Saturday, January 9, 2010

Can a teenage girl start Capoeira and be successful?

I first saw this amazing art on television. Now having looked up some about it I think I would like to do it. Is there any tips as to how to get started and what I need. And would you just tell me more about it. Thanks in advance.Can a teenage girl start Capoeira and be successful?
Sure, why not?

Most likely she would need to move to Brazil, but there are foreign exchange student programs.

Keep in mind this is primarily a dance and not a martial art, but a very good argument can be made that it is indeed a martial art.

If you follow the hype there is a secret power hidden within the dance that developed in the slums of Rio. The dance is supposed to be hiding this secret from whomever was ruling Brazil at the time. Pay no attention to the facts that other martial arts flourished during the same period.

Anyway, it looks cool to trade kicks over two people's heads. So, if you can find a teacher then why not go for it? From the immortal words of Men Without Hats- ';You can dance if you want to.';Can a teenage girl start Capoeira and be successful?
succesful at what?break dancing?
Capoeira is a very effective martial art, it is very VERY deceptive, which is proven by the fact that some people think that it is not. I have fought a Capoeira player,and there are many moves that you do not see on TV or in demonstrations.The power of Capoiera is in its DECEPTION on all levels.Check the Internet for a Mestre in your area, and you will need good stamina and flexability.YOU CAN DO IT! Good luck!
First of all be sure of what you wanna do. If you wanna practice Capoeira for the fun and the whole culture of it than you should do it, if however you wish to be a good fighter, Capoeira is not recommended. But it seems your not getting into it to fight, so its all good. I guess to be good at Capoeira you need to strech alot and have your normal size ( not overweight) since it demends alot of leg work and dont wanna be fat and have to do a flip..heh.
Strengthen your legs A LOT! And do exercises to strengthen your abs as well.

Here is a site I found describing a lot of the techniques....only some of which you should try by yourself.鈥?/a>

Capoiera is a martial art, just because all you see is them doing the jinga and rodo(sp??), doesn't mean you have to sit there during a fight and do it.

A couple things to remember....first you gotta find a school, second, you have to be able to do handstands and have a good sense of balance....and lastly, remember to keep yourself loose. If you tighten your muscles up and try doing have their techniques, you might hurt yourself.

Capoiera has NO ACTIVE BLOCKS, meaning its pretty much all evades. Well, as far as I know anyway.

Just try to have strength and flexibility. And don't try to use this in an actual fight, I think only Master level capoieraists could use this in the street well enough to defend themselves.
Yes you can learn capoeira. You don't need tips, just an open mind and good attitude.
It's not a martial art i'm sorry. It's a dancing art with kicks in it. If you try and fight anyone with that style who's not stupid you'll get owned. If you just want to do it for fun and exorcise then go for it, it'd be very fun to learn for a teenage girl and yes, you could very much have success with it.
No, Just give up and die
Yes you can, as long as you're willing to work hard and have sufficient patience. Good luck!

A Brazilian Martial Art, Capoeira was born in the ';senzalas';, the places where the slaves were kept. It consists of a stylized dance, practiced in a circle called the ';roda';, with sound background provided by percussion instruments, like the ';agogo';, the ';atabaqui';, etc. It incorporates ';maculele';, done with blades, and ';maracatu';, done with sticks. Highly acrobatic, energetic and difficult to master.

Many people see it as a martial art -- others as a dance, and there those who believe that it is their religion and cultural identity.

The description of Capoeira varies according to people's personalities. It is a native Brazilian Indian word given to a small partridge whose male is very jealous and engages in fierce fights with its rivals. Capoeira blends elements of dance, music, rituals, acrobatics, and fighting.

Anyone can find some form of identity in Capoeira. Let's take for instance somebody who lives in a big city like New York. He will probably see Capoeira as a martial art or as a form of self-defense. Because of the intensity of the city, and the challenges that he faces everyday, it makes him a natural ';warrior'; and he brings this instinct in to Capoeira's circle.

Brazilians call Capoeira a game. Capoeira is ';played';, not fought.
Yes. However, it is very physcially demanding.

Actually, since girls tend to be more flexible and you're still young, I think you'll be fine. The real trouble is finding a capoeria school... they aren't very common in the U.S.

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