Saturday, January 9, 2010

What are some good ways to keep my teenage daughter out of trouble?

She's 13 and has started calling boys 'hotties' I liked it better when she through they had cooties. What are some good ways to keep my teenage daughter out of trouble?
Have a sincere mother-daughter chat with her and explain that she's growing up very fast and you're very proud of her but that you just want to make sure she knows whats appropriate behavior at her age and what is not. Its important for adolescents to understand a code of ethics and how to approach situations maturely, things like sex, drugs, underage drinking and smoking, which are bound to come up at 13. You can't stifle the lingo or the trends but you can let her know that she should maintain a certain level of maturity and confidence if she expects you to be able to trust her. What are some good ways to keep my teenage daughter out of trouble?
Depends what you mean by trouble.

In general the girls who are busy and have good friends are less likely to do dumb things. So try and keep her busy with after school sports or homework or whatever, not just let her hang around at the shops and stuff. Talk to her often, be open, let her know she can trust you.

Calling boys hotties isn't so bad, probably just an expression she picked up.

There's only so much you can do though, sadly.

Supposedly, having dinner at the table with your children every night of the week helps them stay out of trouble. I don't know exactly the reason why, but there has been research showing that children that grew up like this have less likelyhood of getting in trouble or getting on drugs.

It's probably the family time and talking that happens.
as much as you don't want her to discover boys, it's happened. Not much you can do about it but you can restricit when she talks to them on the phone (i.e. not after 9 pm on school nights) when and where she can see them (i.e. group dates at this age but not one on one dates). Have a talk with her about boys and everything that can happen. Not just about the sex part of it but how they should, should not treat her etc.

Hold on tight, you will be in for a ride with her and boys now.
yea tell her a bout the bees and the biirds if u havent already! tell her about STDS and look up pics to show ur daughter wat they look like so that she wont hav sex. Tell her about and show her pics on diseases from makin out (lips of course, cheeck is oikay). and dont say NO to calling them hotties, if u do,s she wilil hav a need 2 rebel (not something u will like BTW) after that, she is pretty safe
Looks like its time for the birds and the bees conversation. Make sure to tell her about safe sex and all of the other stuff. She is as of this point a hormone crazed teenager! She is going to be looking at boys left and right now. Be ready before you know it she will be crying over a boy. Get her involved in after school activities such as clubs or sports to keep her mind off of boys well to a point! Hope I could help!
Just let her go boy crazy. I'm 13, and the thing is go out for like a week, break up, and do it all over again a couple times. Just let her do her thing. IF she starts going on dates, start talkiong to her more about sex. If she asks for birth control, your not going to stop her from having sex, so my oppinion is just buy it for her. Just my oppinion. Hope I helped.
hate to break it to you, but she stopped thinking boys had cooties a LONG time ago.

shes just never mentioned hot guys around you before. i was like that too. now when i see i hot guy i have no problem being like ';dayum he was sexy'; right infront of my mom haha.

i dont know what your really asking.. shes gonna like boys, shes gonna date boys, shes gonna kiss boys.

so yeah. dealz. (:
Oh you're pathetic. Get over it your ';little girl'; is growing up. Why cant you be like MY mom? My mom is letting my sister grow up(but not too fast). Shes getting big theres nothing you can do shes gonna be attracted to boys. What? you want to like girls or something? do you want her to take up homosexuality?
Be a parent. Talk to her, give her advice, lay down rules (and stick to them), educate her about sex, about drugs, about drinking. The biggest reason kids chose to have sex, or drink and drive, etc. is because they haven't been properly educated from their parents. Be an active part of your kid's life.
Talk to her often and be sure that you let her do her share of the talking and that you listen. (Every parent misses the ';cootie'; phase when it turns into the ';hottie'; phase! Childhood is now over much too soon!)
don't worry about her calling guys hot cuz girls her age start to form their opinions about guys, if you guys go to church, then get her involved in some youth group or just sit her down and talk about it.
You gotta let go sometime mama-bird, just trust in your daughter that you taught her well enough over the years to make good decisions.
she's just growing up, geez...just because she calls boys ';hotties'; doesn't mean she's getting into trouble
why are parents this way, i mean its just our urban language: hottie stands for: cute or hot or whatever, its not like if she were doing something bad for saying hottie
don't worry it's normal to start to go a little boy crazy around 13-14. Just make sure she doesn't give into peer pressure.
dont give her rules. if you give her rules she will jus break them!!

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