brown is a good person in a bad situation. She desperately wants to do the right thing, but loses the fight. Make this struggle clear in the text. This “wrong” decision should be the hardest thing she has ever done.

    I won’t do it. I won’t do it. It’s not right. How can I? I was the one who said we should do it fairly. I was the one who fought to do the right thing. But it smells so good. I can’t think straight. I can’t think about anything but eating. What would it hurt if I took one small package-one sandwich, one little thing? Something small? in sure no one would even notice. No one would even realize that it was missing. If i took one little thing... NO. I won’t do i. I can’t do it. It’s wrong. It’s wrong

    (She turns away but the pull is to strong she slowly turns back to the food as if she was hypnotized.)

    (In a whisper) If I moved so slowly, so slowly, no one will know that im here. all i have to do is move so slowly. An inch at a time. so slow. its just a shadow in the grass, just a breeze by your ear, not a hand reaching for... nothing to see. nothing to see. its just a shadow. just a whisper. nothing more.

    (by now she has some food)

    free food, free fooooooood.

    Mono 3

    play: power play

    time 120

    Description: Beaker, a quiet loner, explains what her school life is like.

    Hints: What is Beaker’s emotional state? Is she bitter? Is she angry? Is she numb to the way people treat her? What does she want to do to the people who bully her?

    welcome to my world. this is a monologue so i actually get to show you my true self (she flashes a big grin) How are ya! you wont see the real me once i go over there ( she gestures offstage) At home, im the one who wont shut up. At school its not the same.

    (Trips and falls)

    I get tripped all the time. I carry around a lot of books and they always go flying. i guess its funny to see me fall. i probably get tripped every day. and that doesnt include the whispers. the things i find in my locker. And why? because im small? because i have the highest marks in the school? cause i tell bad jokes? who knows?

    its like being thrown to the wolves sometimes. Rip out your throat before one two three. Theyre so quick and.. sometimes i just...

    oh.. i dont...

    what is violence? Ive always hought it had to be physical, you know? like what that football goon does? what they do to me... its not a hit. its not a punch. But why am i so bruised?Can someone help me find a good female teenage monologue that's approximately a minute in length?
    There's a good one in Assassins- can't remember the character's name though sorry. There's a good piece in Cowboy Mouth by Sam Shepherd. If you look up acting schools and their audition processes they usually have a list of 'suggested pieces' (and they're usually aimed at younger people) some australian ones that do are nida (national institute of dramatic art) and vca (victorian college of the arts). Hope you find one you like!
    Juliet from Romeo and Juliet;

    JULIET: Shall I speak ill of him that is my husband?

    Ah, poor my lord, what tongue shall smooth thy name

    When I, thy three-hours wife, have mangled it?

    But wherefore, villain, didst thou kill my cousin?

    That villain cousin would have killed my husband.

    Back, foolish tears, back to your native spring!

    Your tributary drops belong to woe,

    Which you, mistaking, offer up to joy.

    My husband lives, that Tybalt would have slain;

    And Tybalt's dead, that would have slain my husband.

    All this is comfort; wherefore weep I then?

    Some word there was, worser than Tybalt's death,

    That murd'red me. I would forget it fain;

    But O, it presses to my memory

    Like damnèd guilty deeds to sinners' minds!

    'Tybalt is dead, and Romeo--banishèd!'

    That 'banishèd,' that one word 'banishèd,'

    Hath slain ten thousand Tybalts. Tybalt's death

    Was woe enough, if it had ended there;

    Or, if sour woe delights in fellowship

    And needly will be ranked with other griefs,

    Why followèd not, when she said 'Tybalt's dead,'

    Thy father, or thy mother, nay, or both,

    Which modern lamentation might have moved?

    But with a rearward following Tybalt's death,

    'Romeo is banishèd'--to speak that word

    Is father, mother, Tybalt, Romeo, Juliet,

    All slain, all dead. 'Romeo is banishèd'--

    There is no end, no limit, measure, bound,

    In that word's death; no words can that woe sound

    ok a really good one is ';Real Woman Have Curves';....Ive seen it played out and its perfect. And if you don't mind doing a man part do the ';death of a salesman';.

    What do you think about a gay interracial teenage boyfriends?

    I want to ask this guy out (I can tell he is interested), but the thing is I'm not sure how people at school will react. My friends and family are accepting of my bisexuality, but do people find this kind of relationship strange? Were both fifteen, Im white and he's chinese. (hottest one ive ever seen, which is why i don't want to pass this opportunity up)

    Why is it that were in the 21st century and sexuality and race still manage to get you discriminated against? Will this ever be a problem from the past?What do you think about a gay interracial teenage boyfriends?
    Jay... do you want people to decide ';what's good for you?'; go for it... who knows... you may never in ur life get this chance again...What do you think about a gay interracial teenage boyfriends?
    So what if he's Chinese? I'd say, of all ethnic prejudices that remain, there is probably less prejudice against Asians than any other non-Caucasian group.

    I'm not sure what *his* family would think, but you can ask him when you hang out with him.

    I think it's worth a try for the experience! And I also agree that, at this point, there is more of an issue with guys loving guys, than there is with the ethnic mix.
    Don't worry about what people think, most people won't care. I doubt many people will find it strange, and if your friends and family have accepted you being bisexual then I bet they will accept you dating a chinese guy.

    Remember: People who care don't matter and people who matter don't care. If people give you sh!t for going out with someone who is a different race to you, then just forget about it and get on with life. They will see that you don't care and won't bother annoying you :)
    Ask him out! You've answered your own question my friend! ';Race'; isn't a real thing, it's just a concept. The genetic variation between you and this guy is so minimal, it's not much different than between you and your next door neighbour! So he looks different? Is THAT really a reason not to go out with someone. No. It's what's under his skin that counts, just like you. Depending on where you live, some people will have a problem, but - and I don't mean this in a flippant way at all - if they can accept you having a same sex relationship, is ethnicity really that much of an issue?!

    Go for it!
    True, were in the 21st century and I believe that you need to have courage and do what your heart tells you, possibily study the guy, talk to him more, find out and be sure that he is interested and go for it

    ps good luck
    Go for it! who cares what other people think. its your life, if you think he'll make you happy than go out with him. If people can't handle it than that's their problem. they're probably just jealous anyhow that you found someone that you love and you are happy.
    If you two like each other a lot then, even if people say anything, it won't bother you because you will have each other. Go for it! I am sure you two will be very happy together. Do you know if he is gay/bi?
    You can't fashion your life according to what other people think, you can modify your behaviour to an acceptable point. But the innocence of intention is crucial and can stand up against judgements made.
    If they except you being bisexual then they will except this. They love you and just want you to be happy. You are so lucky that your family is accepting of this.
    So woh gives a Fluke about race. Like all my friends are white because they are awesome. And my crush dad is mix so hes kinda white ;)
    you won't, just don't go around holding hand and making out in public, they'll give you more grief for being gay ... not cuz its interracial
    Don't worry what anyone else thinks. If you keep worrying about everyone else you won't be able to live your life.
    Just act like your friends at school and when you are alone or out of school become closer.
    no problem with it
    I don't see anything wrong with it.
    i say screw what everyone else thinks and go for it!! ^_^

    Should a teenage girl start birth control when she has her first period?

    Please explain your answer.Should a teenage girl start birth control when she has her first period?
    No as when girls first get their period it takes a couple of months to get their periods straight anyway (at least it did with me) I don't think a girl should go on birth control until she is at least 18Should a teenage girl start birth control when she has her first period?
    It is *safe* for someone to start birth control as soon as they've gotten their period, but it is usually not *necessary*. A young girl would be a good candidate for hormonal birth control if she was having sex and needed contraception and/or if she had painful or heavy periods.

    Most young girls have no need for hormonal birth control at menarche as they're not having sex yet and their periods aren't a problem. Menstruation is normal; it's not a disease that needs to be treated. So-called ';irregular'; periods are normal for teens and not something that needs to be treated with pills.
    no. because it can cause cancer so its best not to use it until you need it!
    It could help to regulate periods but unless you are having really bad symptoms I would say definitely no. There are just so many side affects with taking the pill that I wouldn't take it until absolutely necessary because you will most likely be taking it for the next 30 years.
    Not at all. she doesn't need till she is a bit older and is ready to start having sex and doesn't wanna get pregnant
    no, she hasn't had enough time to even think she needs birth control because she hasn't had her period long enough to know all of the symptoms!

    but y

    u are a dude lol
    not until she starts having sex then maybe.
    I don't believe so. Primarily this is because her hormones are still regulating, and it is possible that the introduction of artificial hormones could permanently and severely affect her own ability to regulate. In the long term, it could decrease fertility when she wishes to have children.

    Secondarily, girls who are first starting their periods are still growing and there are no studies showing that it is safe or healthy for children that young, or still immature in development to be taking high enough levels of hormones to affect their cycle.
    no they shouldnt. it could also mess up their body. but unless they are going to be having sex then yes.
    Why screw with natural hormones when the body is taking care of it and doing its job just fine? When a young woman's hormones get started organizing and the body is getting adjusted, it makes no sense to me to throw artificial hormones on them. Of course at times natural is a little uncomfortable. Some suggest birth control pills to make periods more comfortable. I've seen women get their uterus messed up forever when using hormonal bc. I think the pill can be very dangerous. I get suicidal on it. I know women who have become sterile due to the pill. When I was choosing a bc method, I researched them all. What I came up with was the diaphragm. It works without hormones so you don't end up with little Natzi hormones overthrowing your natural hormones. I fully believe the pill is poison for some women. The diaphragm is like a female condom, neither can feel or see it. You put a little spermicide on the rim, which seals it and kills any trouble makers. If you follow directions as to how to use it and do so exactly, it's as effective as the pill, on the pregnancy part, perhaps better. The doctor will fit it to get the right size and to show you how to put it in and remove it. It's easier than to remember to take a pill everyday when you鈥檙e not gonna have sex everyday. You just have to remember it when you鈥檙e going to have sex. If you forget it, of course it doesn鈥檛 work at all. If periods are an issue regarding sex, it won't be anymore. The diaphragm holds the blood over night. It was my favorite bc method. However like the pill, it doesn't protect against std's, or the possibility of getting a disease that will kill you.

    No, of course not. There is absolutely no point.
    yes because girls might get rapped and have wild kindy beasty sex with each other!!!!

    What do teenage girls look for in a dance partner?

    Hi. I'm 18. When I'm in a club I often have difficulty attracting girls in a club. I wonder if it's anything to do with my dancing. What do girls look for in a dance partner in a club? Do they like someone that moves their hands up in the air lots or what? Do they like to be touched in particular places or what?What do teenage girls look for in a dance partner?
    ►Get to know them better. This is not a task only to be accomplished through dating. The more you get to know him or her, the more you can tell if you like them as a friend or something else. Just talk and do fun activities with the person.

    ►Stop and consider why you like the person. There are many physically attractive and smart people out there. But if you see something beyond that really catches your attention, you've marked this person as unique and probably like them. Why else would they stand out from so many?

    ♀Consider how many times you think about the person. If you find yourself thinking about this person several times a day, and they are happy thoughts that possibly make your heart beat faster, then you probably like them.

    ♀Think how often you laugh at their jokes etc. When you like someone, you will find yourself laughing at things even if they aren't that funny. This is a natural attempt to make them feel appreciated.

    If the one conversation between you and the person is stuck in you head and you cant stop telling people about it. this means it was important to you, and you probably like the person.

    ♦Consider how much you try to be near them. If you've planned your walking speed to catch a glimpse of them as many times of the day as possible, there is a good reason for that.

    Think about how you feel if you touch him or her, by accident or on purpose. If you're still thinking about brushing shoulders several hours ago in school, then that is a special thought and you probably like them.

    ♦If you feel you're ready for a relationship, and are confident enough for a positive response, then just go ahead and ask them out. If you're unsure of their feelings for you, there are several wikihows on how to tell if someone likes you.

    ◙You may never be 100% sure that you like someone even if you get to know them a lot. If you like them enough though, then ask them out. If they say yes, the answer to all of your questions will become clear when you start dating.

    ♦When you first get to know somebody, try not to make it clear that you are trying to see what you really think about them. If you find out you don't really like them after all, you could still end up leading them on through the process and then their feelings could get hurt if they really like you...

    ♦If you've become more sure you like them, try flirting a little and dropping hints. They will let you know through body language etc. what they think of you, and you can both take it from there.

    ♥Having feelings for a guy or girl is perfectly fine, and is a very happy and beneficial part of life. But it is important not to become obsessed with the person. Try doing things by yourself or with friends. You must love yourself before loving anyone else.

    ►Always try to communicate with the guy/girl that you like. Leave them little messages through text or e-mail, and see if they reply to you.◄

    ☼☼☼Don't end a friendship with someone after you find out you don't really like them. If you've built a strong friendship only to throw it away so easily, the person will feel like a discarded experiment.

    ¶If you do like them, but they don't feel the same, then don't end the friendship; but don't push them either.

    ♣Don't tell too many people that you like someone. This can lead to cataclysmic drama among other things. You'll both be left awkward and at least somewhat hurt in the end.

    ☻When you like someone, you may see their actions in a new light and convince yourself they like you. Being led on can lead to a bad heartbreak, so be careful. If you're unsure, there are a few related wikihows for this.☺

    ★Keep an eye out. The pupil of an eye will dilate slightly when you look at someone you fancy. Because of this, you will blink slightly more than normal.

    ☛ A good way of knowing if someone is really interested in you is by blinking more. If they really do like you, they will subconsciously increase their blink rate to try to be like you.

    ☂Check your reflection. Mirroring is a good flirting technique. You gently mirror the actions of the person you are flirting with, and as you do this (hopefully) they will see that you have small things in common.

    ☑Look carefully and see if the person you are talking to is mirroring you.

    ☠Talk to the friend of the person you suspect of fancying you. It probably won't be hard to get some clues out of them.

    Check and see if they play with or flip their hair while talking to you. This is a big, big, BIG flirting sign.

    See if they're nervous or excited around you, either of these could mean they might fancy you.

    ☣Check and see if they find excuses to touch you, e.g ';Oh you have some dirt on your back';, and also see if they happen to ';accidentally'; bump into you quite often.

    ⊗ ⊗ ⊗

    Where can I find pictures of hair for teenage bridesmaids?

    My fiance's 11 and 13 year old daughters will be my bridesmaids. Where can I find multiple pictures to have them choose from? They both have straight to wavy hair that is just past their shoulders, if that helps. The wedding will be held in July in the deep south where it will be 90 degrees or so.

    Thanks for your help in advance.Where can I find pictures of hair for teenage bridesmaids?鈥?/a>

    Evidently the one above is a woman's hairdo but it would work nonetheless.鈥?/a>

    Same with this one

    What are some questions you would ask a teenage gambler?

    I need good questions! I am going for this Focus Group that involves all the Secondary School in my country and I am representing my school. Please give me some good and useful questions that I can ask during the forum session! Some ministers will also be present! So, please give me your best shot! (: Thanks to all you guys!What are some questions you would ask a teenage gambler?
    Do you get a ';high'; from the activities?

    Is the money for drugs?

    Have you stolen from others to get the gambling money?

    What do you do when you don't win? (angry? violent? depressed?)

    Do you gamble alone or in a group?

    How do you get IN to casinos if you are underage?? Who is letting these kids in to the gambling places anyway??
  • clarins
  • last lipstick
  • What are some really good ways for a teenage girl to lose weight around her stomach and thighs? 10 points!?

    Teenage girl to lose maybe 50 lbs around stomach ESPICIALLY and thighs. I need some help. PLEASE ANSWER

    What are some really good ways for a teenage girl to lose weight around her stomach and thighs? 10 points!?
    try the lil Jack workout鈥?/a>What are some really good ways for a teenage girl to lose weight around her stomach and thighs? 10 points!?
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you cannot ';spot tone'; your body. The best thing you can do if you want to reduce those is to lose weight, but I hesitate to tell any teenage girl to lose weight as I remember what it was like to be a teenage girl.

    When you lose weight, your body determines where you will lose it. If you are extra plump somewhere, don't count on that concentration of fat suddenly going away. If we store fat in certain places, we store fat in certain places and there is little we can do about it.

    I would advise, if you can afford it, to join a good health club where you can feel free to ask questions and get guidance with your exercise routine (not necessarily expensive personal training, just a gym with a good customer service orientation.) If you exercise and get strong, you might just learn to love your body with all of its imperfections. It took me a while to get used to my body, and I'm 30.

    I will also tell you that as you age, you may find the fat shifting from some areas to others, but your basic shape will remain intact.Teenage girls are supposed to have a little extra fat, it's normal, it's where you're supposed to be. Concentrate on good health and setting goals for your life, not concentrating on your imperfections.

    Good luck to you, dear!
    1) Stop drinking (if you are). Alcohol has a lot of calories in it that have zero thermogenic effect, meaning they are the easiest for your body to convert into energy and store as fat. Plus, drinking/smoking pot give you the urge to eat a lot of really bad for you foods. Don't do either.

    2) You need to start exercising a lot. Since you're a teenager, I would suggest you get yourself on 1 sports team every season. It's extremely important for you to be physically exerting yourself at least 3-4 times/week. Sure, you'll probably start out on the Freshman or JV teams, but you can work your way up. Not only that, it's a great way to make new friends. Who knows, you may actually love one of them and be able to get a college scholarship with it! Otherwise, you're going to have to get your butt to a gym and I'd highly recommend getting a trainer or finding somekinda workout program to get on, which you can do in addition to getting on a team as well. The act of cardio AND muscle building will really whip your body into shape and help you burn fat like you wouldn't beleive, provided you follow point 3.

    3) You need to learn how to eat healthy. Don't listen to any of the garbage they teach you in school and health class. It's confusing and incorrect. You're going to have to either get to a nutritionist or you're going to have to research and learn by yourself. Get yourself some books on the subject, there are quite a few out there on sports nutrition. Personally, I would highly recommend the nutrition/metabolism section in some body building books. Sure you may not be looking to build the muscle that a body builder is building, but what those books can teach you is how to manipulate your metabolism into losing weight and putting on muscle. It will teach you everything you need to know, how much you hit the weights and how big you make yourself is completely up to you. A book I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend is by Tom Venuto ';Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle';. It's an Ebook. He's also got a book at Barns%26amp;Noble or Amazon you can check out too. It's extremely enlightening on how to eat and work out.

    4) Stop drinking calories. Juices, Milk, Pop.. you should pretty much stop. If you're going to drink it, drink it for a treat, but onlyafter you've gotten the proper amount of water in your body. You're going to need to drink 1/2 your body weight in fl oz per day. If you weight 120lbs, you're gonna need to drink 60oz of water each day.
    Eat Better : Eat 4 or 5 meals a day, but remember to keep the portions smaller. I've heard many people say that they are on a diet and what they do is cut out meals throughout the day. That doesn't do anything except starve your metabolism and decrease energy levels. Your body is a furnace and what you put into it is what you get out of it. So feed your metabolism so it keeps working throughout the day. Don't starve yourself! Must eat well-balanced breakfast (eat breakfast as soon as you wake). Snack in between breakfast and lunch (maybe piece of fruit or yogurt). Eat a well-balanced lunch. Eat something in between lunch in dinner. Eat a well-balanced dinner. Then before bed eat something higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates. More carbohydrates in the morning and less in the evening, because your body starts to shut down from the day.

    Drink Water: I don't know why people drink pop or coffee or sugar-based beverages. It's not worth all the carbohydrates/sugar. *Have a glass of water immediately after waking up. It will rehydrate your body*

    Work-out/Cardio: There are many sites on the internet for pre made work outs. I would ask somebody first if the work out will cater to your goals and needs. I read in a book written by the author of Men's Health that working out is in fact better than cardio. After working out your body keeps burning calories up to 48 hours. I think people don't realize that. And if you still do cardio wait until after your workout.

    Sleep: Try to get eight hours of sleep every night.

    The number one key thing is to eat better. That will be the most effective way to lose fat. Then comes the others : working out, cardio, abs.

    Eat a small breakfast, a small lunch and a small dinner. Eat three small snack in between. You should try eating around six small meals a day. Don't lifts weights or do squats. They won't make your thighs smaller they'll only make muscles which will make them even bigger. Don't run they'll make unwanted muscles, fast walk for about 30 minutes or more for about four days a week. Drink lots of water and just because you're exercising don't start gorging on junk food. Never starve yourself, it'll slow down your metabolism and you'll gain all your current weight and more once you start eating again.
    Try daily sit ups with a mix of some form of cardio for around 30 minutes a day wether it be going for a run, working out on a bike, or running on the treadmill.

    Also, cut the junk food out of your diet. Eating will just set back whatever progress you get out of exercising. That means fruits and vegetables only for snacks!!!! Try to stay away from fast food restaurants as well
    Well the first thing you want to do is get a good diet with a lot of protein. Then you want to go to a gym and get a membership and work on their thigh and ab machines. Do some cardio too either on the elyptical or the treadmill. It's all about balancing diet and exercise and the pounds will pour off! Hope this helps.
    do squats for your legs. and then get the pilates tapes or abs of steel those work awesome. and while you do that, go on the special k diet. eat a bowl for breakfast and lunch and have a normal dinner. one of my friends was really heavy and did that and lost almost all of their weight.
    Go for a walk for 30 min 3 times a week and eat a large breakfast and a small dinner and drink 8 glasses of water a day. do this for 3 months weighing yourself every 10 days.
    Unlike the first guy who probably isn't a Doc i won't be mean to you. First off run a couple laps a day. Do some crunches and sit ups since you a teen mabey 10 or more a day. Eat well.
    cut down on junk food, do cardio (walk,run,bike,etc.) do some sit-ups and w/e u choose to do STICK WITH IT and DONT GIVE UP thats key... you will do fine! good luck=]
    50lbs?! jeese thats alot to loose from just your stomach and thighs, try running? swimming, sit up and squats! might take a while if u wana loose so much though just keep at it
    Sit on the computer and ask useless questions, o wai-
    just dont eat

    What is the law in Washington state about teenage runaways?

    Is there a 24 hour period before you can report they are gone? Or can you report it immediately? What will happen to the child when they are caught?What is the law in Washington state about teenage runaways?
    It should be reported immediately. When they are caught they will be returned to their parents and/or placed by child welfare services.

    What would you buy a 17 year old teenage girl for her birthday?

    I am looking for ideas on what you could get a 17 year old teenage girl for her birthday, for around $50. She already has an iPhone, iPod accessories, etc etc, and I am trying to stay AWAY from gift cards. Any suggestions? Any help is very much appreciated! :)

    Thanks in advance.What would you buy a 17 year old teenage girl for her birthday?

    i would definitely suggest juicy couture it is cute, glamorous,and alot of it can be inexpensive. Here's a link for gifts under $100. Their are alot of necklaces that are cute and under $50. =) would you buy a 17 year old teenage girl for her birthday?
    make-up,body spray,jewly how ever u spell clothes,purse,spending money to got to bars or out with boyfriends and other friend but also get her a sister loves all of these but she older she 21.but she like those when she was 17 i hope. a for sure. 50 isnt alot to spend on a 17 yr girl but if that all you have these sould be under 50 except a car
    im 16 and i'm a guy... i dont know where you might be from but girls by me seem to like those little hand bags.. i think it's made by coach or something, but they are pretty cool, i think and the prices are pretty diverse, so you might get lucky with one of those. !!!Please register, and then to some of the recommendations of our products, thank you! We will improve as soon as possible in order to comply with your requests! If there are you satisfied with the product, please contact us the speed!
    Order M%26amp;M's and write amazing messages on it!!鈥?/a>
    Is there any show she is into where you could buy a box DVD set? That would come in real handy when she is at college as well since new college kids have time on their least at first.
    make-up, body spray, music.....
    Tiffanys necklace?
    If she's into Twilight then you've got a heap of choice....
    A CAR ?

    What is a good hairstyle for a teenage girl with a very round face and very thick hair?

    My friend is looking into getting her hair cut and we are trying to find a really good hairstyle for her. she has very thick, blackish, dark brownish hair, and she has a round chubby face. she has long hair so she could pretty much do w/e with it, but what would be best for her? thanks for the help.What is a good hairstyle for a teenage girl with a very round face and very thick hair?
    Try These Bob Styles in These Pics, You can see many on These Pics in this Yahoo Group鈥?/a>

    Here are some samples of the Pics in this Group.

    Also, another Yahoo Group is for women who like the

    wet look, this Group is鈥?/a>

    If You Like Silky Long Hair Styles, This Yahoo Group

    has Pic鈥檚 and Links to Sites for that look鈥?/a>

    If You Like to See Hairstyle of Ultra Short and short

    Bob Styles this Yahoo Group may be for you.

    Women with ultra short hairstyles or bob cuts.鈥?/a>What is a good hairstyle for a teenage girl with a very round face and very thick hair?
    thick hair is good, it means that you'll never have problems when youre older. Tell her NOT to get it thinned, she'll ruin her hair, and have a receding hair line.

    Try telling her to get her hair like katie holmes' right now, and remember, below the chin styles are good for round faces. Also, If she has a short neck, below the chin doesnt work. Waves in the below the chin look are great because they de-emphasize the circularity of her face=]
    2 words- SIDE BANGS!

    I have INCREDIBLY thick hair and a round face too.

    Get your hair cut about 3 inches longer than shoulder length. get angles as well.


    go on

    click on hair skin makeup

    click on salon- you can upload a pic and try on hairstyles, haircolors, and makeup!!!
    do lots of layers to help thin her hair out and make it a little more manageable

    then do some bangs

    it will help thin her face out as well

    try looking in hairstyle magazines usually you can find sections that show what goes good with a round face

    i hope i helped

    good luck =D
    i think you should do a victoria beckham style like this one
    Tell ehr not to cut it, she'll regret it, but to go to the salon and ask to have it THINNED OUT so its not as thick. Its what I do and its great!
    If it is straight then a chin length bob. If it is wavy or curly then shoulder length with alot of layers and cut to frame the face.
    Well the same with my friend she had the same hair and i went with her 2 get i cut she cute 2 or 3 inches of and gat it layered and sidebangs
    ya i agree with the boy abobe me if you have it thick you should do it wayve or curly
    grow it WAYYY long and get side bangs
    way long with side bangs would look so cute
    shoulder length hair is good

    What does it take to become a teenage model?

    I want details and everything.

    How old is the best age to start?

    Is it stressful?

    Are the girls preepy and mean?

    Is it expensive?

    How to convince your mom your worthy to become a model?

    I think that covers it.

    Thanks!What does it take to become a teenage model?
    You have to find an Agency.

    A REAL agency; not the fake ones scammers try to get you to join at the mall.

    Then, they'll take a few pictures of you, and send you out to castings.

    You'll be interviewed at the castings, they'll have you pose, and they'll take pictures. [Polaroids]

    Then, if you get a call back, you do whatever it is they need. [Commercial, photoshoot, runway, ect.]

    After you get a few jobs like that, you'll be more in-demand, and become a model.

    It's a lot of work, and at the beginning its for VERY little money since you're a no-name.

    But you can work your way up.

    What are some good novels for a teenage boy to read?

    It doesn't matter if a boy or girl is the main character and I'll pretty much read any genre. I've already read the Harry Potter series (they are my favorite) and I will not read Twilight.What are some good novels for a teenage boy to read?
    Ha good choice. Twilight sucks (and so does the rest of the series).

    Shame you like Harry Potter.

    Anyway, try Curious Incident of The Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon.

    Looks at the life of a boy with autism.

    Will educate you on other people's life. It's a fascinating read, I read it for my first time at 15, and have read it 8 or 9 times since then. Hope you'll try it!What are some good novels for a teenage boy to read?
    Please let me know if you liked this book.

    Report Abuse

    The Demonata Series

    - by Darren Shan

    Theres 8 of the 10 books out so far in the US. Theyre about demons, a little about werewolves. Slightly gruesome, a bit scary, but still heaps good and heaps funny.

    Darren Shan Series

    - by Darren Shan

    Its either 12 books or four trilogies, about a kid who's a half-vampire (not as in born half, made half). NOTHING like twilight. Movie coming out in October, I think. Not pathetic either, it's actual one of those stories where its not ';and they all lived happily ever after'; all the time.

    Skulduggery Pleasant Series

    - by Derek Landy

    REALLY easy read. Incredibly funny. 3 of 9 books in the series released so far. They're absolutely fabulous, even if a little childish.

    The Hunger Games

    - by Suzanne Collins

    Honestly the best book I've read in a long long time. It's so emotionally pushing at times, sweet at others, action-packed, a bit twisted. But AMAZING. (and don't take note that Stephenie Meyer has commented on it.. she doesn't matter)
    Read The Lightning Thief and the rest of the series by Rick Riordan. DO NOT READ TWILIGHT. It's unfair that it was even compared to Harry Potter. Harry Potter was amazing.

    If you want something with more of a twist, read Fight Club, and other books by Chuck Palahniuk. Just a heads up; they are a bit nontraditional and radical... you may not like his style. Also, I would like to add it depends on how old you are. This book may not be appropriate for a 13 year old boy *it can be a bit inappropriate at times and have bad language* but it would be fine for a 16 year old to read.

    Another good book is The Prince of Tides. It's size can be a bit intimidating, but it's awesome.

    The Eragon series.

    The Kite Runner.

    To Kill a Mockingbird.

    The Call of the Wild.

    Books by Tom Clancy are pretty good.

    That's pretty much all I got.
    Maximum Ride is a great series. It has five books, and a sixth one is in progress. It starts with the Angel Experiment, and is so fun to read. They have a great balance of funny and serious, with a LOT of fighting, something I think teenage boys like.

    Even if it doesn't sound like something you would want to read, read it anyways, it will be worth it.

    Thirteen Reasons Why - Jay Asher

    -about this girl who committed suicide... she recorded the reasons why she killed herself and sent it to the people who was mentioned in the tapes...

    Alex Rider series - Anthony Horowitz

    -alex rider is a spy...
  • clarins
  • last lipstick
  • Are teenage girls 18 and under more likely to get false neg on a home pregnancy test?

    I heard this once before that the statistics show fewer detection results, even past a missed period, for girls 18 and younger. Is it true?Are teenage girls 18 and under more likely to get false neg on a home pregnancy test?
    I've never heard that before...but my experience wasn't at all like that...i got pregnant at 18 and took a test when i was just a little over 2 weeks along and i got a positive test, my cousin got pregnant at only 14 (not a good choice) and found out very early in her pregnancy as well, so no i don't think age matters at all :)Are teenage girls 18 and under more likely to get false neg on a home pregnancy test?
    if the HCG Hormone is there, it's there and the test will be positive, best to use first morning urine as the hormone has had long enough to collect and have a stronger presence in the urine.

    Every women is different, but age does not play a role in the hormone level and it showing up on a UCG
    Has nothing to do with age.... It has to do with the hormone in your urine, if there is none then you will get a negative if tested at the proper time... If you test too early then it may be a false negative.
    when i was 15 it took me until i was 3 months before i got a possitive but now i am 26 an it got a little better but still took me almost 2 months. it depends on how your body lets out the hormone.
    i dont think so, but why are teenage girls taking them so often nowadays?
    I don't think so! Urine is urine!
    i dont think it s got anything to do with age

    What kind of a business could three teenage girls start and run?

    My sisters and I are looking to start a small business that targets girls. Any ideas of products we could produce and sell would be greatly appreciated =). Thanks!What kind of a business could three teenage girls start and run?
    Avon. It now has a teen line called Mark and you can place all your orders online, training is provided online as well and includes how to manage your business and keep track of things for your taxes,ect. One of you will need to be at least 16 to be a Mark rep and 18 to be an Avon rep. If not, have you parent sign up, and you run it for them and when old enough sign up yourselves.

    The best thing is it is only 15.00 to start up for each of you, or as a group you could work together. The brochures for your customers are only about 6.00 US every campaign for a pack of ten, and you get to buy your own product at cost. Everyone can afford Avon and an Avon slumber make up party can really generate sales. Don't forget the guys they love it too. You can do as much or as little as you like.

    Just look in the phone book under Avon for a rep. near you to get you started. Or go to They even have a school scholarship program. You will need to have a bank account or a credit card to pay for your orders online, if you choose to do online ordering. But many still do it with paper and pen and mail it in. Either way it works. You will be able to have fun and get an edge on running your business. Excellent for first time business venture. YOU WILL NOT GET RIPPED OFF with a company that has been around as long as Avon. You do however have to be careful of scammers sending you phony orders for products online. They try to send it to your Email and with Avon since people don't pay until they recieve their order some have been duped into placing the order and got stuck with no payment. So avoid that by only working with people you know, and at the online Avon store where Your customers can come and shop from you. Never respond to a customer sending an order to you personal Email, unless you sent them there yourself.

    Have fun!!!! My girls and I have.What kind of a business could three teenage girls start and run?
    LEMONADE! (a classic ;) ...hmm... besides that. You can do a youth group! .... Oh, that might need more people...
    A magazine for girls. Articles, makeup reviews, stuff like that?
    So here is the list of companies -

    Vitamin Power Inc. - 39 Saint Mary's Place , Freeport , NY 11520 , Phone Number - 1-800-645-6567 - You will be selling Vitamins - product no. AK 3 - Price : $9.75 - Hair Products

    Selling Magazines Subscriptions and or Greeting Cards - email me for more information

    If you just want to put items on your website or sell something - for ebay etc.

    1) Think large for the long term, but think small in the beginning. Start your business by contacting people that you know ( friends, family, neighbors etc. ). Let these people know that you are in business, and explain to them what a convenient service you provide.

    (2) Network your business as a fund-raiser. Contact local schools, churches, civic groups etc. who want to raise money for their organization and keep a percentage of sales as your profit.

    (3) Take advantage of any gift giving occasion ( holidays, birthdays, engagements, graduations, etc.) Keep a log of all special occasions for your customers.

    (4) Contact local business who having waiting areas (family doctor, pediatrician, dentist, beautician, mechanics etc.) This is an excellent opportunity for you to offer your service at little or no additional cost to the customer.

    (5) Ask existing customers for referrals. Most businesses get their start this way. For example: Your beautician built his or her client base from referrals of existing customers. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertisement.

    (6) Contact your local Chamber of Commerce to get a listing of businesses ( and their address / Phone Number) in your area. Write a letter of introduction, or use our suggested letter of introduction, to contact them. There may be a small fee to get this list.

    (7) Contact large businesses in your area.

    (8) Keep updates on new residents in your area. Write a letter to welcome them to the community and tell them about your service. Form a business relationship with a local company that deals with major purchases ( real estate brokers, car salesman ).

    (9) Build relationships with your customers. Follow up with existing customers on a regular basis ( every 3 mos. ) . And there are NO problems. Hint: Customers follow up is crucial to your business. If you do not follow up, your credibility can be destroyed. If you only call your customers once a year (when it is time to renew ), they will be less likely to renew through you if there have been problems and you were not available to handle them throughout the year.

    Business License

    Business Plan

    If you have the main components, the order doesn鈥檛 matter that much, but here鈥檚 the order I suggest.

    Executive Summary: Write this last. It鈥檚 just a page or two of highlights.

    Company Description: Legal establishment, history, start-up plans, etc.

    Product or Service: Describe what you鈥檙e selling. Focus on customer benefits.

    Market Analysis: You need to know your market, customer needs, where they are, how to reach them, etc.

    Strategy and Implementation: Be specific. Include management responsibilities with dates and budgets. Make sure you can track results.

    Web Plan Summary: For e-commerce, include discussion of website, development costs, operations, sales and marketing strategies.

    Management Team: Describe the organization and the key management team members.

    Financial Analysis: Make sure to include at the very least your projected Profit and Loss and Cash Flow tables.

    I don鈥檛 recommend developing the plan in the same order you present it as a finished document. For example, although the Executive Summary obviously comes as the first section of a business plan, I recommend writing it after everything else is done. It will appear first, but you write it last.

    Standard Tables and Charts

    There are also some business tables and charts that are normally expected in a standard business plan.

    Cash flow is the single most important numerical analysis in a plan, and should never be missing. Most plans will also have Sales Forecast and Profit and Loss statements. I believe they should also have separate Personnel listings, projected Balance sheet, projected Business Ratios, and Market Analysis tables.

    I also believe that every plan should include bar charts and pie charts to illustrate the numbers.

    How To Kits

    Automobile Detailing

    Home Inspection Service

    Herbs and Herbal Products

    Import / Export Business

    Bar / Tavern

    Information Consultant

    Bed %26amp; Breakfast

    Internet Entrepreneur

    Lawn Care Business

    Business Support Service

    Bringing Your Product To Market

    Mail - Order Business

    Car Wash

    Medical Transcription Service

    Child - Care Service

    Medical Claims Processing

    Cleaning Service

    Networking Marketing

    Clothing Store

    Personal Concierge

    Personal Trainer

    Consignment Clothing Store

    Coin - Op Laundry

    Restaurant and Five Other Food Business

    Consulting Service

    Retail Store

    Self - Publishing

    Creating a Successful Business Plan

    Craft Business

    Seminar Production Business

    Ebay Business

    Specialty Travel %26amp; Tour Business

    E - Business

    Staffing Services

    E - Learning

    Event Planning Service

    Successful Sales %26amp; Marketing

    Executive Recruiting

    Vending Business

    Financing Your Business

    Wedding Consultant

    Freight Brokerage Business

    Wholesale Distribution Business

    Gift Basket Service

    Hair Salon

    Starting a business in one theses states:






    New Jersey

    New York




    Their books on how to start a business in these states :

    What state licenses you will need

    Local County and City Permits you will need.

    Each State's Overall business climate.

    What the labor force outlook is for each state.

    How the tax structures and incentives for each business can effect your business.

    Where to go in each state for financing and support services.

    Forms you need to get started.

    Federal , State and Privacy Agencies contact for each state
    if u girls have a local band u culd make t-shirts for them

    our local bands over here love that kinda stuff

    or a clothing line
    Do what interests you! Look at what you like to shop, clothes, art. Look at what's in style and make it your own. Check out for some ideas. It's a great site for ideas!
    Hello I work part-time at home doing surveys and showing others how to make money with them if your interested send me a email from a email address other then Yahoo Answer and I'll send you a link Thank you ( it's FREE
    Starting an eBay business would be easy for you guys.

    You don't even need the product, it comes to you through others looking to sell their stuff!

    The price to start up is low - you'll need a decent camera and a tape measure.

    Good luck!
    they should make lip stick ,eye shadow ,lip gloss ,and shampo.all of these products are really easy to make just look up on the internet how to make them!!! ;D

    What is the experience of being a teenage mother?

    I am doing a research paper about teenage pregnancy and mothers, and am curious on what the actual experience is like. If anyone would like to answer some questions I have, I would love to email them to you. Any help would be amazing, thank you.What is the experience of being a teenage mother?
    I know a couple of people that have dealt with teen pregnancy. I would be willing to answer some questions for you. s_r_howell@yahoo.comWhat is the experience of being a teenage mother?
    You can e-mail them to me because i was a teenage mother.My e-mail address is:

    Where are some good stores that sell teenage clothing on the web?

    I know there is hollister and abercrombie but i want some stores with cute clothes that aren't as expensive. I don't like old navy or gap!Where are some good stores that sell teenage clothing on the web?
    B.P. Nordstroms, American Eagle, Uraban Outfitters, Free People, Wet Seal, Forever 21, Delias and Abercrombie and Fitch. if some of these are too expensive then they always have really good clearance!Where are some good stores that sell teenage clothing on the web?



    you just have to look for them
    i love forever 21 and its relatively cheap. american eagle is ok in prices and i love their clothes too.
    forever 21 , American Eagle isnt expensive, ';ick i hate this store but hot topic'; ect. click the link for street team referral. they have some amazing tees. $10 sale going on now!

    What are some easy recipies for a teenage?

    Whenever my mum arrives home later than normal, I usually just have a ready-made meal from the supermarket, but I want to try something different. I'm a decent cook, able to follow instructions etc, and I like basically all food.

    So does anyone know some simple recipies that I can make, mainly using basic ingredients most people would have in their fridges?

    Thanks to anyone who replies.What are some easy recipies for a teenage?
    Here are a few E-Z recipes you might want to try. Good Luck %26amp; enjoy.


    4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts

    %26gt; %26gt; 1 cup catsup

    %26gt; %26gt; 1 12oz. can cola (pepsi, coke, etc.)

    %26gt; %26gt;

    Put chicken in a non-stick pan. Mix together catsup and cola, pour over chicken.

    Bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat and cook 45 minutes.

    (turning chicken a few times, while prevent from

    sticking to pan)

    Uncover, turn up the heat and continue to cook until the sauce becomes

    thick and adheres to the chicken.

    It turns into the most incredible BBQ sauce. Yummmm!

    You can double the recipe and use more pieces of

    chicken....wings...would be ideal...add some hot sauce....presto ';Hot

    Wings';! Not tried this, yet.

    I have used Ribs, just as good.

    Fixed chicken wings, (using the above recipe) but...I

    added the spices from a MILD (I don't care for ';HOT';) Buffalo

    Wings packet...(the kind you get to bake in the oven).....I thought it

    was really good.....(but you/I can't find a 'bad' way to fix chicken).


    1 1/3 cups French’s Original French Fried Onions

    4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves

    1 egg, beaten


    Onions in a plastic bag.


    Chicken in egg


    With onion crumbs, press firmly to adhere to chicken.


    Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

    Place chicken on lightly greased baking pan.

    Sprinkle with additional onion crumbs, if desired.

    Bake for 20 minutes or until no longer pink in center.


    Mix: 1 lb. hamburger

    1 cup cornflakes

    salt %26amp; pepper to taste

    small amount dices onion

    Spread in a square baking pan.

    Pour: 1 can mushroom soup

    1 can water

    (combine together, first)

    Pour over meat mixture.

    Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees.


    1 pkg. (8) hot dog buns

    1 pkg. (8) hot dogs (use more if you like)

    1 can Chilli (15 oz. without beans, use more if you want)

    1 small onion (chopped)

    2 cups shredded cheese


    DIRECTIONS: Pre-heat oven 350 degrees

    In a 9'; x 13'; baking pan, break up hot dog buns (bite size) and spread in pan.

    Cut up hot dogs (about 1/2'; size) spread over buns.

    Spoon/spred chilli over hot dog/buns.

    Sprinkle onions over all.

    Squirt mustard over entire mixture (don't spread...just make a few lines both ways across mixture)

    Cover with shredded cheese.

    Bake until cheese is melted and bubbly.

    (Hint: If using extra hot dogs %26amp; chilli, don't add extra buns.)


    Your choice of beef (to fit crock-pot)

    1 pkg. dry Ranch dressing mix

    1 pkg. dry Italian dressing mix

    1 pkg. dry Brown Gravy mix

    1 cup water

    Put beef in pot.

    Mix together all the dry mixes….then add water …pour over meat and cover %26amp; cook on high 4-6 hours.

    Until meat is tender.

    The first time I mad it I didn’t have the Italian Dressing mix….so I added a pkg. of Onion Soup Mix….I have to say I liked that better.

    If you use more water you might want to add more Brown Gravy mix….to make a thicker sauce. Was gonna add potatoes and carrots…but never got around to it.



    1/2 lb. ground beef

    1/2 lb. bacon

    1 chopped onion

    Brown in skillet and drain excess grease.


    16 oz. can Red Kidney Beans (drained)

    24 oz. can Pork %26amp; Beans (drained)

    1/2 cup white sugar

    1/2 cup dark brown sugar

    1/4 cup Catsup

    2 TBLS. Molasses

    1/2 tsp. dry mustard

    Mix Thoroughly !

    Cook in a crock pot!


    1 lb. can French style green beans

    1 lb. can small peas

    1 lb. can white corn

    1 - 4oz. jar pimento (chopped)

    1 cup shopped onion

    1 cup chopped celery

    1 cup chopped green pepper

    1 cup sugar (I used artificial sweetener)

    2/3 cup vinegar (I used red wine vinegar)

    1/2 cup cooking oil

    1 tsp. salt

    1 tsp. pepper

    1.)Pour green beans, peas, corn %26amp; pimento in a colander to drain over a

    large bowl. Discard 1 1/2 cups of liquid.

    2.)Put veggies in a large bowl and fold in onions, celery and green


    3.)Mix together thoroughly the remaining ingredients and toss with


    4.)Cover and let sit over night in refrigerator. (The longer it marinates the better.)




    2 sticks butter

    1 2/3 cup sugar

    Beat in:

    5 eggs (1 at a time)


    2 cups sifted flour

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    1 teaspoon rum extract

    Mix thoroughly and bake 1 hour at 325 degrees.

    E-Z Candy

    (All recipes are mixed the same.)

    Melt ingredients, seperately in microwave until runny.

    Mix together and pour into serving dish.

    Chill until firm, cut %26amp; serve.

    Chocolate Fudge:

    16 oz. container of Fudge Frosting

    1 bag of Chocolate Chips (any flavor you like)

    Peanut Butter Fudge #1:

    1 small jar Peanut Butter (18 oz.)

    2 bags of Peanut Butter Chips

    Peanut Butter Fudge #2:

    1 small jar Peanut Butter (18oz.)

    16 oz. container of White Frosting

    Marshmallow Nougat:

    1 small jr Marshmallow Creme

    1 bag White Chocolate Chips

    1 tsp. Almond Flavoring

    1 small bag Chopped Nuts

    (I've made this without the flavoring %26amp; nuts....I want to try


    into balls and dipping in a chocolate coating....sounds good to


    I've doubled all the above recipes. The Marshmallow Nougat

    recipe...doubled and added a container of white frosting (had an

    extra thought....why not!)

    I use a double boiler..(prefer the double

    boiler)...add chips in first ...then rest of


    nuts and flavorings for last.

    Kreamy Kool-Aid Pie

    1-(6 g) package un sweetened Kool-Aid powdered drink mix

    1-(14 oz.)can sweetened condensed milk

    1-(8 oz)container Cool Whip frozen whipped topping, thawed.

    1-(9 inch) Graham Cracker Pie Crust (or Cookie crust)

    Cool Whip for top (optional)

    1. In a medium bowl mix Kool-Aid and condensed milk, thoroughly.

    2. Fold in Cool Whip.

    4. If desired, spread more Cool Whip on top.

    5. Chill for a minimum of 4 hours.

    I’ve used: Strawberry…Cherry…Lemon-lime (Key-Lime Pie)….Lemonade (Lemon Pie…might add some yellow food coloring for a more lemony look.)



    2/3 cup uncooked oatmeal

    2/3 cup light Karo syrup

    2 eggs, beaten

    2/3 cup sugar

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    ½ cup melted margarine, cooled

    1 – 9” unbaked pie shell


    Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

    Mix all ingredients in order given.

    Pour into pie shell.

    Bake 1 hour or until knife inserted in center comes out clean.

    (I used Karo Brown Sugar Syrup and topped pie with pecan halves. I made 2 pies the same day. The one that sat over night was the better of the 2…(my opinion).


    White Cake Mix

    2 Tablespoons water

    2 eggs

    1/2 cup cooking oil

    1 teaspoon almond extract

    1/2 cup chopped nuts

    powdered sugar

    Mix all ingredients, except powdered sugar.

    Drop batter (about a teaspoon per cookie) into a bowl of powdered sugar.

    Roll in sugar until it is an approximate shape of a ball.

    Place ion a lightly greased cookie sheet.

    Bake at 350 degrees about 18 minutes, until lightly browned.

    Cool on wire racks. Makes about 4 dozen cookies.

    (Use any flavoring or cake mix you desire.)What are some easy recipies for a teenage?
    Quick Lasagna


    1 pound ground beef

    1/2 cup salad dressing or light salad dressing

    1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

    6 lasagna noodles, cooked and drained

    1 jar (14 oz.) spaghetti sauce

    2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese


    Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Brown meat; drain. Stir in salad dressing and Parmesan cheese. Layer 1/2 of the noodles, meat mixture, spaghetti sauce, and mozzarella cheese in 12x8-inch baking dish. Repeat layers. Bake 30 minutes or until thoroughly heated.


    Number of servings: 6-8

    Raspberry-Applesauce Gelatin


    2 boxes (3 oz. each) Rasberry Jello

    1 jar Motts Apple Sauce (2 cups)


    Combine gelatin and 2 1/2 cups boiling water; stir until dissolved. Then, rather than adding the cold water which the package calls for, add the applesauce and stir until blended. Pour into serving bowl or mold. Chill and serve.

    Notes: I call this recipe ';my own'; although it was my mother's. She brought it to many a pot luck occasion.

    Number of servings: 8-10
    Fried chicken:

    Take the chicken and roll it in flour, egg wash(an egg mixed with water) Then mix some some cornmeal with blackpepper, salt and some of ur other fav spices then roll the chicken in that. Put it in hot oil fry until crispy If the chicken is not done after crispy put in the oven for a few minutes.

    Mashed potatoes:

    Peel and boil potatoes until soft. Then in a big bowl mash them until they are the right consitency for you add black pepper salt and butter, and milk. If you have on hand use sour cream it makes it super creamy.

    Good Luck hope this helped.
    Look at Food Network's site - they rate recipes from easy to difficult. They have all kinds of dishes from 1 pot meals to crockpot to 30 min meals. Most of the 30 min meals by Rachael Ray are easy! Best Wishes! That's Great!

    Pasta is always easy to make - I prefer Barilla or a made in Italy type. You can add almost sauce and make your own sauces using canned crushed tomatoes, tomato sauce and paste. Then add whatever spices like garlic, onion, basil, crushed red peppers, etc... to it! Adding grated parmesan cheese or romano is good too!

    Casseroles are easy too - mix them up and toss in the oven! You can use pasta or rice! Add chicken, turkey or ham!
    Summer Spaghetti Salad

    16 oz. mozzarella cheese

    5 ripe tomatoes, peeled, seeded and coarsely chopped

    1 C. fresh basil leaves, coarsely chopped

    1 large clove garlic, pressed

    2 T. salt

    1 T. olive oil

    16 oz. thin spaghetti

    salt and pepper

    Bring a large pot of water to a boil.

    Cut the mozzarella into small cubes and set aside in a small bowl. Combine the tomatoes, basil and garlic in another bowl.

    When the water is boiling hard, add 2 tablespoons salt and the oil. Add the spaghetti and cook just until it is al dente. Do not overcook. Quickly drain the spaghetti and return it at once to the warm pot. Immediately stir in the mozzarella; the heat of the pasta will melt it slightly. Stir in the contents of the other bowl. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Transfer to a serving bowl and serve at room temperature.

    Serves 4 to 6.

    Pepper and Onion Smothered Chicken Recipe

    6 T. balsamic vinegar

    4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves

    3 t. olive oil

    2 large onions, halved and thinly sliced

    1 C. canned chicken broth

    1 T. refined all-purpose flour (such as Wondra)

    1 carrot, cut into thin strips

    1 red bell pepper cut into thin strips

    In a shallow glass or ceramic baking dish, pour vinegar over chicken breasts, turning to coat well. Set aside for 5 minutes.

    Meanwhile, in a large skillet over medium heat, warm 2 teaspoons of the oil. Add the onions, cook, stirring occasionally until onions begin to brown.

    In a grill pan or skillet, warm the remaining oil over medium-high heat. Drain the chicken and add to the pan, cooking about 5 minutes per side. While chicken cooks, add broth to onions, and cook until most of the liquid has evaporated. Stir in the flour, carrot, bell pepper, remaining 3 tablepoons vinegar, and cook until the pepper and onions are tender and caramelized, about 10 minutes.

    Place the chicken on four plates. Spoon vegetables on top of chicken breasts.

    Servings: 4.

    Beef and Mushroom Risotto Recipe

    1 lb. lean ground beef

    1 package (5 1/2 ounces) risotto mix with garden vegetables

    1 1/2 C. sliced mushrooms

    1 C. chopped red bell pepper

    2 cloves garlic crushed

    1/2 t. salt

    1/4 t. pepper

    2 T. grated parmesan cheese

    1 T. chopped fresh Basil

    Prepare risotto mix according to package directions.

    Meanwhile in a large nonstick skillet, brown ground beef, mushrooms, bell pepper and garlic over medium heat 8 - 10 minutes or until beef is no longer pink, breaking beef up into small crumbles.

    Pour off drippings. Season with salt and pepper.

    Stir risotto into beef mixture. Sprinkle with cheese and basil.

    1/2 lb. Jack or mozzarella cheese, shredded

    1/2 c. milk

    1/2 c. flour

    1 c. cottage cheese

    3 eggs, beaten

    1/4 c. (1/2 stick) melted butter

    In a bowl, all ingredients, but only 1/2 of the butter. Spread the other half of the butter into an 8'; square pan. Pour cheese mixture on top and bake at 375 for 30 min, or until golden and set. Serves 3-6

    .....Serve with a green salad and sliced fruit (oranges, strawberries)

    My teenage daugher babysits. What info is she required to give her employer to complete their taxes.?

    Is Tax form 990 required? or simply providing her SS# sufficient?My teenage daugher babysits. What info is she required to give her employer to complete their taxes.?
    They'll need her ss# if they are claiming her babysitting for a child care credit. They might or might not give her a 1099 for the amount they paid her - they probably won't. That doesn't change it being taxable income to her and she'd have to report it and pay taxes on it if it's over $400 for the year.My teenage daugher babysits. What info is she required to give her employer to complete their taxes.?
    I believe that just her social is needed. Be aware though that this means her income is being reported to the IRS and she will need to file a tax return. I doubt that the parents withheld any federal tax, so your daughter may end up having to pay the IRS.

    Good Luck!
    Her SS # and address is probably required. It is possible that they could 1099 her. We have a small business and use 1099's to report our sub-contractors of their income but we only required send one if they have made over $600. I believe if her income exceeds over $600 per year then she will have to pay taxes. If you are unsure about this I would call your local tax preparer like Jackson Hewitt or H %26amp; R block.
  • clarins
  • last lipstick
  • What is a healthy lunch for a teenage during summer?

    I am a fourteen year old trying to eat lunch everyday, during summer. I wake up around noon or eleven and sometimes just eat just breakfast. I want to eat lunch, but cannot eat out and I don't like many cold cuts and processed food. I am on a semi-diet to prevent acne breakouts (not really weight loss diet) that is accompanied by a little weightlifting/aerobic activity. My preferences are spicy food, does not take long to make (or much skill), is at least under $3 in grocery, and is healthy. Thanks!What is a healthy lunch for a teenage during summer?
    If you are on a semi-diet, try vegetables and fruits. They are healthy and eating tomatoes and cucumbers will make your acnee simply disappear. Try mixed salads of fruits and vegetables. When you are in mood of proteines, try easy meat like chicken or fish.What is a healthy lunch for a teenage during summer?
    I like tuna fish sandwich
    Yogurt, nuts and some fruit? Perhaps granola bar with it. Veggie wraps, things like that...
    What about a salad topped with some black beans. You could make a sauce out of plain yougert mixed with a little chipotle powder for a dressing to give it a zing. You could also shread up some white meat chicken. Just a little bit. I had the same problem with funds as a teen and ate healthy at home. This could be done cold. Just get a can of black beans, a bag salad, and a chicken breast. Put all this stuff in refrigerator containers and out of the can. It will last longer. You can squeeze some lime over the salad also. I love the taste of chipotle and yogert. I love black beans at any time. Rice is really cheap. Price this out. I will cost some money, but if you buy it and make it into several meals probably not much.

    It would be basically a cold salad

    keep the parts separate until righ before you eat it.

    I am thinking all food groups without hurting your skin and giving you energy to work out. Do not skip protein.

    Get vegetarian black beans or fat free. Then you will not get lard.
    Tuna fish and mayo sandwich. Put in a bit of onion and or celery for a bit extra.
    lets see u have options soo u can either


    eat fruits


    cut back on soda and other sweet stuff


    so wat u basically want to do is this

    eat healthy ,drink lots of water, cut back on soda
    Go with a pack of yellow corn tortillas, Bottle of hot salsa, eggs and green lettuce (cheddar optional).

    The secret is to fill the entire skillet with scrambled eggs, then put them aside in a big bowl...Micro or steam a bunch of tortillas and put them aside. Now, make a bunch of scrambled egg soft tacos, adding a little extra hot sauce and/or cheese, enclose them in baggies and refrigerate for later days. Chop up the lettuce and store.

    Every day, take out about 3 or 4 of them, lay them in a Tupperware, heat them up, pour on the salsa and add the lettuce.

    This is a VERY filling, tasty and satisfying lunch!

    Make sure you eat lots of oranges too.

    All this is very cheap and nutritious!
    Spicy Ramen noodles would be good, unless you are watching salt intake. They are VERY cheap, cook in 3 minutes, and are delicious. There are a lot of varieties, too. They are versatile, since you can add vegetables or meats to make a heartier meal.
    bagged salads and add cooked chicken breast
    Have a beer and a whole wheat bagel
    Salads and Parfaits are the only cheap thing I can of.
    An omelet with jalapeno cheese and red and green peppers, onions, mushrooms.....
    First it would be helpful to know how big you are, if you are male or female, and how much exercise you get. P.S. getting acne from certain foods is an old wive's tale, it's not actually true... think about it.
    a peanut butter and jelly sandwish, a banana, and juice. or a grilled cheese sandwish, peach, and juice. you can add yogert, or cottage cheese.
    Well, it's nice that you can sleep in so late. You should have your mother cook for you since you won't always have her there. Why not use her while you can? Don't tell me you're uncomfortable with that because judging by how late you sleep in, you don't respect her enough to get up early to help out around the house or such.

    Eh, now to answer your question: diet celery. It will keep the weight off. And if you put peanut butter on it, that's good, and the healthiness of the diet celery balances the unhealthiness of the peanut butter. Just eat fruits and vegetables. Those are easy to prepare, and are not processed.

    What are some good ways for a teenage boy to make some money?

    What are some good ways for a teenage boy to make some money, over the internet would be good. I don't have a lot of time cause I get back from school at 4:30 most days. Is there any way I could make some extra cash? And also how would I go about doing these things?What are some good ways for a teenage boy to make some money?
    Fast Food

    Grocery Stores

    Car Wash

    Warehouse stocking

    What books would you recommend for a teenage girl who wants to improve her english to read?

    It has to be educational yet interesting because i really want to expand my vocabulary and sentence structures.

    I've recently just finished To kill a mockingbird which was really good and it's educational as well =]

    Your suggestions please.What books would you recommend for a teenage girl who wants to improve her english to read?
    The Great Gatsby -Fitzgerald

    Catcher in the Rye -JD Salinger

    1984 -George Orwell

    Pride and Prejudice -Jane Austen (more challenging)

    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer- Mark Twain

    Emma -Jane Austen (more challenging)

    Sense and Sensibility -Jane Austen (more challenging)

    Jane Eyre-Charlotte Bronte

    Little Women- Louisa May Alcott

    The Oepdipus Trilogy-Sophocles

    The Secret Garden- Frances Burnett

    Personally, I am 18 years old and I absolutely love Jane Austen


    Chronicles of Narnia- CS Lewis

    Harry Potter series-JK Rowling

    Lord of the Rings- JRR TolkienWhat books would you recommend for a teenage girl who wants to improve her english to read?
    Rudyard Kipling's prose

    Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

    V. S. Naipaul

    Herman Melville (Israel Potter is really very fun.)

    George Eliot

    Virginia Woolf (fiction for sentence structure; everything else for sentence structure and vocabulary and just sheer amazement)

    Joseph Conrad

    Some non-fiction authors you could try:

    Barbara Tuchman

    Richard Hofstadter

    Michael Schmidt's The Lives of the Poets (a very thick book, but you can skip around and read about the poets you like best)

    Richard Feynman

    Stephen J. Gould

    Mike Davis

    Adam Phillips

    Paul Ormerod

    Bertrand Russell

    Susanna Kaysen

    I also suggest you find some regular biographies (i.e., not written for kids or young adults) of people you'd like to read more about.

    I dunno. I hope that helps.
    You want to keep it fun, because if you start reading a dull book purely because you want to improve your grammar etc, then you want want to read it for very long. I'd definitely reccomment the Harry Potter books, they're really exciting, and theyre really well written, so its not as if you would be reading a kids book, i think you'd definitely get something out of it. You could try reading books like:

    The Boleyn Girl by Phillipa Gregory

    You should also try the series of books by Lian Hearn:

    -Across the Nightingale Floor

    -Grass for his pillow

    -The Brilliance of The Moon (then theres another one that iv forgotten the name of) iv just started getting into them and im hooked, the imagery and descriptions in the book are brilliant.

    I'd also reccommend ';Tithe'; by Holly Black if you;re into fantasy books.

    James Herbert and Stephen King books are also really good.
    reading most things will improve her vocabulary providing it isnt written in 'street talk' or text speak - if you know what I mean. I suggest you take her to the library and let her choose herself. If a person chooses a book for your and you are not interested in it, they will not read it. I loved secret seven books when I was little, yet could I interest my daughter to read them? It's a different generation. Even the newspaper will improve her reading skills. Or you could suggest the biography of a famous person she admires.
    A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly, ';Sixteen-year-old Mattie Gokey has big dreams but little hope of seeing them come true. Desperate for money, she takes a job at the Glenmore, where hotel guest Grace Brown entrusts her with the task of burning a secret bundle of letters. But when Grace's drowned body is fished from the lake, Mattie discovers that the letters could reveal the grim truth behind a murder. Set in 1906 against the backdrop of the murder that inspired Theodore Dreiser's An American Tragedy, Jennifer Donnelly's astonishing debut novel effortlessly weaves romance, history, and a murder mystery into something moving, and real, and wholly original.';

    The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, ';According to Ponyboy, there are two kinds of people in the world: greasers and socs. A soc (short for ';social';) has money, can get away with just about anything, and has an attitude longer than a limousine. A greaser, on the other hand, always lives on the outside and needs to watch his back. Ponyboy is a greaser, and he's always been proud of it, even willing to rumble against a gang of socs for the sake of his fellow greasers--until one terrible night when his friend Johnny kills a soc. The murder gets under Ponyboy's skin, causing his world to crumble and teaching him that pain feels the same whether a soc or a greaser.';…

    Lots of lists, but I especially like the Harvard Classics list - all the books that I should have read, but (mostly) never did.

    Some of my favorites from that list (all free online):

    Aesop's Fables

    Grimm's Fairy Tales

    One Thousand Nights and a Night

    The Bible

    Washington Irving


    The Man Without a Country

    Other classics:


    anything by Verne, but especially Journey to the Center of the Earth

    anything by Kipling, but especially The Jungle Books

    anything by Twain, but especially The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

    Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee


    ⌘ ⌘
    Pride and prejudice a must. By jane Austen
    Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott (1832 - 1888; American) - Rose's father has died leaving her an orphan. She goes to live with her Aunt Plenty and Aunt Rose. She is very lonely until she makes friends with a servant, Phoebe and then seven cousins, all boys, arrive. Life will never be the same. Publication 1875.

    Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (1832 - 1888; American) - This novel about Jo and her three sisters, Meg, Amy, and Beth, is set during the Civil War. Their father has gone off to fight. It is based upon the author's life and the lives of her three sisters. Publication 1868.

    Little Men by Louisa May Alcott (1832 - 1888; American). Publication 1871.

    Jo's Boys by Louisa May Alcott (1832 - 1888; American). Publication 1886.

    Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (1816 - 1855; English) - This is an amazing love story. Jane, an poor orphan, grows up in the loveless home of a hate-filled aunt. Her close friend at school dies and cruel punishments are administered by the superintendent. As an adult, Jane falls in love with her employer, Mr. Rochester. He is tormented by a terrible secret in his past. This is a true gothic tale of suspense, romance, insanity, and attempted murder. Publication 1847.

    Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (1818 - 1849; English) - The is the story of the tortured romantic relationship of Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, an orphan adopted by Catherine's father. The tale is set on the rugged moors of Yorkshire. Publication 1847.

    The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte (1820 - 1849; English) Publication 1848.

    Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (1775 - 1817; English) - The courtship of proud Mr. Darcy and prejudiced Elizabeth Bennet is complicated by their persistent misunderstanding of each other's actions and feelings. There are many interesting characters. Mrs. Bennet is preoccupied with marrying off her five daughters. There is an impressive dowager aunt who intimidates everyone except Elizabeth. The amazingly conceited clergyman rehearses his speeches to young ladies. The story is set in the 18th century. Publication 1813.

    Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen (1775 - 1817; English) - Elinor and Marianne Dashwood are two very different sisters. Elinor is sensible, while Marianne is sensitive and emotional. After the death of their father, the girls, their mother, and younger sister are forced to move to a small cottage in the country. The sisters fall in love with eligible bachelors, but problems arise. Publication 1811.

    Emma by Jane Austen (1775 - 1817; English) - Emma Woodhouse is a young lady who is intent on matchmaking. After many complications Emma finds that her scheming has served to confuse matters and hurt other people's feelings. Publication 1815.

    Mansfield Park by Jane Austen (1775 - 1817; English) Publication 1814.

    Persuasion by Jane Austen (1775 - 1817; English)Publication 1817.

    Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen (1775 - 1817; English) Publication 1817.

    Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874 - 1942; Canadian) - Orphaned red head Anne Shirley goes to live with an elderly brother and sister, Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert on Prince Edward Island. Anne is a bookish dreamer who needs to be loved. Publication 1908. Sequels include: Anne of Avonlea, Anne of the Island, Anne of Windy Poplars, Anne's House of Dreams, and Anne of Ingleside.

    Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier (1907 - 1989; English) - Wealthy Max de Winter remarries and his new bride quickly realizes something is wrong at Manderley. In the opinion of the housekeeper, who was devoted to Rebecca, the last mistress of Manderly, the new Mrs. de Winter is timid and nervous, nothing like Rebecca. The housekeeper becomes the new bride's enemy as a horrible mystery about Rebecca unfolds. Publication 1940.

    The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emma Orczy (1865 - 1947; Hungarian) Publication 1903.

    The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 - 1864; American) - A young woman, Hester Prynne, is shunned in her community of New England Puritans and forced to wear a red ';A'; on her chest because of her sins with the local minister, Arthur Dimmesdale. Hester's husband, Roger Chillingworth, is jealous and full of vengeance. Publication 1850.

    The House of Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 - 1864; American) Publication 1851.

    My Antonia by Willa Cather (1873 - 1947; American) - Antonia Shimerda moves from Bohemia to a pioneer town in Nebraska. Mr. Shimerda is homesick and cannot make a living, so he commits suicide. Antonia is strong and determined. She makes friends with Jim Burden, who lives on a neighboring farm. They grow up on the Nebraska prairie along with wolves, brown earth-owls, and rattlesnakes, and gradually Jim learns to love Antonia. Publication 1918.

    O, Pioneers! by Willa Cather (1873 - 1947; American) Publication 1913.

    The Song of the Lark by Willa Cather (1873 - 1947; American) - Publication 1915.

    The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry (1862 - 1910; American) - A young couple want to make Christmas special despite lack of funds. Each does what is necessary to buy just the right present for the other. The results are quite ironic. Publication 1906.

    North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell (1810 - 1865; English) Publication 1854.

    Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell (1810 - 1865; English) Publication 1865.

    Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray (1811 - 1863; English) Publication 1848.

    The Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope (1863 - 1933; English) Publication 1894.

    Old Yeller by Fred Gipson (1908 - 1973; American) - The old stray dog certainly is ugly and a thieving rascal, but out here on the Texas frontier a dog is a good companion, especially with Dad away on a cattle drive. Publication 1956.

    The Call of the Wild by Jack London (1876 - 1916; American) - A domesticated dog, Buck, is kidnapped and sold to gold hunters. To survive he has to learn to listen to the call of the wild and learn the ways of his wolf ancestors. Eventually, he falls into the ownership of John Thornton, whose life Buck saves twice. Publication 1903.

    White Fang by Jack London (1876 - 1916; American) - A half wolf - half dog is nearly destroyed by the vicious cruelty of men. Publication 1906.

    The Sea Wolf by Jack London (1876 - 1916; American) Publication 1904.

    Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes (1891 - 1968; American) - Johnny is an apprentice to a silversmith in Boston (not Paul Revere) in the days just prior to the American Revolution. An accident ends his apprenticeship. In the days following his accident he meets Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and many other men of history. Publication 1944.

    Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift (1667 - 1745; Anglo-Irish) - Lemuel Gulliver travels to a series of very unusual and heretofore unknown lands. In one place he is a giant compared to the Lilliputians. In another, he is the size of a mouse compared to the people he finds. He also finds a floating island and a place where intelligent horses are served by humanoids. Publication 1726. This was made into a movie starring Ted Danson.

    Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (1660 - 1731; English) - Crusoe finds himself stranded on an uncharted island off the coast of South America for nearly 30 years. He must find food, shelter, and clothing. He survives because of his faith in God. Many years after landing on the island, he saves a man named, Friday, who is about to be eaten by cannibals and Friday becomes Crusoe's faithful servant. Publication 1719.

    Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss (1743 - 1848; Swiss) - Fritz, Ernest, Jack, Franz, Mother, and Father survive a shipwreck and find themselves stranded on a deserted island near New Guinea. Being a religious family they offer thanks to God for all that he has provided. They salvage all that they can from the ship. They build a tree house for protection from wild animals, find food, make candles from berries, bread from roots, and a canoe from a tree. They face snakes, wolves, bears, and a lion, but are doing quite well until they discover a way to leave the island. Who will go? Who will stay? This was made into a movie a very long time ago. Publication 1812.

    Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 - 1894; Scot) - Young Jim Hawkins, an innkeeper's son, finds a treasure map among the belongings of a dead seaman. Pirates seek that very map and Jim finds himself in quite a predicament. On board ship, Jim overhears Long John Silver's plans for mutiny. This has also been made into a movie. Publication 1883.

    Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne (1828 - 1905; French) - Phineas Fogg tries to make his way around the globe in 80 days in order to win a bet of 20,000 pounds. He is accompanied on his journey by a servant and they implore all sorts of modes of travel (elephant, sled, balloon, etc.). Publication 1873.

    Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne (1828 - 1905; French) - Professor Aronnax leads an expedition attempting to destroy a giant sea monster. Their efforts with harpoons are futile and the men find themselves in the water. Later, they are captured by the enigmatic Captain Nemo on his underwater vessel, the Nautilus. Publication 1870. The movie starred a rather young Kirk Douglas.

    The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling (1865 - 1936; English). - A boy, Mowgli, is lost in the jungle of India and adopted by a family of wolves. Publication 1894.

    Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling (1865 - 1936; English) This has many wonderful tales including How the Leopard Got His Spots. Publication 1902.

    Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling (1865 - 1936; English) - Harvey Cheyne is a spoiled
    All books by Jane Austen:

    - Pride and Prejudice:

    Elizabeth Bennet is the perfect Austen heroine: intelligent, generous, sensible, incapable of jealousy or any other major sin. That makes her sound like an insufferable goody-goody, but the truth is she's a completely hip character who ,if provoked, is not above skewering her antagonist with a piece of her exceptionally sharp, yet always polite, 18th-century wit. The real point of the book though, the critical question which will keep you fixated throughout, is: will Elizabeth and Mr Darcy hook up? Read this genuine all-time classic and discover the answer while enjoying a story that has charmed generation after generation.…


    For Emma, raised to think well of herself, has such a high opinion of her own worth that it blinds her to the opinions of others. The story revolves around a comedy of errors: Emma befriends Harriet Smith, a young woman of unknown parentage, and attempts to remake her in her own image. Ignoring the gaping difference in their respective fortunes and stations in life, Emma convinces herself and her friend that Harriet should look as high as Emma herself might for a husband--and she zeroes in on an ambitious vicar as the perfect match. At the same time, she reads too much into a flirtation with Frank Churchill, the newly arrived son of family friends, and thoughtlessly starts a rumor about poor but beautiful Jane Fairfax, the beloved niece of two genteelly impoverished elderly ladies in the village. As Emma's fantastically misguided schemes threaten to surge out of control, the voice of reason is provided by Mr. Knightly, the Woodhouse's longtime friend and neighbor. Though Austen herself described Emma as ';a heroine whom no one but myself will much like,'; she endowed her creation with enough charm to see her through her most egregious behavior, and the saving grace of being able to learn from her mistakes. By the end of the novel Harriet, Frank, and Jane are all properly accounted for, Emma is wiser (though certainly not sadder), and the reader has had the satisfaction of enjoying Jane Austen at the height of her powers.…

    -Mansfield Park:

    In Mansfield Park, for example, Austen gives us Fanny Price, a poor young woman who has grown up in her wealthy relatives' household without ever being accepted as an equal. The only one who has truly been kind to Fanny is Edmund Bertram, the younger of the family's two sons.

    Into this Cinderella existence comes Henry Crawford and his sister, Mary, who are visiting relatives in the neighborhood. Soon Mansfield Park is given over to all kinds of gaiety, including a daring interlude spent dabbling in theatricals. Young Edmund is smitten with Mary, and Henry Crawford woos Fanny. Yet these two charming, gifted, and attractive siblings gradually reveal themselves to be lacking in one essential Austenian quality: principle. Without good principles to temper passion, the results can be disastrous, and indeed, Mansfield Park is rife with adultery, betrayal, social ruin, and ruptured friendships. But this is a comedy, after all, so there is also a requisite happy ending and plenty of Austen's patented gentle satire along the way. Describing the switch in Edmund's affections from Mary to Fanny, she writes: ';I purposely abstain from dates on this occasion, that everyone may be at liberty to fix their own, aware that the cure of unconquerable passions, and the transfer of unchanging attachments, must vary much as to time in different people.'; What does not vary is the pleasure with which new generations come to Jane Austen.…


    Anne Elliot, heroine of Austen's last novel, did something we can all relate to: Long ago, she let the love of her life get away. In this case, she had allowed herself to be persuaded by a trusted family friend that the young man she loved wasn't an adequate match, social stationwise, and that Anne could do better. The novel opens some seven years after Anne sent her beau packing, and she's still alone. But then the guy she never stopped loving comes back from the sea. As always, Austen's storytelling is so confident, you can't help but allow yourself to be taken on the enjoyable journey.…

    - Sense and Sensibility

    - Northanger Abbey